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200+ Murdered in Israel attack, 1,000+ injured


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Interesting how the same people that suffered at the hands of N*zi Germany some decades ago are advocating for the same genocidal rhetoric now. Stop it. Civilians are not to blame for the stupidness of extremism on both sides of the spectrum.

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It would be great if this becomes a thread with just the latest updates instead of a cesspool of opinions made by people sitting comfortably on the couch of their living room

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3 minutes ago, Sombre said:

"evacuate" as if Palestinians have any other place left to go........... :toofunny2:

Exactly. “Evacuate.” Spoken like a true colonizer. Colonizers have a place to go cause it’s not their home. Natives don’t cause that’s their home. 

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The responses in here are troubling. Israel left Gaza in 2004, which is how we ended up with Hamas. People celebrating terrorism are only helping to perpetuate the cycle of violence. How can there be peace when people celebrate rape, torture, and murder?

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11 minutes ago, Embustera said:

That’s bullshit and you know it. Give the land back to the Palestinians and there will be peace. None of this would have happened if the Israelis had not oppressed the Palestinians.

That is true. I agree that the creation of Israel was a terrible mistake, a tremendous ongoing injustice, and I condemn the actions of Netanyahu's far right colonialist government. But it has been nearly 80 years since the creation of Israel. It is just not possible to return the land to the Palestinians without mass violence and suffering. Additionally, Israeli families have now lived there for several generations and for them, it is their home now, whether you like it or not.


The two state solution is the only way and has been so for decades. But Hamas' actions today have set back the path to that peace by a decade or even longer, and also I expect will greatly undermine the growing sympathy for Palestinians in the West. Its just a disatrous turn of events that will lead to nothing but more suffering for Palestinians and more civillian deaths on both sides.

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3 minutes ago, Riot said:

It would be great if this becomes a thread with just the latest updates instead of a cesspool of opinions made by people sitting comfortably on the couch of their living room

This is a forum 

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Israeli citizens were literally running into Palestinian villages and committing pogroms this year, cheered on by members of government. In 2018, civil protests at Israeli military bases by unarmed citizens saw the IDF kill over 200 Palestinians. 


This was literally not even just 7 months ago:


To see people somehow erase this from their mind and say now the same kind of attacks happening to Israeli citizens in retaliation is "a line too far and an affront to the West" is deeply uncomfortable in its myriad of implications. One would have never known that the retaliation into Israel also included the seizing of army ports and the destruction of military weapons and vehicles.


People in the previous thread also somehow saying Palestinians deserve bad things happening to them for accepting Russia as an ally is even more concerning thinking given such is the same rhetoric regarding Azerbaijan doing ethnic cleansing to Armenians in Artsahk - something the Israel has since defended after receiving criticism for their arms transports. 

Edited by Communion
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Some truly despicable replies in here.


Violence against innocent people is NEVER acceptable. Period.

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Nothing justifies what’s happening in any shape or form. But I just caught up with the other thread and the lack of knowledge that stems from something as basic as distinguishing the sides and their names, that carries into making up their minds without being properly educated about everything relating to the situation from the very beginning, and this is coming from a supposedly educated and developed individuals…


Therefore, if you want to talk out of your ass and try to take a side, go ******* educate yourself and pop whatever bubble you reside in.

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2 minutes ago, ZIVERT said:

The responses in here are troubling. Israel left Gaza in 2004, which is how we ended up with Hamas. People celebrating terrorism are only helping to perpetuate the cycle of violence. How can there be peace when people celebrate rape, torture, and murder?

Israel has ramped up terrorism against Palestinians and illegal settlements with the support of a significant chunk of its own people the past few years especially with the far right turn of its gov, and now that Palestine is fighting back, you want the “peace.” It’s bleak. 

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6 minutes ago, Gov Hooka said:

Literally this. Amazing how Israeli “peace” for colonizers at the expense of sheer brutality against Palestinian natives by their own government is challenged and now they wanna cry. The double standard is so apparent, I just need these folks to admit they have been fine with the militant oppression of Palestinians (it’s always been “out of sight out of mind”) but NOW when they rightfully fight back, it’s horrible… 



Israel has committed war crime after war crime. They’ve consistently just done whatever they wanted because they know they can get away with it. They use children as human shields, use chemical war fare that the UN considers illegal and continues to murder and displace thousands of Palestinians every single year all while under the protection of the UN and the West. 

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I wonder if people understand Hamas' attack was practiced and trained for beforehand? They're an organized terrorist organization and they commit war crimes, light years incomparable to any Israeli operation in years. Without media spins, Israel has been protecting itself against this threat for decades. You're completely rotten to actively and anonymously support this mass bombing and slaughtering, rape and social media showcase of innocents people of all ages. 


