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Survivor: ATRL Edition (Season 14) | WINNER REVEALED + OTHER REVEALS


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This season, Discord was a big success for the fifth time! Our viewers loved (but mostly hated) watching you all, forming a lot of opinions about you as players and characters in the game! From exciting character moments to strategy to personal growth start to finish, your confessionals really sort of helped enlighten us on the journey since October. Now that the season is over, all viewers were given a chance to rank the cast from 1 to 24. It is now time to reveal the averages of all contestants this season in our annual popularity poll! Who is this season's fan fave  least disliked??

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  • ATRL Moderator




Average Ranking: 22.12
High: 17 / Low: 24


rl231: You got annoyed by us asking questions and left, so bye!


Element: I hope you don't feel harassed by bottoming in this poll.


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Queen (banned)


Average Ranking: 21.82
High: 8 / Low: 24


rl231: Well, you got banned from ATRL, so.......................


Element: Ma'am I still don't really understand why you didn't just tell us that you didn't support the move to Discord and wanted to leave?? You could have saved us some logistical trouble. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed Pink Friday 2 (I didn't).

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  • ATRL Moderator




Average Ranking: 20.88
High: 14 / Low: 24


rl231: You seemed nice! It's wild that you were a fan of Survivor and didn't know how to do the game stuff. If you were to ever try again, I hope things would be different.


Element: You seemed like a sweet person from the few days you were here! Sorry that you were voted out so early!

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Trash being taken out so far.

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@Dr. Alexander


Average Ranking: 18.06

High: 6 / Low: 23


rl231: I really was entertained by you in the beginning, but I personally did not like the way you talked down to me after I made a genuine mistake and wielded that over me. It was probably one of the rudest interactions I've had with someone during my entirety of hosting this game and uncalled for. I'm still not sure why you ghosted us, but whatever, I guess...


Element: UGH definitely a huge disappointment for me. You came in with such an exhilarating fire and I was soooo ready for that attitude to make you THE villain of the season. I'm really not sure what happened in your final few days to make you vanish. I felt like we missed out on potentially a very devious and fun player though!

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@Kayseri Mantisi

Average Ranking: 17.82

High: 13 / Low: 23


rl231: You definitely had more to give, but you did not play off your mistake that well at all. I think your biggest fumble was not trying to make alliances with others to try and save yourself. That was a true missed opportunity, and I feel like there's room to grow (because there's more to this game than challenges), but after 2 tries with this game...idk.


Element: Honestly, your elimination might have been one of my favorites of the season because it was so ridiculous. You were really looking camp right in the eye. Submitting that Lorde song "accidentally", trying to change it, bombing and then lamenting for days about it, fighting with Dr. Alexander... a bit of an iconic mess. The rest of the season was kind of boring in comparison.

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Average Ranking: 17.76

High: 14 / Low: 22


rl231: Yeah, I don't really understand what happened there and why you didn't bother communicate after, but I digress.


Element: I chose you for my draft bc you were giving me such a fun energy in your application! Promising to be a messy ***** and familiar with the TV show? I was ready for you to slay... I was ready to attend the buffet... however, I must have been late because only crumbs remained when I got there.

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@Big Bad Wolf

Average Ranking: 17.06

High: 4 / Low: 23


rl231: ROBBED! Tbf, you did deserve the elimination for a panned entry, but you could've done damage!!


Element: There could be a lot of analysis done about where this season went wrong. I think your elimination in round 1 was definitely an understated factor. You brought a ton of charisma and drama to Big Brother, and we needed your presence this season tbh! If round 1 was any indication, you were ready to make waves. Hopefully we will continue to see you around in the Games section.

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@Devon Robot


Average Ranking: 16.82

High: 3 / Low: 23


rl231: Honestly, you deserved every single lashing you got after you got eliminated. Do I think you're a bad person or anything? Nah. But what did bug me was how your coping mechanism was to say "I didn't really care" and inherently take away the opportunity of someone that did care. You could've taken fiercE out but openly refused and turned it around on Lemon. It was bird-brained and dumb to do that for someone that wrote your name with SUCH swiftness. In any regard, I will concede that Lemon could've just said "I vote Attic," but I digress, it shouldn't have been a thing. That being said, I thought you were awesome with two things: 1) you were active in pre-jury AND the game and 2) you brought Kyuti and Titsanny into the game!


Element: Devon, Devon, Devon... why. Why could you have not just let fiercE die in round 6? Your obstinance led not only to your own elimination two days later, but was essentially the death blow to the entire season. That round, it was absolutely critical to send home a Houdini member. Instead, they reached a critical mass and took over. You could have sent home two Houdinis and made the merge with Kyuti, Titsanny, and plenty of non-Houdini allies. You could have made the end with all of that in place! It was just so frustrating to watch... your impact on this season will be talked about for quite awhile. Anyways, thank you for bringing a lot of effort and discussion to pre-jury (unlike almost everyone else), and thank you for bringing along the merge stars that were Kyuti and Titsanny! I hope that you are enjoying the Liar Game finale, where I am rooting for you to WIN! (and for gardendreams to LOSE!)

Edited by rl231
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  • ATRL Moderator



Average Ranking: 16.06

High: 11 / Low: 23


rl231: You had massive potential, and I could've seen you making a run for it. Unfortunately, you got caught out pretty early, which blows. I do think though that the season may have been the same if you stayed in since your initial alliance did go towards the end, but we'll never know! Maybe next season though...


