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Survivor: ATRL Edition (Season 14) | WINNER REVEALED + OTHER REVEALS


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It's time to unveil the next form of magic this season: hypnosis!




Over the next day, you will have the opportunity to become a master of this mentalist art-form through a brief challenge. The person who completes this challenge the fastest will win the power of hypnosis, where you will be given the ability to control someone else's vote at one of the next two tribal councils. Effectively, you will cancel out their vote and cast one of your own instead.


Even if you are on the winning tribe, you may enact the power of hypnosis on someone from the losing tribe, thus meddling with their tribal council. If you win, you may decline to use the power, but you are not allowed to transfer this power over to another player.


In order to start the challenge, you will go to your Discord confessional and follow these steps:

1) Type in /stopwatch to begin your time.

2) Type in the command below with your name in it. This will open your unique challenge link:



















3) Complete the challenge and post your submission in your confessional.

4) Type in /stopwatch again to end your time. This final stopwatch time will be used to determine the winner.


The deadline for your hypnosis challenge submissions will be 5:30 PM EST (~18 hours) on Sunday, November 5th.


Please note that Daylight Savings Time ends in the USA tonight, so we are falling back one hour.


If you have any questions, please let the hosts know!


@Alldeezy @Armani? @Aurora @blackoutbaby @Dr. Alexander @EnterTheAttic @fiercE

@gardendreams @Golden Hour @HungryByTheBuffet @Kyuti @Lemon @Devon Robot

@MusicLoverDude @Seffers @Titsanny @ZORBIT

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  • ATRL Moderator

Hypnos by Ravyn Lenae

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8 minutes ago, Element said:

Hypnos by Ravyn Lenae

Exactly. Mother!

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1 hour ago, Aurora said:


What a ******* masterpiece :clap3:

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Welcome castaways to your 4th results show! The judges have scored all of your entries out of 10, and I will now reveal their comments and scores.

After I reveal the scores, I will post the final results which will include how you ranked against all castaways, and finally the overall rankings after this round. 

With that said, here it is…

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fiercE Abandoning Sunday - Miles and States
blackoutbaby Brandy - Long Distance
Golden Hour The Plain White T's - Hey There Delilah
EnterTheAttic Shorelines - Back Home
MusicLoverDude Kygo & Sasha Alex Sloan - I'll Wait
Armani Blackbear - NYLA
Seffers Richard Marx - Right Here Waiting


Abandoning Sunday - Miles and States

  • Auburn - 10 - Yes perfect what more is there to say!?
  • boys - 10 - Extremely descriptive and straight to the point. Another fierce entry.
  • Staryu - 10 - Very on point and full of detail, perfect.
  • wish - 10 - Yeah, these lyrics clearly show that the narrator is committed and wants to be with his partner despite their distance. He is longing to be with his loved one, but also feels confident and secure with the bond that they share.


Brandy - Long Distance

  • Auburn - 7 - She’s very committed but it does fall flat and lacks the detail of some of the other entries here.
  • boys - 6.5 - She just reminds us that they are stuck and not how much she wants to get there. It’s clear she wants them in the same space but it doesn’t live up to some other entries.
  • Staryu - 7 - A bit one-sided and really repetitive, but the distance part comes across well, just not much of the rest of the theme for me.
  • wish - 6.5 - This entry is cute but a bit one-dimensional. She wants her man so bad like damn… but that’s all there really is to this song. I was hoping for something a bit more fleshed out and specific regarding their long distance relationship, what she would do to be with him, etc etc.


The Plain White T's - Hey There Delilah

  • Auburn - 10 - Another great entry, just perfect.
  • boys - 10 - Yup yup yup!
  • Staryu - 10 - This has longing, investment, and distance, perfect.
  • wish - 10 - This is actually a good entry! He is clearly thinking a lot about Delilah and longing to be with her, but he's "okay" with the distance as he knows they will be stronger when they are able to reunite. A lot of detail here, nice job.


Shorelines - Back Home

  • Auburn - 7 - Again this is cute, but it’s missing a lot of description for me.
  • boys - 7.5 - Some of the lyrics confuse me ngl. I can’t say I’m really digging this one but I think your song hits some points so its not a flop.
  • Staryu - 8 - The lyrics about the scars and “falling down into your sheets” confused me but there’s obviously some long distance relationship thing going on.
  • wish - 5 - This is kinda vague and confusing isn't it? I don't have a clear idea of their relationship dynamic apart from the distance. There seems to be a lot of pain involved. It doesn't fully match the theme for me


