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Which of the following is most likely to be a future legend?


Which of the following is most likely to be a future legend?  

93 members have voted

  1. 1. Most likely to be a future legend?

  2. 2. Least likely to be a future legend?

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Billie for sure. The jury is still out on Olivia…


I could see Dua either adopting a Kylie Minogue style career trajectory or I think she’ll start to slow down by album 4/5…


I don’t see Doja having much steam left in the tank going off how poorly Scarlet has performed.

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Well, Dua is shaping up to be the Katy Perry/Rihanna of her generation in that her strongest field is HITS and support from radio. She could be one if she continues down that route and delivers hit after hit after hit. Obviously this way she'd be more in line with Rihanna for legend status as Katy is not.


Billie most likely if she continues to have this support and acclaim. Her image is shaped in such a way that you'd expect a hugely acclaimed alternative record from her but she could also go a bit more pop and slay even more perhaps. Her talent is what's also potentially legendary. 


Olivia has the sales and the popularity but she's going to have to change it up a bit if she wants to keep it fresh. She has the looks and persona to keep her popularity going. 


Doja is tricky in that she's very talented but her album sales aren't that strong. 

Edited by JaXXXon
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Due and Billie definitely look like they can based on the trajectory so far. Too early to say about Olivia. 

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I think Billie is the most likely to achieve "legend" status if she continues to deliver quality music regardless of how commercially successful it is. Dua will benefit from having the best/most pleasant studio voice of the bunch. I can see her achieving "legend" status as well if she dominates pop music for the next ten years.


I think people will eventually get tired of Olivia and Doja so they're the least likely. 


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