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Do you think the world will be very different in 2050 ?


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What will the world of 2050 be like?

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Vicious xenomorphic aliens have colonized earth and all the elites were taken down. 

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Does anyone else remember the optimism of the early 2010s that things were slowly but surely getting better until that illusion was swiftly shattered by 2016. :gaycatx:

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What remarkable+ technology do yall think we will have by then? Do you think mind transplant will be possible by then? And we will be immortal in some form?

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Lmfao yes humans will be extinct and the earth will be 150 degrees Fahrenheit. 

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3 hours ago, duybeeGAshantiGA said:

What remarkable+ technology do yall think we will have by then? Do you think mind transplant will be possible by then? And we will be immortal in some form?

I don't think we will be immortal any time soon but I do think our generations (people under 40) will live to a very old age. I work as a nurse and I've seen so many 100+ yo people, even someone who were almost 110. I wouldn't be shocked if this becomes the new norm. 


I'm not sure about mind transplant but there are already prototypes of tech that allows you to control computers, games etc. with your brain. 


I think by 2050 everything will be connected with the internet. Health technology will continue to grow. I also think that "reality" technologies will continue to grow (AR, VR, MR) and become mainstream. There are also prototypes of tech that allows you to touch and feel digital objects which would be really cool in combination with AR/VR.


I wonder how our society is going to change. Will there still be right wing populism, homophobia, racism etc.? I hope our society becomes more progressive.

Edited by Anthinos
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8 hours ago, Orsay said:

Florida - OUT

Maybe the world will be a slight better place after all! 

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I'm just trying to focus on enjoying the moment and working towards an even more comfortable and prosperous near future, that will give way to then.

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Normani will release her debut album

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Very different. 

*The effects of global warming will be even more apparent - many areas by water we know now will either be clearly dying or straight up underwater by 2050. Millions of coastal inhabitants will need to move inland, so areas more inland will see population booms.

*Many larger weather tragedies will rock the planet in increased frequency which will make life harder for all of us. Our political leaders will finally care about climate change only when it’s too little, too late. I think we will finally stop debating if it’s “real” by 2050, as it will become too obvious to deny. 


*There will be a world war & possible civil war in the US due to political strife & divisiveness. I don’t think America & much of the rest of the world will have the same boundaries on a map as they currently do.


*Population growth will decline for the first time in ages - less people will be able to, or want to have children. It’s already starting but it’s going to become more obvious by 2050. 



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I sure ******* hope so. 

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Yes, just think back to 1995 for a second. The breakthrough invention was Windows 95. Barely anyone had cell phones. The internet was not mainstream. And the yellow first down line in football games didn't even exist yet. Back then, did you think the world would be in 2023 what it is now?


Now that you see what the last 28 years of changes brought, just imagine what the world will look like in 2050/2051.

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