Kygo & Sasha Alex Sloan - I'll Wait

  • Auburn - 7 - Pretty decently on theme, but lacking details as well.
  • boys - 7 - The lyrics lead me to believe these two are broken up because of the distance. “I’d play my money just to hear you say you love me again” I could be wrong but that's my interpretation of it.
  • Staryu - 7.5  - Long distance longing is here, I feel like it focuses too much on memories, “16th of September”, 
  • wish - 6.5 - This seems breakup-y to me too, which doesn't really match what we're looking for. However she's clearly talking about a long distance of some sort, there's a LOT of yearning and the narrator even claims that she would wait forever for this person. So you got some points from me


Blackbear - NYLA

  • Auburn - 8 - He’s very committed but I’m not sensing it’s fully reciprocal here
  • boys - 9 - I listened to this then left to run errands and get some food and I decided I liked it.
  • Staryu - 8.5 - He obviously wants to make this relationship work, but I’m a little confused if it’s one-sided, he seems unsure about her feelings. The distance part is good, 2800 miles between NY/LA. 
  • wish - 8.5 - This song does a good job of depicting the distance between the narrator and his lover, and I can clearly tell that he is dying to be with them. He seems quite committed to the relationship. There are a few lyrics that aren't fully relevant to the theme, but overall this is a good entry.


Richard Marx - Right Here Waiting

  • Auburn - 9 - Not quite as detailed as some of the entries I gave a 10 so even though this is a massive amazing classic I can’t give it a perfect 10 this round.
  • boys - 10 - Haven’t heard this in ages, great pick.
  • Staryu - 10 - This song has so much longing and desire, you can hear it in his voice, nice choice.
  • wish - 8 - He is clearly deeply in love with this person, and really wants to be with them. But there's a bit of uncertainty in the first pre-chorus and bridge that makes me feel he isn't fully "okay" with the long distance dynamic. It's a good entry but not perfect
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Kyuti 5 Seconds of Summer - Beside You
gardendreams Kyle Park - Long Distance Relationship
Alldeezy Big Time Rush - Worldwide
ZORBIT Emily King - Distance


5 Seconds of Summer - Beside You

  • Auburn - 9 - This fits well, I don’t really have any qualms about it, could be more detailed I guess.
  • boys - 8 - My first time hearing a 5SOS song and hopefully the last but I think you did a good job with this choice.
  • Staryu - 8.5 - The entire song he’s expressing longing for someone who is far away and it seems to be about a long distance relationship so.. It’s pretty good for me.
  • wish - 7.5 - This is a pretty good match, the narrator is longing for his partner and talks a lot about distance. There’s just a bit of vagueness and also some imagery (i.e. "as we fade into the night") that leaves me questioning the state of their relationship.


Kyle Park - Long Distance Relationship

  • Auburn - 10 - Oh perfect, this is just perfect for the theme. 
  • boys - 10 - Easily ate the round you had me sold with the first 7 or 8 lines.
  • Staryu - 10 - Can’t get much more on theme than this.
  • wish - 10 - Nice, this is very straightforward and portrays someone who is very invested in their partner despite the physical distance. This distance is even making their bond stronger. There's nothing to interpret, the details are laid out.


Big Time Rush - Worldwide

  • Auburn - 10 - Paris, London, Tokyo
  • boys - 10 - Won’t forgive you for making me listen to this band with the Trumpster in it but this was very detailed and a good pick.
  • Staryu - 10 - They got this theme covered, the lyrics are perfect.
  • wish - 10 - Not Big Time Rush... dsldlsk anyways this seems good to me. I like that they're naming a bunch of different cities to portray the physical distance. The lyrics express the deep commitment that they have with their partner: "tuck you in every night on the phone" "a million pretty girls that know my name, but don't you worry cause you have my heart"


Emily King - Distance

  • Auburn - 2 - It’s honestly not really related to the theme at all, nothing about a LDR here
  • boys - 5 - Yeah this gives more spending time apart for a day or two so you can realize how much you miss your partner being around not so much a long distance across the country or on a different continent vibe.
  • Staryu - 4 - They obviously aren’t physically far away, the lyrics make it sound like they live together. 
  • wish - 4 - This song discusses distance between partners, but it doesn't really read like a long distance relationship? Seems like they are just trying to get over a fight. Even in the first verse, she implies that they share a room…
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Lemon Taylor Swift - Come Back...Be Here
Titsanny Simple Plan - Jet Lag
HungryByTheBuffet Alicia Keys - Distance and Time
Aurora Shawn Mendes - Lost In Japan
Devon Robot Lady A - Need You Now
Dr. Alexander Whitney Houston - Where You Are


Taylor Swift - Come Back…Be Here

  • Auburn - 5 - It’s giving they broke up before the long distance rather than committing to me…
  • boys - 7 - Not bad but not perfect it was just middle of the road for me.
  • Staryu - 7.5 - I feel like the investment is kind of one sided, but the distance and longing part are covered well here, I’m just not sure the partner is as invested as Taylor wants to be.
  • wish - 5.5 - There's definitely some distance and desire here, she's dealing with a lot of emotions regarding her loved one being away. But there's also regret and uncertainty regarding her relationship, which doesn't really fit the narrative we’re looking for. She isn't really proclaiming her commitment and happiness with this man. 


