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Survivor: ATRL Edition (Season 14) | WINNER REVEALED + OTHER REVEALS


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@Alldeezy @Armani? @Aurora @EnterTheAttic @fiercE


Welcome castaways to the top 5 results show! We will now reveal the judges’ scores and comments for each of their playlists.


After I reveal the scores, I will post the final results which will include how you ranked against all castaways, and finally the overall rankings after this round. 


With that said, here it is…

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@Auburn's Playlist

Theme: The 90s Are Underrated

"Please send me 4 songs that were released in the 1990s in the following genres: 1) Pop, 2) R&B, 3) Rock, and 4) One other genre of your choice that isn't one of the previous three. To align with my theme, these songs should be choices that might be considered underrated. Try to think outside the box so I'm not listening to the same artists on every playlist. Predictable selections will not be fully rewarded."





"I thoroughly enjoyed this playlist, well done! I feel like it fits all my criteria as well. "






"Oh yes this is exactly the type of playlist I was looking for! Some great selections that weren’t super obvious but I still thoroughly enjoyed it."







"While I absolutely adore the songs you’ve picked here (the first 3 at least), I wouldn’t consider them to be underrated and definitely predictable in a playlist curated for me. I wish I could give you full points cuz you really ate that but I can’t. Moloko song was a good choice though."






"I feel like this playlist also fits exactly what I asked for! Unfortunately I didn’t stan all the songs as hard on yours. But thank you for reminding me that I need to listen to Portishead more."








"I think this was a decent entry but not an amazing one for me. I wouldn’t consider Breakdown to be an underrated song nor Mariah an underrated artist in a playlist made for me. Other than that, I think you did a good job!"




Auburn's Rankings


1. Armani

2. Alldeezy

3. EnterTheAttic

4. fiercE

5. Aurora


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  @Gateau's Playlist

Theme: Find Me More Music

"You are to create a playlist for me that i will enjoy listening to, and hopefully introduce me to more gems. Problem is, im really picky. I dont like rap, rnb, k-pop, alt pop (charli, mitski, melanie martinez, phoebe bridgers et al are a NO), songs about or can be interpreted to be about love, songs sung in bananas and avocado voice, or songs sung by men. That being said, im open to listening to any genre other than the ones i listed, songs in any language you wish, and i loooooove to be surprised. My taste is quite eclectic so dont worry if a song is too out there."





"Out of everyone, I think you got the prompt the best in terms of what I was looking fo. I  just wanted you all to look into your library of songs and find tracks that you liked and showed them to me. That's all. Not to reinvent the wheel. You really took me into the world of an Australian music festival that I would have never been able to experience outside of you presenting them here. Too Much Fun is the song I intend to play the most out of every entry here when its all said and done, so thanks for the suggestions. My only real problem with your playlist is the fact I specifically didn't want love songs and That Day is absolutely a love song saurrrr like, it definitely took a chunk out of the ranking you could have gotten otherwise."







"Tbh when I wrote this I was pretty sure you were gonna be in the bottom of the barrel because your admiration for RnB love songs clashed directly with my own music taste, but this surprised me! I don't know what it is with you and your obsession with veggie tales (I had received word several challenges ago you wanted a veggie to be a vocalist in the groups challenge?) What on EARTH is going on in that head of yours. Sadly for me, the song was a bop.  Tracy Chapman remains useless outside of Fast Car, but What Lies Ahead was decent and Circle With Me was kinda passable. OVerall I think this was a funny little collection of tracks and I appreciate it."







"One thing I like about this challenge is that it brings out how you approach things on a mental level, and in your case its obvious you're an organizer. Everyone else went in zigzags just picking various songs they liked while you took it upon yourself to curate a cohesive playlist. Both approaches are equally valid, I just thought that was a cute note. The problem is that while listening through, I had the pervasive thought that I could have done this entire playlist so much better. I am a massive, avid listener of Ayesha Erotica and while she was on her break I spent a ton of this year and the last listening to y2k and bitchpop so I kinda know whats on the up and up. Chrissy is not up. And whats cray is that I generally actually really like Elio and have spent many a times queening out with Element about her but that song is probably one of the most monotonous pieces of drivel I've ever heard. I can't tell if you picked that out of a hat or what but it was just not good. And then for Abracadabra I kinda specifically said no rap and somehow... there was rap! Like A Girl Does is definitely about love so I wasn't too happy about it and also it just like had that tinge of irony that has spread like a plague throughout the music industry. You really could have been better off taking a selection of fluffy pink-sounding songs that were actually from that era whose lyrics are about nothing in particular and the playlist would have beenbetter off for it. Its really interesting actually, its like you were so close to making an excellent selection but each step of the way you accidentally chose the rotten apple out of the bushel. That being said, the playlist was fairly pleasant to listen to and I wrote Peach PRC off a long time ago but I might give her a second shot these days. Going into this, I was soooo sure you were gonna be my #1 pick based on the stuff you picked in the groups challenge (and my glowing review of that) so I'm not certain exactly why you chose the route you did here, but I’m happy for the effort."