Element: You are definitely someone who showed potential despite being blindsided so early on! I would love to see you play again and see what you could serve in a full season. Sorry that your journey was cut so short!

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@Hey Dude

Average Ranking: 14.24

High: 4 / Low: 21


rl231: I think you're incredibly kind, but Survivor is just not your game at all unfortunately. And that's okay, life isn't about Survivor!


Element: You have played Survivor a few times now, to varying degrees of success. You always march to your own drum, and I think that's pretty cool. Thanks for being active after your elimination! IDK why you left the Discord server since, but hopefully you enjoyed watching the rest on ATRL.

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  • ATRL Moderator



Average Ranking: 12.88

High: 4 / Low: 24


rl231: So your ranking is very fitting. You're an incredibly polarizing figure, which you know. Game-wise, I think that you did well because of the way the game was set up. However, as Element stated, I don't think you were really running things and were merely more of the figurehead of the group, especially becaue you were so pro-Houdini. I think what would've helped your game is if you actively tried to take charge with other people and form new alliances. I think something that didn't help your cause, especially when you became a jury member, was you not really taking accountability for your actions while somehow making everything about yourself. It can come off very grating, even if it's unintentional (which I presume it is). However, we're all works in progress, so when you hit 30 (and older), you're going to get even stronger and better at stuff. I'm happy you got to participate in the game again, and even though you got 9th this time, I think you played a better and stronger game this time than your last season.


Element: At the start of this season, I was really impressed with the maturity and teamwork that you demonstrated. It definitely seemed like modern-day MLD was a bit more cool, calm, and collected. As the weeks went by, your trademark persona returned and you transformed into this larger than life figure within the game that people perceived to be running the show. I never fully bought into that from a strategic perspective - fiercE and Armani were really the ones in charge behind the scenes, but you were seen as the figurehead. You dodged a blindside a few times in the late pre-jury/early merge phases, but your luck finally ran out at the final 9. Your elimination was probably the most "exciting" of the season, because it finally represented a strategic change from the status quo. I was not particularly thrilled with your approach to being a member of the jury, and I think a lot of the viewers felt the same way, hence your lower ranking in this poll. I've certainly never had to mediate such tension between viewers and a juror before, but I get to experience new things every season.

Anyways - happy early birthday! I hope that your 30s bring you joy and wisdom upon your "daddy" transformation journey.

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  • ATRL Moderator



Average Ranking: 11.88

High: 1 / Low: 19


rl231: Marnie, you're very kind. So kind. That being said (and I think you know this), Survivor is just not your game, mainly because you're not cutthroat or that strategic. There were times that you'd flip your vote in the tiebreakers, where it made no sense to, but you did because you wanted to, which is nice.


Element: I agree with rl - that Survivor is definitely a bit too cutthroat and dramatic for someone who definitely seems to enjoy building up friendship with everyone. You were a sweet and positive under-the-radar energy this season. I would have loved to see if you could drive any strategic decisions, but I don't know if that's your vibe. I didn't realize that you never had made it so deep into an ATRL game before, after so many years!! So I am very very happy that ATRL Survivor is now your highest placement. Making the top 5 is a big accomplishment and you should be proud of yourself! Now, top 5 in Let's Spoon??

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  • ATRL Moderator



Average Ranking: 11.76

High: 7 / Low: 20


rl231: Generally, I think you have some potential in the game. However, I don't think you made the social connections to make yourself last in the end, which is how you ended up in 6th. Who knows if things would be different if you went harder strategically? I know you have a mind for it, as I've seen you talk about in jury. But I think you just need to be a tad more active to succeed.


Element: I'm very sorry that this game collided with real life difficulties. I hope that you are doing better! After your performance in BB and your commentary in the jury, I know that you have drive and determination to succeed. I wish we got a chance to see more of you in full force, and tbh I wonder how you would have done in an underdog/minority position. Being a more silent member of Houdini made it seem like you were riding coattails to us in the viewers lounge, and I think your contrasting energy in the jury channel was not necessarily earned.

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@Golden Hour

Average Ranking: 11.65

High: 6 / Low: 17


rl231: Honestly...I was frustrated with you lol. You would say nonsensical things or play the game foolishly, and I wanted to be like "WAKE UP!!!!!!" There was so much that could've been done, but I will say that you do know that. Your complacency and occasional birdbrainedness was annoying, but I think you're a pretty nice person. I did learn what "Anna ou" meant from you, so that's fun too.


Element: You definitely eclipsed your first season - jumping from 13th to 8th place and getting some high challenge scores! Congrats on that!! It's always good for us to see a player back for a second time. We can really learn who they are and what they can accomplish within the game strategically, socially, etc. Get the full story, you know? And now we know the full story of Golden Hour.

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29 minutes ago, Element said:


@Big Bad Wolf

Average Ranking: 17.06

High: 4 / Low: 23


rl231: ROBBED! Tbf, you did deserve the elimination for a panned entry, but you could've done damage!!


Element: There could be a lot of analysis done about where this season went wrong. I think your elimination in round 1 was definitely an understated factor. You brought a ton of charisma and drama to Big Brother, and we needed your presence this season tbh! If round 1 was any indication, you were ready to make waves. Hopefully we will continue to see you around in the Games section.



Once Big Bad Ratings left, was it really a show? :celestial5:

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any predictions?? i want a new page

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