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Would life be easier without libido?


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Yall have no clue LOL.


Lack of libido means lack of drive in general which means you are very low energy and depressed all the time

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On 10/16/2023 at 9:05 PM, Dephira said:

It has not personally been an issue for me in the past few years. I jerk off when I’m horny and then I can make smart decisions. I don’t hook up with strangers any more and I don’t feel a big urge to do it. It’s very vapidd and almost always unsatisfying to have sex with strangers anyways. I’m just looking for sex in a relationship now, and I don’t have any problem going for months without it. I think excessive porn consumption and easily available anonymous sex has really done a number on some peoples’ brains and is causing them to make terrible choices but it’s possible to dial it back and get your brain back to a normal level. 


On 10/16/2023 at 10:17 PM, Prodigal Self said:

No but it would be easier without porn addiction some of y'all have

These are it. I don't understand people who get consumed thinking about sex :skull: like get some hobbies and friends outside of **** buddies

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