"The thought you put into this was good and is appreciated, but it almost feels like you read my message and said "This guy is clearly stuck up... time to bust out the indie" and it didn't really have to be that! I feel like a lot of better music was sacrificed in hopes that I would be into it. The anohni song was like if Moby decided to create an abomination. dan sonra was a cute bop. Turkish is my favorite language in terms of sound. It just sounds so ELITE, works perfect in music and I've never heard it sung in that genre before. Strange birds was forgettable, and run for cover was decent."







"We're all here because we love music right? That's what keeps this mismash of tastes and personalities sewn up into the atrl fold, and this game celebrates that by putting music as a central theme through most every challenge. In the words of a wise man, "The weak will Flutter, and the True Music Stans Will Prevail." That's what made me write my parameters for my playlist, I just wanted a cute portion where people with a wide berth of musical knowledge would have the edge.  When I saw your playlist highly featured Eurovision entries, it made me think for a second about how people access and learn about music, so I guess in your regard your approach is centered around what is most discussed on atrl in conjunction with what you hear on Eurovision? That's not a knock against you, just an observation! I actually enjoyed some of the songs although I wasn't in LOVE with them.  They, for the most part were pretty forgettable. But pleasant. None were Bad. I was surprised you were having such trouble with my prompt because it was really just about taking your favorite songs or something you wish that someone else could hear but probably didn't, and then cutting out all the stuff I said I wouldn't be into."




Gateau's Rankings


1. Armani

2. Alldeezy

3. fiercE

4. Aurora

5. EnterTheAttic


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   @luckystrike's Playlist

Theme: Pop All Around The World

"I want you to introduce me to pop music that I have never heard before by artists from 4 different countries. I want you to find rather unknown and obscure songs but all within the Pop genre because that is what I enjoy the most. Basic choices like Dua Lipa = Albania or Kylie Minogue = Australia are NOT encouraged, give me some hidden pop gems from African artists, search in the deep crevasses of Latin America or Asia, even the more obscure European countries should have a lot to offer! Also consider I’d prefer the songs to be sung by women only, but if you have a good male find that you REALLY think I’d enjoy, you can take the risk."





Your playlist was quite fun! There’s definitely stuff on here that I would save for later rotation. I had heard the Lolo song before but I didn’t remember it because it wasn’t a standout from that album to me but on re-listen it’s pretty good, then the Kerli song was a little dated but definitely up my alley as to what I was looking for. Been Thinking was quite nice too, I had only heard Water by her which is very good, so this was also a nice find, and then the Russian song was also surprisingly a basic bop that made me bop my head a little, so overall it’s safe to say that your playlist had pretty much no skips for me, good job!







Honestly this was overall a huge miss for me. I don’t mind older songs but I was really confused by most of your choices because I don’t really think they fit my description at all, especially Bam Bam. I know El Hombre Que Yo Amo because it’s an extremely popular song in Latin America and I am Mexican so I have heard it a lot throughout my life, so I was honestly also pretty weirded out by that choice, even though it’s a good song. Tonight was probably the… less weird… choice, but still, it’s not something I would listen to. I will assume you did no research on our individual tastes, or at least mine, because this was honestly not for me, I’m sorry.







First of all, I noticed that you were the only one who sent 4 songs from 4 different continents, which is a nice little detail. Overall, all of these songs are very up my alley and they definitely are something I’d listen to on my own, Hotter Now is a fun track, I heard it once before but I barely remembered it, Iconico.mp3 is amazing, definitely my favorite song sent amongst all 5 playlists, then the INNA inclusion knocked you down a little because she’s honestly kinda bottom-of-the-barrel pop, I can’t get over the fact that her album covers always look like fitness advertisements, but the song was listenable enough, and then Best You Ever Had was a very cute fun little bop to wrap it up, you did a great job for me!







I think you did a great job on finding songs that showcased the culture of their countries, but I honestly didn’t enjoy most of them because they fall further away from the pure pop element that I was looking for. My favorite was probably TUCUTUM, it definitely made me move my hips a little, but I found some production choices in Barrio quite jarring, and the last two kind of went in one ear and out the other.








