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Italian PM leaves her partner after leaked videos of him flirting with other women


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39 minutes ago, igninton said:

I don't know what your country is but the difference here is that a great deal of Italians and Italian society do believe and live by those traditional rulings that are very much still linked to religion. Unlike other countries where conservatism is merely from an economical perspective and perhaps an anti-globalist point of view. That is why same-sex marriage is still a taboo topic and also the role of women in society.


So for this woman representing those very same values to **** all over them and still managing to get an overwhelming majority in Parliament and have one of the highest approval rates in Europe is so mesmerising to me tbh.

yeah my home country is the same. very Catholic yet people will vote for politicians whose lifestyles contradict what they're saying just to stick it to the gays/immigrants/whatever minority they've decided is the problem that day.


but i think it's the same everywhere. Trump's lifestyle hardly represents the average American conservative and yet...

Edited by John Slayne
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we love a strong independent woman miss honeydew melon !

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4 hours ago, igninton said:

I don't know what your country is but the difference here is that a great deal of Italians and Italian society do believe and live by those traditional rulings that are very much still linked to religion. Unlike other countries where conservatism is merely from an economical perspective and perhaps an anti-globalist point of view. That is why same-sex marriage is still a taboo topic and also the role of women in society.


So for this woman representing those very same values to **** all over them and still managing to get an overwhelming majority in Parliament and have one of the highest approval rates in Europe is so mesmerising to me tbh.

mhhhh... this is not true. Italians voted in favour of divorce and abortion with a popular referendum back in the 70s. Official position of Church was against both the things.


Homosexuality is legal since 1890, in the Uk from the 60s of the 1900. 


so this image of italians so traditional and religious like a dolce and gabbana spot it's not the reality.


Some people are against gays cause they are, then religion became just a pretext. 


the fact " in other countries conservatism is merely from an economical perspective"... i mean what? In every country conservatorism is also about every spectrum of social issues not only economics.


In the Us there is a religious exstremism in Italy just doesn't exist. Italians leave religion as a very personal thing and it's very kinda of folkloristic in its expression, but the religious exstremism is very rare. 


Also same sex couples are legal. How same sex marriage is almost a taboo?. 

You're from the Uk, how are Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak better than Giorgia Meloni?. They have kinda of same ideas. Your people voted for Brexit, what is more nationalist than this?. 

Edited by vale9001
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