Simple Plan - Jet Lag

  • Auburn - 10 - Oh this is a Canadian classic, fits the theme perfectly too
  • boys - 10 - Another slay for this round imo.
  • Staryu - 10 - I like that this song has the Troye song title in the lyrics and the lyrics overall are very on point for this theme, good job.
  • wish - 10 - I like this one a lot, the chorus really makes it clear that he lives on opposite sides of the world from his partner, and the verses and bridge express his deep desire to be with them. This guy is always thinking about his love & really dying to be near them.


Alicia Keys - Distance and Time

  • Auburn - 7 - Distance fits, Time doesn’t since it seems like it wasn’t the right time for them to be together to me, she seems unsure about this being real.
  • boys - 9.5 - I feel like it’s missing a little something, maybe it's more specific details about the distance between them but I enjoyed the entry.
  • Staryu - 9 - I feel like this is very basic but also it fits the theme well enough.
  • wish - 8 - This is pretty good, Alicia longs to be with her partner and is patiently waiting for their return. I guess I just wish there were more specific details to drive the point home. A decent but vague entry imo.


Shawn Mendes - Lost In Japan

  • Auburn - 9.5 - Oh perr he’s dedicated like he’s gonna fly all the way there, coulda said something about his partner though
  • boys - 10 - Shawn Mendes first ever 10 in Survivor. 
  • Staryu - 10 - Shawn is thirsty as **** for whoever this is. 
  • wish - 10 - The desire is palpable here, he is dying to be with this person and even offering to fly hundreds of miles over to their place. He is invested and certain about this relationship’s potential.


Lady A - Need You Now

  • Auburn - 2 - Naur
  • boys - 1 - Pcg8n8nrHzgSLV-1O3V4_SVSaUoxQ8oVW-EUrurKkBJV0E1Q94BwT0g2U7-o87HNacPyjXrEWn0vUuQVd3-YRHoNZp9zpdgJCNqXtatLYEfXCY6ybpgq7UZz_O1qU5M2fF128MVsxpzwjfYbZulH73Y
  • Staryu - 2 - Not really on theme at all, the relationship is over so there is no long distance relationship to be okay with. 
  • wish - 3 - This song is about a broken relationship, which already kinda goes against the prompt. There's so much distance and longing, but it's just coming from the wrong angle. The narrator isn't committed to any relationship at all, they're reflecting on a lost lover and reaching out in a drunken state.


Whitney Houston - Where You Are

  • Auburn - 5 - To me it reads like an obsessed stalker desiring their celeb crush who has no idea who they are…
  • boys - 6 - She’s desiring someone and talks about getting on a plane to get to them but it does feel a little.. Lacking compared to others.
  • Staryu - 6.5 - This feels a little one sided to me, there’s not enough details, but it has the distance and longing mostly covered.
  • wish - 5 - This is just too vague and doesn't fully tick the boxes we're looking for. She misses somebody, but who is this person? An ex, a lover, a friend? Is she invested in any relationship, or is she feeling regret about losing someone?


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Now, let's see who is going to Tribal Council. Click the spoiler below...



In first place with an average of 8.34 is.......

















HOUDINI!!! Congratulations, you all are safe once again. 


In second place with an average of 8.00 is...





























Copperfield! Congratulations, you four are safe and live to see another round. 


Tamariz - with an average of 6.90, I cannot say the same for you all. You all will be going to Tribal Council and voting someone out of this game. When you are ready, please send your vote (WITH A PARCHMENT!!!!!!!!!) on Discord in the DMs where you send your songs. Titsanny is immune and cannot be voted for. All votes are due at 12 PM EDT, Monday November 6th (24 hours). Good luck! 

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Now that you've all seen how you've done independently, let's see how you rank among your tribe, among all players, and finally the overall tribe averages.



1. fiercE - 10.00

1. Golden Hour - 10.00

3. Seffers - 9.25

4. Armani - 8.50

5. MusicLoverDude - 7.00

6. EnterTheAttic - 6.88

7. blackoutbaby - 6.75


1. Titsanny - 10.00

2. Aurora - 9.88

3. HungryByTheBuffet - 8.38

4. Lemon - 6.13

5. Dr. Alexander - 5.03 (-0.6 for being late by 3 hours)

6. Devon Robot - 2.00



1. gardendreams - 10.00

1. Alldeezy - 10.00

3. Kyuti - 8.25

4. ZORBIT - 3.75



1. gardendreams - 10 (+10)

1. Alldeezy - 10 (+8)

1. Titsanny - 10 (+18)

1. fiercE - 10 (+9)