Your playlist was pretty solid, they’re pop songs but honestly they’re all a bit dated. Play was kind of the most interesting one because I could definitely hear the African influences which was nice, All The Feels and Treading Water were just random pop songs on auto-pilot, nothing really special about them but nothing bad either, and Siren Song was a bit more fun than the previous two, but still on the very basic side, they’re all kinda giving me failed Eurovision entries, which is not as horrible as it sounds, but obviously not very special either.




luckystrike's Rankings


1. Aurora

2. Alldeezy

3. fiercE

4. EnterTheAttic

5. Armani


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    @Rotunda's Playlist

Theme: Family Affair

"For this playlist, I want four songs that clearly center on family relationships. The songs can be about the speaker’s relationship to their mother, father, brother, sister, pets, second cousins twice-removed, etc. but any song about a couple must be explicitly about a husband or wife. You will be judged on whether the songs meet this criteria and their quality."





I haven’t even gotten through all the playlists, and I’m preemptively putting you here. For some reason, despite my write up allowing for a broad range of options, and really just focusing on likeability, it feels like with some of these choices you were more concerned with the storytelling component (Mockingbird, Tiny Angel) than just sending a song I’d enjoy. I think the Mallrat song “Charlie,” is my favorite of your selections, but ironically, it’s the only one that doesn’t fully follow the prompt, since it isn’t explicitly stated that Charlie is a pet.







I appreciate you trying to aim for a certain sonic landscape here and providing a sense of cohesion to your playlist. I think it helps make your playlist holistically feel stronger than some of the songs do on their own. I think all the songs are decent, but you’re drawing on an era of R&B and rap that I like but don’t love.







I think you benefit well from the fact that ¾ of the songs within this playlist are already saved on my phone. With that said, I find Crying Game to be one of the weakest songs featured across all the playlists. I’m struggling to see why you even felt the need to gravitate towards someone with only 70K monthly listeners when the only lyrical criteria was that the song was clearly about a family member. There are a lot of safer bets you could have gone with here. Beyond that, while I love Marjorie, and the average person should be able to intuit that it’s about a family member, it doesn’t fulfill my criteria where the song itself has to clearly outline the family relationship.







This is a playlist where I already had a positive perspective on ¾ of the songs going in. I think you chose wisely, drawing upon your understanding that I like P!nk and choosing Kelly/Green Day where there could be some clear overlap. With that said, while I like Piece by Piece, it isn’t necessarily something that I ever revisit. It’s really only whelming to me at this point. And while sonic cohesion isn’t really the difference-maker here, I think I would have been more intrigued by a playlist that fully delves into Pop-Rock adjacent artists, replacing the 2Pac song with something else. I think Ashlee Simpson’s Shadow for example could have been an apt choice. Overall though, I think this is a strong entry







All four of these songs fit the brief of the round insofar as they clearly discuss a familial relationship, but I honestly don’t care for any of them that much. I can appreciate the sort of White  Evangelical Hallmark Channel vibe you’re giving off with basically everything but the Eminem song, but that isn’t me at all.




Rotunda's Rankings


1. EnterTheAttic

2. Armani

3. Aurora

4. fiercE

5. Allday


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     @Staryu's Playlist

Theme: Water. Earth. Fire. Air

"I need you to be a master of all 4 elements and choose a song that represents each one. Water needs to flow smoothly, be healing, relaxing and cool. Earth is strong, solid, sturdy, physical, and resilient (please don't choose Katy's resilient). Fire is wild, energetic, and passionate. And air is all encompassing, air is vital, positive, and represents a clear mind. Your song choices are first come, first serve."




I'm gonna assume your songs are in the wrong order and Moon River is for water, Stoff is air, Burn is fire, and Earth is earth. I really love your Moon River choice, very unexpected and it fits the theme very well to me, Frank is just cool and relaxing to listen to. Earth is not really my taste and I think it's the weakest choice despite being named Earth, the lyrics aren't giving strong/resilient, it's more like lovey dovey and sexy. Burn though is another good choice, I feel the burn/passion, could maybe use a bit more energy but it's a cute choice and pretty self explanatory. I actually think this STOFF song has a very pleasant ethereal feel to it that is very fitting to the air theme I was looking for.








Jhene is a perfect water choice, she is the type of artist I was looking for in this category (I really wanted Tyla tho, which no one sent :rip:) Jhene is cool, calm, collected, relaxing, perfect choice. War is such an unexpected choice for me, I actually like the song and I do feel like it gives off the strong sturdy physical vibes I was looking for, the message is loud and clear in the song. Do I Do is a cute classic, I don't listen to Stevie that much but it's not b/c I don't like him, I just never think about listening to him but he definitely is giving the energy and passion here. Good Days is just a flawless choice, it gives me a clear mind when I listen, the production makes me think of relaxing wind chimes, it's positive, great choice. 








