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Six year old killed in islamophobic attack in Chicago

Karla Cabello

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Oh my god. I feel so sad and so sorry for his family. Hope the murderers live the worst ******* life ever.

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RIP angel. His mother is in critical condition too. :cries:


This is the Iraq War & post-9/11 hysteria all over again. CNN, Fox News, NBC, BBC, and ALL western media spreading misinformation and propaganda have blood on their hands.



Edited by State of Grace.
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  • ATRL Administrator

Oh my god. 

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Throw this piece of trash in the volcano.


Rest in peace :( 

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A six-year-old is a first grader. This is absolutely sick and twisted. Rest in peace.

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37 minutes ago, State of Grace. said:

RIP angel. His mother is in critical condition too. :cries:


This is the Iraq War & post-9/11 hysteria all over again. CNN, Fox News, NBC, BBC, and ALL western media spreading misinformation and propaganda have blood on their hands.



******* CHRIST!!!



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  • ATRL Moderator

This is so beyond f***ed up. Who the fuck brings themselves to stabbing a CHILD 26 times?!?! 


This is exactly why Western rhetoric focused on attacking the Islamic faith as being “barbaric” is so f***ing dangerous and incomparable to pointing out the exact same flaws in the Christian doctrine. There is so much rampant Islamophobia and people die because of it. RIP to this innocent child and my thoughts and condolences go to the family. The murderer responsible for this ain’t seeing heaven.

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And it begins. American-sponsored islamophobia is about to get so much worse.

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And the same legacy media figures won't see how they're responsible for this.



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2 hours ago, Karla Cabello said:


this is what propaganda does

Mainstream media silence on this is very telling.

Edited by brazil
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My faith in societal change is really through the floor. I really think there will not be change unless a war breaks out.

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I hate this world so much. Humans truly don’t deserve life. So evil 

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This is horrible.  My heart has been breaking almost every single day with all the language of genocide against the Palestinian people that has been used lately.  I hope this man lives a long, long life full of misery and pain.  I also hold the media organizations in the US responsible for propagating this hatred. 


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  • ATRL Moderator

Absolutely disgusting, horrific, and evil.


The media (and social media) propoganda and misinformation is going to lead to disastrous bigotry and violence worldwide.

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may this sweet angel rest in peace. I have given up on the world when it comes to Islamaphobia. It's too entrenched. I'm not surprised if some kind of Muslim holocaust happens in the West in a couple decades. Right wingers have become activated all over. 

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I cannot imagine the horror they went through.  R.I.P to the boy and prayers for the mother.


Beat the murder and then throw him in fire. 

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