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200+ Murdered in Israel attack, 1,000+ injured


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1 minute ago, Communion said:

Logical fallacies like this dont work when the events you're trying to trick people into viewing as wholly separate happened as recently as *checks notes* yesterday.


"Today requires immediacy not the distant past of last week!"

Do you support Hamas murdering civillians in cold blood including children?

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The problem is when Israel took over Palestine, they didn't complete their conquest by taking over all of Palestine which led to these rebellions. History shows us that when a country takes over land they take over all the land and more until the opposing side has no will to fight anymore and must join that country or pretty much die. This won't end until one country takes over the other.

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1 minute ago, Harrier said:

I'm not erasing anything from my mind. I despise Netanyahu and the events in 2018 were horrific. The IDF has committed war crimes on many occasions and I will not waste a single breath defending or doing apologetics for them.


You however are attempting to disctract and redirect attention away from the 400+ civililan dead and counting that happened today because of Hamas' actions. You fail to condemn their ruthless, cold blooded, barbaric violence because you support their goal of driving Israel into the sea. You just don't have the balls to say it outright.

I cannot and will not understand a view of current events and history that thinks you can separate the actions of today from yesterday and so on. These aren’t isolated incidents. One is in retaliation to another. It isn’t distraction and retaliation when Israel just murdered 4 Palestinians in the West Bank. It’s relevant. Hamas and Palestinians for how awful the bloodshed is going to be are fighting back against the bloodshed Israel has inflicted on them for 15 years in Gaza and obviously further back. 

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1 minute ago, Harrier said:

Do you support Hamas murdering civillians in cold blood including children?

you're quoting someone who denies genocides when it fits his narrative

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2 minutes ago, Harrier said:

Do you support Hamas murdering civillians in cold blood including children?

Do you support Israel murdering civilians in cold blood including children? 

these sort of gotcha questions that put words in ppl’s mouths aren’t going to meaningfully progress the convo. 

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8 minutes ago, Virgos Groove said:

Ignoring the fact that this constitutes a literal war crime and you should get permabanned for posting it, what sense does it make to bomb an empty territory to pieces? :priceless:

I’m sorry. Didn’t know wars had rules. I’m tired of seeing reports of innocent children dying and would like that to be stopped. 

The logic behind bombing empty territory is so that more innocent civilians aren’t murdered in the process. 

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3 minutes ago, ProudLBS said:

you're quoting someone who denies genocides when it fits his narrative

Oh trust and believe, I know that. 


1 minute ago, Gov Hooka said:

Do you support Israel murdering civilians in cold blood including children? 

these sort of gotcha questions that put words in ppl’s mouths aren’t going to meaningfully progress the convo. 

No :heart:

Look how easy that was. Now you!

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Just now, Harrier said:

Do you support Hamas murdering civillians in cold blood including children?

Did my post accuse those silent on atrocities occurring just this summer as offering support?


Again, it's deeply troubling the implications of what groups are deemed worthy of absolute emotional support and empathy. 


Violence against Israelis drives out of you condemnations and demand for focusing on the here and now, framing today's events as the most singular event and the defining event. 


Would you be comfortable with anyone suggesting your ongoing silence regarding events that impact Palestinians just last month to have been support for the eradication of the Palestinian people?


What is leading to the different emotional reactions between both acts of violence?

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1 hour ago, Embustera said:

I don't condone the actions of Hamas, but this is what oppression does to people. I will pray for all innocent people.

You do know that they can target government facilities instead right? What justifies them targeting civilians which also include muslims and christians. Please do explain.

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1 hour ago, Harrier said:

Avoid the videos if you can. Uterrly gut wrenching. Anyone who has seen it and can still attempt to justify Hamas' violence as far as somehow 'based' or 'anti-colonialist' or whatever is completely morally repugnant in my eyes. Disgusting behaviour I'm seeing from people including in this thread, again.


For those that want a written description of some of the videos I have unfortunately seen:

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Killing children in cold blood, parading bodies on the streets, dragging away the corpse of a recently raped woman, murdering entire familes hiding in bomb shelters. Its ISIS level. Im in shock

This what happens when you go Invading other people land, kill them, and commit the most awful crimes, trying to genocide them completely for +60 years, the reaction will simply be the same or even worse. for every action inn nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.

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Just now, Harrier said:

Oh trust and believe, I know that. 


No :heart:

Lookw ho easy that was. Now you!