I think fountain is a very cool song, iam's vocals are very relaxing too, it's a smoothly produced song, I see the vision. Lyrically, Set in Stone fits the earth theme very well, unshakeable, unbreakable, etc. but it's not really my taste of song. Burning Bridges is a cute choice, it has some fiery and passion and does feel energetic, and it's by an artist I enjoy, I'd say it's a good choice. Western Wind is a song I adore completely and it's 100% my taste, so that makes it the best choice here. Thematically it also works because it's just so breezy and positive and lovely.







There is something a tiny bit relaxing about Hurricanes, but also not, the production switch up, while I liked it, was a bit jarring. I do love Dido's voice though. P!nk does give strong and resilient, I think this song is a cute choice for earth, but I'm not the biggest current P!nk fan tbh. Love the lyrics, seeing red tonight, I'll see you in Hell, it is giving fiery for sure and the John Wick tie-in helps it's case as well, and I actually enjoy Rina a lot so this is your best choice for me. Monument was a very interesting choice for me, I liked the song, minus the length, is it giving air tho? I guess in the way she says "life" so many times.







This is an interesting choice, no vocals, idk this artist but I will say he's a smooth uh sax? player. I think that's what he's playing, but yeah cute. Again, not an artist I really listen to but this one definitely fits the earth criteria I was looking for, it exudes strength. Now Kiss Me is a song I know and a song I love, so points for my taste, it is a bit energetic and passionate, kinda missing some wild fiery but I still appreciate the choice since it's a song I love. Love this choice for air, it just makes sense, it's so positive and uplifting, like a nice breeze of a song.




Staryu's Rankings


1. Armani

2. Aurora

3. Alldeezy

4. fiercE

5. EnterTheAttic


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      @supaspaz's Playlist

Theme: Broadway Baby

"I’m feeling theatrical. Send me a playlist of show tunes from four different musicals that nevertheless tell their own story. This entry will be judged on the creativity and coherence of your mini-musical rather than the quality of the songs."





Honestly, I have no idea what’s happening here. Is this a musical about a Mormon wizard who teaches rock music and hates cheese?







I absolutely love what you did with this challenge. There’s a distinct unifying theme to your song selections – exploring the meaning of home and a sense of belonging – that suggests a musical about an immigrant who defies her family to move to the new world and then must come to terms with the agony and ecstasy of starting over. You came up with something entirely unexpected and quite interesting, so I have to give you the win.







Such a smart take on the prompt. You created a complete plot out of just four songs, all of which sound like they could have come from the same show, without relying on easy and obvious choices. (Where did you even hear about “13”? I had no idea Ariana Grande had starred in a flop Broadway musical!) It was a close call for the top spot. You fulfilled the basic criteria better than anyone, but Armani’s creativity pushed him over the edge.







It’s a bit jarring to go from Christine Daaé singing about her dead father to a series of romantic ballads, but I’ll let it slide, because I see how you were connecting them with the lovers reunited theme. Though there’s not a tremendous amount of development in this storyline, the arc is clear and the songs are fairly cohesive (if somewhat dull) sonically. Minor demerit for “Way Back Into Love,” which is a fake pop song from a movie and not a show tune.







I wish I could rank you higher, because you more than anyone leaned into the Broadway of it all. (“Into the Woods”? “Next to Normal”?! Hello!) The end result is unfortunately just rather…generic. It’s a bunch of love songs that trace the up and down, but mostly the up, of a relationship. There’s not a lot of substance there for a musical. 




supaspaz's Rankings


1. Armani

2. Aurora

3. EnterTheAttic

4. fiercE

5. Alldeezy


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      @wish's Playlist

Theme: Ethereal Beauty

"I’m looking for a divine set of songs that will transport me to another world. Give me a playlist filled with dreamy soundscapes, abstract lyricism, and angelic vocals. For some variety, 1 out of the 4 songs on my playlist should be from a male artist or male-fronted group. These songs should closely match the ethereal, otherworldly vibe I’m looking for… I want to ASCEND. Your song choices are first come, first serve."





These obscure choices are sending me lkjfdkfd but also I applaud you for taking a challenge and sending more than one male artist :clap3: I really enjoyed the Northlane track, this was so pretty and definitely had ethereal elements. I actually LOVE the band Garbage but aside from the touches of electronica, I’m not sure that this song fits my “ethereal” description as closely. Overall this is a cute playlist, you experimented a bit and it worked for you in some cases and not in others. A bit noisier than I was looking for.








