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Biden says that he doesn't have confidence in the Gaza death toll


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Genocide Joe clearly signaling he’s willing to turn a blind eye to the massacre, despite the “soft pressure” to minimize civilian casualties.

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The death toll is actually much more than the numbers reported because hundreds of people are missing and/or remain under the rubbles still. 


Genocide Joe, I really cannot wait for you to croak x

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And let's assume the death toll is 3000 instead of +6500 so far....HOW does that make it any better? Entire neighborhoods, families, and bloodlines have been entirely removed from the civil registry and wiped off the face of earth.


The fact that these people are being reduced to statistics and numbers is depressing itself 

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I’m also not taking the Hamas governments word on anything either. They literally bombed their own people and blamed someone else 💀

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19 minutes ago, GhostBox said:

I’m also not taking the Hamas governments word on anything either. They literally bombed their own people and blamed someone else 💀

[narrator voice] They, in fact, did not:



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In 2014; the reported number of dead Palestinians from Gaza was very close to the number of Israel, 2.3K from the Gaza reports and 2.1K from Israeli reports.



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22 minutes ago, Communion said:

[narrator voice] They, in fact, did not:



It doesn't matter what you tell him. Biden parroted Israeli propaganda with backup from his own intelligence services, so the Genocide Joe simps and the entire US media class are going to parrot it themselves. The media specifically have taken the government's admonishment of "accepting the word of terrorists at face value" to heart and are going to now behave like the well-oiled state media apparatchiks they say they aren't.

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This does make me sad because I was one of the people rooting for Biden and mentioning how his term had been pretty successful. But a comment like this really had no place being said.


I really hope the era of boomers (and older) in politics comes to an end soon. 

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  • ATRL Moderator

One of the most outrageous things he's said as president, wow. I'm disgusted

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1 minute ago, St. Charles said:

This does make me sad because I was one of the people rooting for Biden and mentioning how his term had been pretty successful. But a comment like this really had no place being said.


I really hope the era of boomers (and older) in politics comes to an end soon. 

This isn't specifically a boomer Democrat thing. Both sides of the aisle feel the exact same way about this conflict, and the vast majority support Israel's right to commit genocide defend itself and bomb Gaza into the Stone Age.

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This is probably the worst statement of his entire presidency. I will not blame y'all for not voting for him in '24, an understandable response. The framing around civillian death 'inevitability' is the most disgusting part for me

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This is the “lesser of two evils”…. 


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6 minutes ago, Harrier said:

This is probably the worst statement of his entire presidency. I will not blame y'all for not voting for him in '24, an understandable response. The framing around civillian death 'inevitability' is the most disgusting part for me

John Kirby had an even more ghoulish statement from the WH podium the other day.



"This is war. It is combat. It is bloody. It is ugly, and it's going to be messy. And innocent civilians are going to be hurt going forward," Kirby told reporters. "I wish I could tell you something different. I wish that that wasn't going to happen, but it is going to happen."

"That doesn't make it right. It doesn't make it dismissible. It doesn't mean that we aren't going to still express concerns about that and do everything we can to help the Israelis do everything they can to minimize it. But that is, unfortunately, the nature of conflict," he added.


He masks his indifference behind a veil of concern. As does Genocide Joe.

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5 hours ago, Sharamee6 said:

I told myself I wasn't going to boil my blood over the horrific ways Zionists and white supremacists are running the world. I know, for a fact, that we can keep screaming, begging, shouting, pleading for help, advocating for justice, but nothing will ever change, for as long as the world is run by a bunch of maniacs and psychos on a power trip. I know, you'll tell me that I have to speak up, that every word I say in support of the innocent, could potentially make a change for the better to their lives; but the more I speak, the more damage I see happening to them, the more I try to voice my opinion, the more I see my posts and the posts of others in support on social media either get shut down or removed, I'm talking about the intelligent ones, the legit ones actually speaking about the facts around the genocide and the war crimes (aka educating others). Even when I'm not cussing or resorting to personal attacks, somehow, my posts are "spam", even when it's just one post.


I am tired of this. I am sick and tired of this injustice, and I know that  being in denial won't help either, they are helpless and we are helpless too. We are here typing words, trying to spread the truth, which generations before us have tried to attempt as well, but nothing ever changed. They're still dying, losing their homes and loved ones, while we sit in front of cell phones, ipads and laptops (things they can't even buy or afford let alone wish for), typing a bunch of words, with priviliged and safe homes and in war-free countries; in hopes that it reaches to someone that has the authority to make a change but who are we ******* kidding? All the big and influential platforms are also owned, controlled and run by them. The UN is fake. Unicef is fake. All these organizations pretending to be so affected are fake, well most of them. All the "help" is barely reaching them, most of it is all barred and burnt by the Zionists, while the media tries to make the masses believe that all this aid is being safely transported to them. Even if a small portion is, it's NEVER enough, and will never be enough. I said I wasn't going to boil my blood, but here I am fuming and boiling, with helplessness, hoping for a miracle to come their way and end the misery that they have to go through and witness every single day in their lives. I won't be visiting this section for a while, or participate in such conversations, I just can't with politics. Call me weak, but **** it, I am weak and I can't help the ones in need. I am sorry. I know my blood will boil again and again and again, and for as long as I am alive, I will tell myself not to get stressed out because of this, but the human in me will have to speak out over and over and over again, even though I know nothing will probably ever change. 

This. It’s just… 


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32 minutes ago, Harrier said:

This is probably the worst statement of his entire presidency. I will not blame y'all for not voting for him in '24, an understandable response. The framing around civillian death 'inevitability' is the most disgusting part for me

This! He does not see Palestinians as human beings worth living! 

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Genocide Joe isn't fooling anyone.


He has expert military advisers who can look at flattened buildings in a city and calculate the likely loss of life. When he says he doesn't have confidence in the Gaza death toll, but doesn't offer an alternative estimate, we know those numbers are as bad, or almost as bad as the numbers coming out of Gaza.


He knows the numbers of Palestinian civilian deaths is huge, but doesn't want to talk about them.

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Genocide Joe supporters be like^

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The way he’s handing the presidency over to the republicans


MY GOD!!! Dems can’t get anything right. We’re so ******. 

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On 10/26/2023 at 12:34 PM, Communion said:

[narrator voice] They, in fact, did not:



Washington Post already explained the video evidence. Those videos are separate events, but there’s other video evidence that speaks to the rocket barrage still being the culprit. Relevant conclusion:

“The Post triangulated the location of the likely intercept explosion to a point about a mile inside the Israeli border and about 3½ miles east of the hospital.

The seven seconds between the midair explosion and the hospital explosion miles away was not enough time for debris from the intercept to have impacted the hospital, Schiller said. Any object at the site of the midair explosion would have had to travel at more than 500 meters per second, a supersonic speed, which “is quite impossible,” he said. Schiller said the culprit was more likely an unrelated rocket that was malfunctioning and “hit the hospital grounds just a few seconds after that intercept event.”

NYT is trying to save face after they misreported it.


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They use the data internally, but are calling it unreliable publicly.


Genocide Joe knows exactly what he’s doing.

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he just handed the next election over to Trump... croak you senile turd omg

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