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18 dead and 13 injured in Maine mass shooting, suspect found dead by suicide from gun


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Shooter identified, looks like one of the places he shot up was a bowling ally.


People fleeing


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I live just over 30 minutes from this, that’s terrifying to hear. It looks like a bowling alley, restaurant, and Walmart distribution center were all targeted, updates are still coming in. 

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Holy ****... CNN is reporting that their sources are saying 16+ dead and 50-60 injured. :frown:

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According to sources, 22 are now reported dead between all locations.  The suspect may now be in custody (?)

Edited by BeenTheShit
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Absolutely horrifying and disgusting. We need tighter gun restriction laws.

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3 minutes ago, réveuse said:

Absolutely horrifying and disgusting. We need tighter gun restriction laws.



and free mental health


and less fragile male egos 

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And nothing will be done. I'm so tired

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I don't even know what to say at this point besides that I not only feel deep sadness and hopelessness as an American in regards to gun violence currently, but I actually feel deeply ashamed that our circus show we call our current American government has completely let mass shootings become normalized to us. Americans should be outraged and fully admitting to themselves that our government has totally failed all of us on this issue at this point. I should not be this numb and used to this news popping up anymore. 


I feel so horrible for all of these victims and their families and friends.  It is just so senseless and absolutely evil.  This is NOT okay.

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4 minutes ago, Espresso said:


It's just depressing and I feel like I'm writing the same post for the 100th time. Nothing will change because our politicians are in bed with the NRA. 

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Wait so this person went to 3 different places and had not gotten caught? 

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5 minutes ago, Jaded. said:

I don't even know what to say at this point besides that I not only feel deep sadness and hopelessness as an American in regards to gun violence currently, but I actually feel deeply ashamed that our circus show we call our current American government has completely let mass shootings become normalized to us. Americans should be outraged and fully admitting to themselves that our government has totally failed all of us on this issue at this point. I should not be this numb and used to this news popping up. I consider the failure to address gun violence properly for such a long time one of the biggest failures in American history.


I feel so horrible for all of these victims and their families and friends.  Just senseless and absolutely evil. 

Republicans love their guns more than they love their children. It's sick. 

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1 minute ago, Insanity said:

Wait so this person went to 3 different places and had not gotten caught? 

Has still not been caught, yes

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I’d move to another country how can y’all live in constant fear. 

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2 minutes ago, Espresso said:

Seeing unconfirmed reports the suspect was ex-Army…

I saw that as well.  I believe his name is now confirmed as Robert Card.


Unfortunately, there is another Robert Card of in Maine who's a registered sex offender whose photo is also being circulated. :ace:

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The bowling alley and restaurant are located on the opposite side of town so it looks like he’s driving from place to place if he’s the only shooter. I’m not sure where else this could go but I hope he’s caught before anything else happens

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And there’s nothing we can do. As much as we talk about protocols for buying guns people will get their hands on one legal or illegal. We are past the point of laws doing anything. There are more guns than people in this country. It won’t ever stop you just have to hope you’re never caught in the cross fire. And that’s why I don’t like to attend large public gatherings or even go to the movies. I don’t feel safe. 

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