It seems he failed :deadbanana:

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Anyone who calls it retaliation or doesn't condem this is just siding with hamas at this point


Going door to door, raping the women, slithing the throats of children, kidnapping elderly women with dementia and then making them pose with their guns, and just generally killing everyone on sight is PURE EVIL! 


They literally massacared 10 villages, the death toll is only rising and is over 200 innocent civillians + many others who were kidnapped into gaza


And no, you can't deny this happened as the videos are circulating everywhere right now.

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Just now, Rebel Lion said:

You do know that they can target government facilities instead right? What justifies them targeting civilians which also include muslims and christians. Please do explain.

Because they literally did that to them! every year they attack innocent Palestinians, where are you from them? Why they didn't target government facilities?

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The resident terrorist apologists running to this thread to defend the very same people (Hamas) who would have them stoned. 

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My heart goes out to all the innocent civilians who bore the brunt of this reprehensible act of aggression. Hamas is a fundamentalist terrorist organisation, end of. 

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4 minutes ago, Rebel Lion said:

You do know that they can target government facilities instead right? What justifies them targeting civilians which also include muslims and christians. Please do explain.

I don't think they can get close to government facilities. Killing innocent civilians is easier and has a bigger impact. Israel's missiles also mainly target innocent civilians.

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2 minutes ago, Harrier said:

Oh trust and believe, I know that. 


No :heart:

Look how easy that was. Now you!

If you truly in your heart of hearts believed that “no,” then the outrage you feel about it now should’ve been quite literally a DAILY feeling for you the past 15 years when the Israeli gov, military and its own citizenry have been doing these actions to Palestinians and their children. But I’m not naive enough to believe that you have an equal reaction to the two because you, and all the rest of the Pearl clutching westerners in this thread, do in fact tacitly side with the clear oppressors, Israel. 

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This is absolutely awful. I wish peace would come.

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2 minutes ago, KOMH said:

My heart goes out to all the innocent civilians who bore the brunt of this reprehensible act of aggression. Hamas is a fundamentalist terrorist organisation, end of. 

So is the IDF and the Israeli gov who they are fighting against. End of. 

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The same like 10 Western chauvinists who always somehow find themselves defending atrocities committed by Israel: No one is saying all Palestinians are at fault! We just want unequivocal condemnations of those who are attacking Israel! It shouldn't be that hard!


The actual posts being made in question about what people want Israel to do:

44 minutes ago, family.guy123 said:

Evacuate the area, bomb it to pieces. Nobody allowed to live there anymore. 


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4 minutes ago, Communion said:

Did my post accuse those silent on atrocities occurring just this summer as offering support?


Again, it's deeply troubling the implications of what groups are deemed worthy of absolute emotional support and empathy. 


Violence against Israelis drives out of you condemnations and demand for focusing on the here and now, framing today's events as the most singular event and the defining event. 


Would you be comfortable with anyone suggesting your ongoing silence regarding events that impact Palestinians just last month to have been support for the eradication of the Palestinian people?


What is leading to the different emotional reactions between both acts of violence?

You can police my emotional reaction to witnessing videos of horrendous cold blooded violence against children as much as you wish. I dont apologise for it. Doesnt change the fact that what I want is peace, and what you want is for a country to be wiped off the map.

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8 minutes ago, C-Amber said:

Because they literally did that to them! every year they attack innocent Palestinians, where are you from them? Why they didn't target government facilities?

Do you hear yourself?

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4 minutes ago, Navy4Life said:

The resident terrorist apologists running to this thread to defend the very same people (Hamas) who would have them stoned. 

if your world view is that everyone who opposes the way you live should be obliterated (no attempts to reform or find common ground) you’re talking about killing roughly 4-5 billion people ????? if not a lot more ???


i love when y’all tell on yallselves. it’s that kind of cynicism that allows for these atrocities to take place. you don’t care about preserving life, you’ve already adopted a mentality that regulates people to being expendable based on the access to information and experience that they have.


i don’t want someone dead just because they don’t like gay people, rather i still am able to have hope in the face of everything that the world can get to a place where we accept everyone for their differences (call it naive but it seems a lot more sad to think the opposite) …… and while that includes eradicating the religion these people are still deeply in the throughs of, i don’t fault them for aligning themselves with that religion because for THOSE people who are at their most hopeless, isolated, downtrodden … it can be all they have. 

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3 minutes ago, Rebel Lion said:

Do you hear yourself?

Do you hear yourself?



Thousands by year get killed or severally injured. Where are you or thr western media from it? Yes probably defending Isreal while America support them with billions annually. 

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