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This is one of the best depression ads I've ever seen


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This is a really well done advert!


It reminds me of this video:



You wouldn’t watch this and think he was 36 hours away from committing suicide. :chick3:

For those who aren’t familiar, that’s Chester Bennington in the middle, who was the lead singer of Linkin Park. 

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Yeah I saw this on LinkedIn last week, I'm glad there is more awareness around mental health issues and how they might manifest differently

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Yeah, very shocking and sad.

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It is very sad but true. I had a classmate in high school who seemed like the happiest guy ever. He was a popular guy on the baseball team and always seemed cheerful. He always cracked jokes in class and was friendly with everyone. We then found out one day that he took his own life. It comes to show that you never know who's struggling.

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