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Now that you are in your 30s are u making six figures and have a Greek god body?


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I’m making $6 dollars and I’m still a twink:gaycat5:

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I'm about to be 30 in less than 3 months and I have neither :dies:


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I'm not 30 yet, halfway there. Still have half a decade to shine! :gaycatx:

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I just turned 30. I’m about to start a good part time job that pays $450 a day and I’ll be working 2-3 days a week. The rest of the days I’ll be working on my business.


My body is actually quite good. I’m at a low BF % but haven’t done a gym workout in a while. Not a Greek statue body, but I think I can get there with a little work.

And I’m about to move into a gorgeous 3000 sq ft house with 4 friends/family that I like. Rent should be about $800 because of the split.


I’m quite happy. The only thing I’m lacking is a partner, but I honestly am still confused about what I even want in that aspect. 

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I’m not 30 yet but it’s closing in, no 6 figures in sight, twinkish build still, and only raking up credit card debt so


Where do we go from here?



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I'm not in my 30s yet but one thing I've found as I've progressed and matured through my twenties is that I don't fixate on my physical body and how much money I have like I used to. You kind of naturally shift perspectives on things to more meaningful things. I have healthy, beautiful friendships and relationships. I have a job that pays well. I'm in a grad program for something that excites me and fuels my passions. The things I seek out don't involve a perfect body or **** tons of money (although I'm working toward both because they're still great things to have). I seek joy and happiness in simple things and that's on maturing!

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1 hour ago, RideOrDie said:

are you sure




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Not yet. Im starting. My they sinked my ship with fire :gaycat5: but i will :gaycat1:

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3 hours ago, CottageHore said:

I'm not in my 30s yet but one thing I've found as I've progressed and matured through my twenties is that I don't fixate on my physical body and how much money I have like I used to. You kind of naturally shift perspectives on things to more meaningful things. I have healthy, beautiful friendships and relationships. I have a job that pays well. I'm in a grad program for something that excites me and fuels my passions. The things I seek out don't involve a perfect body or **** tons of money (although I'm working toward both because they're still great things to have). I seek joy and happiness in simple things and that's on maturing!

I'm 34 and to me this gets closest to the heart of the matter. The longer you're around, the less you need to prop yourself up with surface level markers like wealth or ridiculous body standards to feel okay. I'm not saying those things don't still matter, because they'll always make life easier (anyone who says otherwise is lying) but they're not going to do the work for you. Fulfillment and contentment are a matter of priorities, and those come from the inside.


As for me personally I do enjoy a six figure lifestyle and I'm aging very well, (a bit heavier than I used to be, but the diet is dieting) but I'm far more proud of the other things I've managed to fill my life with. I have a wonderful husband to share my life with and a warm, inviting home full of art and laughter and the smell of delicious home-cooked meals. I'm discarding harmful beliefs my parents taught me and healing the wounds of my younger self. Life isn't perfect, but I know who I am and I have all the love and comfort I need.

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6 hours ago, ScorpiosGroove said:

if y’all did you wouldn’t be on atrl.net 



@slw84 They’re calling your income into question 

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Not sure which *boop* said this was the 30-something norm but alas, I'm 50% there...

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No it's 2023 not the 90s.

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I'm not in my 30's yet, and while the body thing has never really bothered so I have an indifferent opinion on it, I've come to terms with the fact that I'll probably never make 6 digits in my life. :skull: Although would certainly be helpful right now with rising mortgage rates and the cost of living situation. At least I'm happy.

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I still have a few years to get to 30 but I do have a 6 figure income.

Still working on a Greek god body but my high metabolism won’t make it easy to gain weight and I suck at being consistent so I guess that will take a while. 

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27 minutes ago, Rotunda said:

@slw84 They’re calling your income into question 

Poor boo boos, they are trying to snatch me but this ain't kanekalon



My body...my choice


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Only make 5 figures and about to go back to uni to study something that I love 

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Not even close to six figures

Not even close to a Greek God body




Maybe in my next life

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10 hours ago, Juanny said:

If you make six figures, bar the worst HCOL areas like New York and San Francisco, buying an apartment is absolutely possible within a few years (putting away about 40% of your take home salary gives you a minimum of 30,000-40,000 and over 3 years that is close to 100,000 which is more than 10% down on a condo even in a HCOL area) if you budget for it! Take advantage of tax break accounts such as a homebuyer savings if there is an equivalent on your country that gives your tax back if you save for your first home. (:


Just live like you are making 60k/year, which is actually not that bad, and it will be possible for you to forgo rent living within 5 years or less, if that's a goal of yours. 

I wish I made 60k :gaycat6: or even 50k sigh

How can I be a college grad and only get jobs paying 42k at best

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