Nice job really making this playlist your own with all of these gorgeous R&B/soul choices. Your interpretation is both unique and effective, I’m impressed. I would’ve never thought to put Summer Madness on here, but it works! THOSE 70s soul synths and strings are definitely taking me somewhere. Cyanide is passable but probably my least favorite track here, he’s delivering some gorgeous vocals but the production is a bit more grounded than I would like. Good Days redeems you though, what a perfect cherry on top & one of my favorite songs of recent years. Gagged me a bit! :clap3:







THANK YOU, not only for sending Caroline, but also for selecting an underrated and truly ethereal piece of her discography. Her stunning angelic vocal delivery in the second half as the ambient production slowly rises … yeah you won. Lovely choice with the Swan Lake track too. Ascendance is particularly gorgeous, I’m definitely ascending while listening to these 4 tracks. Your interpretation of the prompt is by far the closest to my vision, and I have no complaints. You checked all of the boxes. Great job! :clap3:







Oh these picks… someone went diving through my Last.fm! :keir: And I’m not mad about it. These are some of my favorite songs of all time, especially Frozen and Cellophane, and they make a great fit for the playlist I had in mind. The one song I don't know here is the UNKLE track, which is a good effort, this guy has a very pretty and airy voice that fits my vision for the playlist despite the production being a little dancier than I wanted. Overall, good job! :heart2:







Right off the bat, not feeling the Jason Mraz track on a personal taste level… the bridge gives you some points for ethereal vibes though, he was giving Kate Bush for a second there. :eek: I recognize your approach here, and there are some ethereal elements in tracks 1-3, but I’m not quite ASCENDING like I wanted to. Nocturne is definitely my favorite on this playlist, what a gorgeous track whew. Overall, this was cute.




wish's Rankings


1. Aurora

2. Armani

3. EnterTheAttic

4. fiercE

5. Alldeezy


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In 5th place, with an average of 3.71, is...





In joint 3rd place, with an average of 3.43...





In 2nd place, with an average of 2.57, is...





Which means, the winner of this challenge, with an average of 1.86...




Congratulations! You have won individual immunity and a guaranteed spot in the final four.



It's now time for tribal council.

Your votes are due in 21.5 hours -- at 10 PM EST on Friday, December 15th. Good luck!

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Round 15 Rankings

Your placements in the challenge have been converted to a score out of 10.


5th Place: 8.0 - @fiercE

3rd Place (TIED): 9.0 - @EnterTheAttic

3rd Place (TIED): 9.0 - @Alldeezy

2nd Place: 9.5 - @Aurora

Winner: 10 - @Armani?



Cumulative Rankings

1. Golden Hour - 8.08

2. MusicLoverDude - 7.94

3. blackoutbaby - 7.90

4. fiercE - 7.80

5. Kyuti - 7.78

6. Armani - 7.72

7. Aurora - 7.63

8. gardendreams - 7.61

9. Alldeezy - 7.46

10. Seffers - 7.35

11. EnterTheAttic - 7.31

12. Titsanny - 6.76

13. ZORBIT - 5.77

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@Alldeezy @Armani? @Aurora @EnterTheAttic @fiercE


Welcome Tribe Hex to the Final 5 Tribal Council! This is the last night anyone can play their idol. If anyone has an idol that they would like to play, now would be the time to do so...
















































































fiercE stands.



I would like to use the idol on me :smiley: I guess its burned now?



This IS a Hidden Immunity Idol! Any votes for fiercE will NOT count.


Anyone else??

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Oh boy...

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@Alldeezy @Armani? @Aurora @EnterTheAttic @fiercE


Anyone else???

























































































































































































































*Armani stands*




The sly fox here should probably calm down because they're exposing their very obvious gameplay desperately trying to keep Alldeezy in the game. Going from asking Aurora to be in your top 3 if you vote Attic out to asking Attic to vote Aurora out & offering him top 3. The time has come for the floater to float OUT the game for good. Oh, yeah SURPRISE, this is was what I was hiding this entire time. upside-down-face-emoji-2048x2048-dnrvqcfw.png I'm saving Attic.



Any votes for EnterTheAttic will not count.



Anyone else??

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No one else stands, so I'll read the votes!!
























First vote...

























Does not count.

Edited by rl231
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Second vote...
































1 vote Alldeezy.

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Third vote...























1 vote Alldeezy, 1 vote Aurora.

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Fourth vote...






















Does not count. One more vote left...

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Fifth and final vote...





































And the 9th member of our Jury...




























































































































































































































































































Alldeezy, the tribe has spoken.




Thanks for playing!


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