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Gavin Newsome goes on veto rampage. Ends multiple progressive bills


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20 minutes ago, Nights said:

This fact doesn't take away from the point though?

Yes, it literally does. Gavin by  vetoing caps on co-pays for insulin is placing himself at odds with what a majority of Americans want. :redface:

Edited by Communion
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This man is the ultimate corporate corrupt democrat boss


A nightmare  

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10 hours ago, getBusy said:

An alleged Democrat siding with Big Pharma in 2023… 

What’s wild about that?


He’s a democrat, not a progressive


Democrats are mostly corporate shills

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That surely won't haunt him in the future....


Did Big Pharma contribute that much to his campaign, even Biden signed bills to cap insulin costs

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The more I hear and read about Gavin, the more I loath him. I originally was open to Newsome, his policies and vision navigating forward. Even open to the notion of voting for him if (when) he runs for president. That's now off the table.  

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I would request everyone to read the reasoning Newsom gave after vetoing each bill.

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