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Update: Biden's Palestine failure - lowest approval of term, record-low #s w/ Dems


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This is the lowest he has been underwater in Quinnipiac's polling. In comparison, he's now polling worse than the low he hit in June 2022:


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The election is a year out. Once Trump is the nominee and people hear him talk/see him in the public eye more, things will turn around.

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Quite honestly, I had actually been pleasantly surprised by the Biden administration and the work they have accomplished.  I was actually planning on voting for Biden despite not voting for him in 2020.  But supporting genocide is just a line I cannot cross.  

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Biden is far from perfect but is Trump better alternative? Sorry guy's it's either Biden or Trump in 2024, so you better choose less evil one

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1 minute ago, HEAVYONIT said:

Once Trump is the nominee 

Trump is already beating Biden with young people in polls focusing on swing states, especially due to young people abstaining from voting for either.





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Biden has been a mess for this country since day 1. He’s old and still thinking of running? People his age fall and go to the hospital because they are that fragile. He does not deserve a second term. Get someone younger plz 

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15 minutes ago, Communion said:

Trump is already beating Biden with young people in polls focusing on swing states, especially due to young people abstaining from voting for either.





As I said, the election is 1 year out. Don’t look too far into these numbers right now. 

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He fell off. I can't believe we, as a country, voted for this snail.

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We'll be forced to eat another **** sandwich regardless of which geriatric candidate wins. America is just so hopeless.

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Even a year out, this is despair inducing. The small amount of goodwill the Dems built with young voters just instantly got tossed out the window because we stuck our head into a situation we didn't belong in. I truly don't know if this can recover in a year's time.

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Wait how is Trump even allowed to run? :deadbanana2:

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1 hour ago, LadyDiana said:

Biden is far from perfect but is Trump better alternative? Sorry guy's it's either Biden or Trump in 2024, so you better choose less evil one

This is the ONLY reason I'm reluctantly voting again for Biden in 2024, nonetheless though imo Biden is a terrible president and people should feel free to speak freely if they agree. Elections should not be based on voting for the lesser of two evils and terrible candidates over and over again but here we are in America. 

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If Biden loses it will truly be democrats fault. All because they refused to support anyone else. Biden is truly screwing people over with the economy.  It’s so bad right now. 

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It's what he deserves for serving Republican-lite on most issues other than a select few such as with labor and antitrust viz a viz the FTC.

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It would be good if both Biden and Trump and I'm guessing Des Santis had some medical illment that stopped them from running.

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I live in the UK, so don’t have a horse in the race in regards next year’s election, but would prefer any dem candidate winning over the republicans. 

That being said… I will have ZERO sympathy for the dems if they lose. 


They’ve chosen to back a candidate who can hardly string a coherent sentence together and is clearly exhibiting signs of mental deterioration :confused:



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He still has time. Maybe if he breaks up another strike he can get the votes he needs. :gaycat3:

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Didn’t Trump actually calm Netenyahu down back in his presidency, stating that he is the reason there isn’t peace between Israel and Palestine 


Whilst Biden is borrowing not just millions, but BILLIONS to fund his tantrum genocide 


Idk US girlies


You’re on your own with this one unless a better candidate magically pops up 

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He is terrible. My conscience won’t let me vote for him or Trump

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6 hours ago, Communion said:

Trump is already beating Biden with young people in polls focusing on swing states, especially due to young people abstaining from voting for either.





That poll seems inaccurate just looking at the Black vote, but there's no doubt he's creating tension with the war & genocide funding.


Who wants to vote for that?:rip:

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6 hours ago, Communion said:

Trump is already beating Biden with young people in polls focusing on swing states, especially due to young people abstaining from voting for either.





Yeah the Swing States are most def flipping in 2024. Its sad let's prepare for 4 yrs of MAGA 

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Almost all of my friends who were drinking the “Settle for Biden” kool aid in 2020 have all switched on him, and are planning to vote for the other party regardless of the nominee. Maybe hope isn’t lost on our generation


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