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When did you know a relationship was over without obvious signs?


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Have you ever just knew you & a certain individual were done without needing any further blatant signs? 


i haven't been in a serious relationship yet, but there was a co-worker who I considered a friend. We were friends for years (or so I thought). I just knew the last time we had a semblance of anything was the last phone convo we had where he was "going to call me right back" after a 2 minute convo of us struggling to navigate the vibes.

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You rarely start talking or seeing each other and you just start to see when person is not interesting in you anymore (like friend/partner)

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Well that one day when I sucked him off and just rather wanted to do the dishes instead of licking off his jizz 

Edited by ontherocks
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6 minutes ago, ontherocks said:

Well that one day when I sucked him off and just rather wanted to do the dishes instead of licking off his jizz 


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11 minutes ago, ontherocks said:

Well that one day when I sucked him off and just rather wanted to do the dishes instead of licking off his jizz 


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in my experience, no matter how "busy" a guy says he is...


if he's not texting you...


if he's not making plans with you...


if he's not trying to **** you...


he's just not that into you. period. it's that simple.


if he's too busy but wants to keep it going, he'll tell you.

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My last ex wasn’t as present/affectionate the last couple of times we saw each other. Granted, he had a lot going on in his life but I could tell mentally and emotionally he was starting to check out of the relationship. Though, I ignored it at the time and didn’t fully realize it until after he broke up with me. His excuses for breaking up with me were absolutely ridiculous with me doing something over four months ago that bothered him and the fact that I’m apparently “racist” because sometimes I like to call scammers.


My first ex ended up (virtually) cheating on me with a girl half his age. He was going to turn 30 and was telling a 16 year old girl to call him “daddy”, that he loved her, invited her over to his place to just “hang out” but admitted to me he did want sex, wanted to jerk off on FaceTime for her, etc.. Needless to say, once I found out, I knew I had to end the relationship with such a disgusting a*s pedophile.


Want to know the real kicker on how I found out he was cheating? Me and the girl were semi-friends because I was helping her with homework and mental health issues, and when I told her I was going to see my boyfriend the next day and his name, she said he knew him and everything blew up from there.  I broke up with him the very next day after he insisted buying me dinner to make up for being “a sh**ty boyfriend” (he was too overwhelmed at work and we hadn’t seen each other for like 3 weeks).


It was at the Mall of America and he had tears in his eyes claiming he was just trying to be good friends with her because she needed one. He had lied to her saying he was only 19 and used her opening up about being sexually assaulted and twisted it into an excuse for a “college-aged friend” of his as a reason to not see me because he was emotionally overwhelmed. It was all of a bunch of bulls**t and I hope he got what he deserved. We (me and the girl) didn’t press charges because it would have interfered with an existing police investigation and court case she has going on.


At least because of it, me and her are very close and I’m like an older brother/best friend to her. And now I am in the only completely healthy and happy relationship I have ever been in with the love of my life.

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When he'd still came to see me stayed over etc but he'd play games on my ps4 and I would go to sleep or listen to music. We were just 2 best friends and I'd only seek s*x when I was super h***y which was only around my period. And it was just a quick  transaction. It was very monotone. The spark was lost. It was sad but I didn't even cry, only once but like out of nostalgia. My heart wasn't even broken. 

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They go radio silence on your ass or they don't do the simple things like cuddle and kiss you anymore 






Then again most of my break ups happen when we are doing good they be all over me saying I love you then next day end it :skull: that legit screwed me up more and is why im never dating again bc i got trust issues :ahh:



so there really is no way ever knowing 

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4 hours ago, BrentB said:

Have you ever just knew you & a certain individual were done without needing any further blatant signs


2 hours ago, skwonderfactory said:



Edited by dumbsparce
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When they constantly make negative remarks about your appearance, your career, your hobbies, the way you talk, who your friends and family are, the type of music you listen to or movies you watch, the type of men you're attracted to, how you cook, etc. Wasted 10 years of life with a mentally abusive ass hole 

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Idk at some level you both feel that but no one is ever ready to abruptly break things off so you just drift fuhrer away from each other until at some point the distance between you becomes too noticeable and you break up for good

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