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7th graders are reading on a 4th-grade reading level


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When I was in 7th grade, I was reading on a high school level (Around 10th-12th grade) so hearing this is crazy!

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This is true and its very concerning.

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I mean this shouldn’t be generalized because this is coming solely from one school, and we don’t know the prior standings of this school to begin with.


but this isn’t nothing new unfortunately, American schooling has always been regarded to be “behind” for a while. 

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Honestly we really need to go back to having more stay at home parents because a lot of kids are falling through the cracks and schools cannot do everything. Most kids are growing up in blended families now too where they are probably not their parents top priority.

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There are lots of reasons for this. Declining view on importance of school/education, COVID, the impact of technology doing things for us, etc… It is sad though. 

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Combine this with the rise in deliberate and successful misinformation campaigns as of late, and things become even more concerning. 

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3 minutes ago, Aston Martin said:

Combine this with the rise in deliberate and successful misinformation campaigns as of late, and things become even more concerning. 

Yup! And also, Republicans are trying to ban basic education.

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1 minute ago, réveuse said:

Yup! And also, Republicans are trying to ban basic education.

This too. We're headed towards disaster and I feel like we're individually powerless to stop it. 

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Not remotely shocking. The GP has no respect for education and doesn't understand its purpose. Combine that with a system that seeks to churn out students at all costs, the fact that many qualified teachers are running away from the field as fast as they can, and the deliberate hate campaigns, it's only gonna get worse. And people wonder why America is declining. 

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  • ATRL Moderator

I wonder if this is a global phenomenon. The US being behind in education is nothing new. Unless something changes soon (unlikely), expect even more of this. 

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While I think it's irresponsible to make these sweeping generalizations from a TikTok video, I have no doubt the coming years will reveal a lot of startling effects of the widespread use of social media, smartphones, and the Internet on the generations that never knew a life without these things.

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When children are being raised by iPads and the teachers are burnt out from getting low salaries and disrespect from parents and children alike this is bound to happen

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2 minutes ago, Marvin said:

I wonder if this is a global phenomenon. The US being behind in education is nothing new. Unless something changes soon (unlikely), expect even more of this. 

I read an article the other day about my home country (Croatia) how more and more kids are having their parents delay their enrollment to 1st grade by a year due to them not being ready for it. Some factors that were named were emotional and social maturity having setbacks compared to kids in the past, as well as lacking writing and reading skills. There has also been reports of kids having a reduced vocabulary for their age. Though it is also noted that a fair number of those children are the ones that were not enrolled in preschool.

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26 minutes ago, GraceRandolph said:

Honestly we really need to go back to having more stay at home parents because a lot of kids are falling through the cracks and schools cannot do everything. Most kids are growing up in blended families now too where they are probably not their parents top priority.

Are you implying that parents who work aren’t present with their children?

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This has happening for too long. If you look at young adult novels from the 1960 and 70s, they are far more challenging with their vocabulary and morals that what we have today.

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17 minutes ago, Marvin said:

I wonder if this is a global phenomenon. The US being behind in education is nothing new. Unless something changes soon (unlikely), expect even more of this. 

It's a thing in Germany, too. I read an article about it yesterday. I guess it's a problem in many countries worldwide.

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School systems (and parents) also don’t like the idea of their children repeating grades and they pass them despite failing classes 

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This is a worldwide issue and it’s absolutely depressing and no one is really trying to find a solution to try and fix the damage, children that were/entered the first grade in 2020 are in the third/fourth grade right now and a significant portion lack the basics in all subjects, which they were supposed to have full understanding of, three years ago…

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i don’t want to brag (yeah i do) but when i was 11 we did a whole lesson in school where our reading and spelling age was evaluated and on both i got 18 years old:rip: this is just crazy to me

Edited by May
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21 minutes ago, SimpleKindofLife said:

Are you implying that parents who work aren’t present with their children?

No, but parents being stretched way too thin nowadays. 

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