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Back to Black or Born to Die?


BTB vs BTD  

98 members have voted

  1. 1. Bigger?

  2. 2. Better?

  3. 3. More impactful?

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I feel like Lana Del Rey was definitely a fan of Amy and it’s hard to say whether or not Lana would have became as big as she did if Amy was still alive. Both are great albums. 

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I’m sorry but Amy out-mothered. There would be ZERO lane for any of these alt girls without her. Amy for all 

Edited by luckythisway
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Bigger: Both are huge but outside of the US Back To Black is bigger in most countries and BTB was pretty big in the US too. 


Better: Back To Black again, BTD is a great album but it's quality is inconsistent and I don't think it really beats BTB on highs either. 


Impact: Both have huge impact. It's hard to compare because Amy passing factored into BTB's impact I think. So I voted BTB again but BTD's impact shouldn't be ignored. 

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I mean I am a Lana stan and BTD is one of my most played albums of all time but if we are being honest Back To Black, Love is a losing game, tears dry on their own, you know I am no good and etc are emotional, raw, heavy hitting masterpieces that in comparisson make BTD Lana sound like a Nancy Sinatra tribute act who just got her first gig at your local drag queens bar,  BTD just sounds so manfucatured and amateurish in comparisson to Back to Black, Lana herself would probably agree

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love Amy but despite both being exceptional albums (BTB probably being better due to its rawness) BTD for all ESPECIALLY impact :kitty:

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Born to Die for all. There’s a reason why it’s a the longest charting album in Billboard 200 in history. Back to Black wouldn’t be as acclaimed if Amy was still alive let’s be real.

Edited by What_A_Mess
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Born to die wins on the impact because songs getting released today keep sounding like it 

But BTB was bigger and better 

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Lana served but Amy destroyed 

B2B is one if the best albums of all time

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Both were monsters success-wise, but B2B wins.  I think Born to Die was the biggest female non-Adele album in Europe of 2010s and Amy was the biggest female album of 2000s there.


Born to Die is more impactful, remembered and better. 


Back to Black and Born to Die are favorite albums of all time. 

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I mean... I adore Lanita with my entire heart but c'mon, without Amy there wouldn't be a Lana, Adele, Florence, Lykke, etc etc

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Bigger and Impact it's Back To Back but Born To Die is better


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