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Blinken: Azerbaijan may invade Armenia in coming weeks


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They won't stop until the Armenians lose all their land. :biblio:


Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned a small group of lawmakers last week that his department is tracking the possibility that Azerbaijan could soon invade Armenia, according to two people familiar with the conversation.

The call indicates the depth of concern in the administration about Azerbaijan’s operations against a breakaway region in the west of the country and the possibility of the conflict spreading.

Azerbaijiani President Ilham Aliyev has previously called on Armenia to open a “corridor” along its southern border, linking mainland Azerbaijan to an exclave that borders Turkey and Iran. Aliyev has threatened to solve the issue “by force.”

Source: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/10/13/blinken-warned-lawmakers-azerbaijan-may-invade-armenia-in-coming-weeks-00121500

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War is a big business and these countries probably know how much sh+tty ass Russia and Israel has received/gained from fighting a neighbouring country and they want a piece of that. Nasty. 

Edited by Blade Runner
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  • ATRL Moderator

can we please stop with all the clownery everywhere

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at this rate, the Serbians will stir up **** again in the Balkans huh

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8 minutes ago, gotportugal said:

at this rate, the Serbians will stir up **** again in the Balkans huh


I can see them going after Albanians in Kosovo, but not elsewhere


Can these terrorist leaders stop? They always send poor humans to die while they sit and make rules from a fancy castle during war


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All of these old war mongering people need to be put on an island together away from the rest of the world’s population.  

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:shakeno: Enough of this madness. We (our world leaders) should be grateful to even still be alive, after everything we've been through the past few years

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I wonder what the Iranian reaction to such a move would be

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All these wars and invasions happening in 2023, I can't- :rip:

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Russia-Ukraine has done irreversible damage to the balance and order in the world. This hurts my soul

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Jesus Christ. My heart breaks for the Armenian people, who often get overlooked when we talk about the World Wars, and whose genocide is still actively denied by large swaths of the population.

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2 hours ago, Capris Groove said:

Jesus Christ. My heart breaks for the Armenian people, who often get overlooked when we talk about the World Wars, and whose genocide is still actively denied by large swaths of the population.

My thoughts exactly. I hope it won't happen.

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Perhaps it's perfect timing to remind Kim Kardashian that the state of Israel sells weapons to Azerbaijan? Perhaps she'll see more clearly in the future when Israel decides to kill innocent Palestinians, and she'll think about that when Armenians are being slaughtered.

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Azerbajain is waging war against the USA? 

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Praying for the Armenians 🙏


5 hours ago, Archetype said:

All of these old war mongering people need to be put on an island together away from the rest of the world’s population.  

It’s actually so sickening and disheartening that we as a human race haven’t come far enough to move past war and the needless violence and horror it comes with. it makes me so angry to think that the most powerful people in the world enable and encourage this ****

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Azerbaijan has a border with Iran, so my guess is that Azerbaijan will do whatever it wants and Israel will continue to supply drones and other advanced weapons.



The US will express concern and do nothing.



Blinken responded that the State Department was looking at avenues to hold Azerbaijan accountable and isn’t planning to renew a long-standing waiver that allows the U.S. to provide military assistance to Baku.


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9 hours ago, gotportugal said:

at this rate, the Serbians will stir up **** again in the Balkans huh

Serbian army is pretty **** tho so even our current government wouldn’t do that at this point. 

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9 hours ago, gotportugal said:

at this rate, the Serbians will stir up **** again in the Balkans huh

Dua will NOT allow it


Jokes aside, can countries/politicians just stop with the stupid bloodshed, like life is already hard as is to be looking for these violent conflicts

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9 hours ago, Love Again said:

Russia-Ukraine has done irreversible damage to the balance and order in the world. This hurts my soul

what balance and order in the world :rip:

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Wasn't Artsakh enough for them? Evil

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1 hour ago, Cloudy said:

Dua will NOT allow it


Jokes aside, can countries/politicians just stop with the stupid bloodshed, like life is already hard as is to be looking for these violent conflicts

her military era

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