1. Golden Hour - 10 (+1)

6. Aurora - 9.88 (+2)

7. Seffers - 9.25 (7)

8. Armani - 8.5 (8)

9. HungryByTheBuffet - 8.375 (6)

10. Kyuti - 8.25 (-5)

11. MusicLoverDude - 7 (-10)

12. EnterTheAttic - 6.88 (-6)

13. blackoutbaby - 6.75 (-10)

14. Lemon - 6.125 (-7)

15. Dr. Alexander - 5.03 (+2)

16. ZORBIT - 3.75 (-4)

17. Devon Robot - 2 (-14)



1. Golden Hour - 9.19

1. fiercE - 9.19

3. MusicLoverDude - 8.97

4. Galaxy - 8.73

5. Seffers - 8.15

6. Kyuti - 7.59

7. blackoutbaby - 7.41

8. Aurora - 7.38

9. HungryByTheBuffet - 7.28

10. Armani - 7.03

11. Alldeezy - 6.96

12. Titsanny - 6.84

13. gardendreams - 6.59

14. Lemon - 6.13

15. EnterTheAttic - 6.03

16. stupidjock - 5.81

17. Dr. Alexander - 5.77

18. Devon Robot - 5.75

19. Hey Dude - 5.21

20. ZORBIT - 5.19

21. rickycabello123 - 3.46

22. Kayseri Mantisi - 3.13

23. Queen - 1.38

24. Big Bad Wolf - 1.00

Edited by rl231
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Not me keeping the same overall score since the first round. :duck:
The consistency. :bird:

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Welcome to Round 4s - The Judges' Reviews Recap


Where your favorite girl in STEM will be taking a deeper look into how the judges reviews compare to each other! Are there any significant differences in data? You'll find out here. Round 4 we had @Auburn @boys @Staryu @wish 



Who was the most generous judge? 




@Staryu with a 8.14 average score in round 4!






Who was the most critical judge? 




@wish with a 7.44 average score in Round 4. Congrats for your second time being the most critical. 



Third place was Auburn with a 7.5

Second place was Boys with a 8.03



Which song had the judges most divided


@EnterTheAttic and @ZORBIT you two the had most polarizing songs this week with a 3 point difference. Zorbit's second week in a row here! 



Data can be fun, here's some fun facts!

  • Copperfield needed 6 points for a first place finish. 3 weeks in a row where there has been a 6 point difference between first and second.
  • Taramiz needed 33 points for a first place finish this week
  • Houdini received the most consistent scoring while Tamariz received the least consistent scoring
  • Round 4 was the highest average score from Castaways with a 7.78 average!
  • Auburn, Boys, Staryu and Wish make a new record for difference in average points, with a .7 point difference between judges in Round 4. Congrats! 
  • Round 3 had the closest average judging scores with only a .125 difference between judges. 


Judges Cumulative Ranking (more points = more critical)

1. Luckystrike - 0

2. Staryu - 1

3. Supaspa - 2

3. Auburn -2

4. Boys - 3

4. Rotunda - 3

8. Gateau - 6

8. Wish - 6



Edited by gardendreams
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  • ATRL Moderator

The hypnosis challenge winner has been informed! If you did not receive a message, you did not win the prize. The winning time was 2 minutes and 20 seconds.

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Production allowed me to leak in advance that I got to participate and I won so I get to return. 

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One of you will become the 8th person voted out of this game. If any of you have an item to play, now would be the time to do so...



No one stands.

I'll read the votes...


First vote...



Second vote...




Third vote...



Fourth vote...


And the 8th person voted out of ATRL Survivor 14...



Dr. Alexander (self-vote)


@Dr. Alexander, the tribe has spoken.

Thank you for not responding to any of our messages! It would've been nice to actually hear from you, but I digress.

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It's 2023 and people still join ATRL games only to then ghost them. 

We need some reforms on the rules here cause this has happened WAY too often in tbe last few months. 



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  • ATRL Moderator
2 minutes ago, Hey Dude said:

It's 2023 and people still join ATRL games only to then ghost them. 

We need some reforms on the rules here cause this has happened WAY too often in tbe last few months. 



I can't stand people who quit well ran games like this


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You all have made it to the top 16, congratulations!! You're that much closer to getting to the end. In Survivor, you have to be ready for anything, so this shouldn't be a shock to anyone, but...




It's time to swap tribes! Copperfield is no more, but Tamariz and Houdini live on!


For your new tribes, they have been sorted already, and it's based on how well you did last round. Removing Dr. Alexander, those who ranked with an odd number go on one tribe, and the evens go on another. For those that tied for first, you were sorted by the randomize feature from Google Sheets.


The new tribes are...





Golden Hour















Devon Robot


The new round will be posted TONIGHT at midnight EDT. For now, we'll be setting you up in new tribe chats. As always, you are no longer allowed to talk to others on the opposite tribe. If you do that, there will be serious consequences. Good luck!


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