There are downright vile takes here like "Israelis should move out of Israel" like, be serious. We've been here for over a century and we're not going anywhere. Instead of always saying nonsense- advocate for PEACE. Gaza is a slum, Hamas has an extraordinary amount of money, and an official authority but they choose to invest this money in weapons! They've their own land, own authority and own funds. Stop this false narrative of occupation and apartheid. Enough 

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7 minutes ago, ZIVERT said:

The responses in here are troubling. Israel left Gaza in 2004, which is how we ended up with Hamas. People celebrating terrorism are only helping to perpetuate the cycle of violence. How can there be peace when people celebrate rape, torture, and murder?



Yes how can there be peace when people gather around with food and drinks to watch people being bombed/murdered all while cheering. These are citizens of Israel acting as if the bombing of Palestinians is a sporting event. And you expect Palestinians to just be accepting of this while they’re being bombed, raped, murdered, and exiled out of their homes? 

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1 minute ago, Gov Hooka said:

Israel has ramped up terrorism against Palestinians and illegal settlements with the support of a significant chunk of its own people the past few years especially with the far right turn of its gov, and now that Palestine is fighting back, you want the “peace.” It’s bleak. 

No one is defending settlements or the far right government, who are also partially responsible for letting things get this bad. But to write think pieces justifying Hamas is disgusting and indefensible. Mind you, Gazans also protested against Hamas (while under threat of violence) earlier this year. Gaza needs to be returned to the PA, Hamas needs to be eradicated, and there needs to be serious discussions with acknowledgements of wrongdoing from both sides. However, I fear this terrorist attack has sealed the deal for peace talks for a while. Hamas has once again helped perpetuate a cycle of misery for both Israelis and Palestinians, and yet we are expected to celebrate this as “decolonization.”

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Negative views of Israel are justified. 


Seeing innocent children get murdered though is absolutely disgraceful 

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The US funds terrorists through paying for the release of prisoners, etc and then the terrorists use the money to attack civilians while the US is also funding the country where the citizens are being attacked. Money is the root of all evil.

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24 minutes ago, family.guy123 said:

Evacuate the area, bomb it to pieces. Nobody allowed to live there anymore. Sad, but that’s what happens when people can’t behave. 

Ignoring the fact that this constitutes a literal war crime and you should get permabanned for posting it, what sense does it make to bomb an empty territory to pieces? :priceless:

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14 minutes ago, Communion said:

Israeli citizens were literally running into Palestinian villages and committing pogroms this year, cheered on by members of government. In 2018, civil protests at Israeli military bases by unarmed citizens saw the IDF kill over 200 Palestinians. 


To see people somehow erase this from their mind and say now the same kind of attacks happening to Israeli citizens in retaliation is "a line too far and an affront to the West" is deeply uncomfortable in its myriad of implications. One would have never known that the retaliation into Israel also included the seizing of army ports and the destruction of military weapons and vehicles.


People in the previous thread also somehow saying Palestinians deserve bad things happening to them for accepting Russia as an ally is even more concerning thinking given such is the same rhetoric regarding Azerbaijan doing ethnic cleansing to Armenians in Artsahk - something the Israel has since defended after receiving criticism for their arms transports. 

I'm not erasing anything from my mind. I despise Netanyahu and the events in 2018 were horrific. The IDF has committed war crimes on many occasions and I will not waste a single breath defending or doing apologetics for them.


You however are attempting to disctract and redirect attention away from the 400+ civililan dead and counting that happened today because of Hamas' actions. You fail to condemn their ruthless, cold blooded, barbaric violence because you support their goal of driving Israel into the sea through any means necessary. You just don't have the balls to say it outright.

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6 minutes ago, Negev said:

I wonder if people understand Hamas' attack was practiced and trained for beforehand? They're an organized terrorist organization and they commit war crimes, light years incomparable to any Israeli operation in years. Without media spins, Israel has been protecting itself against this threat for decades. You're completely rotten to actively and anonymously support this mass bombing and slaughtering, rape and social media showcase of innocents people of all ages. 


There are downright vile takes here like "Israelis should move out of Israel" like, be serious. We've been here for over a century and we're not going anywhere. Instead of always saying nonsense- advocate for PEACE. Gaza is a slum, Hamas has an extraordinary amount of money, and an official authority but they choose to invest this money in weapons! They've their own land, own authority and own funds. Stop this false narrative of occupation and apartheid. Enough 

Israel is an apartheid state. Someone has to stand up for the Palestinians and that is certainly not your government. My grandfather sees Israel as a terrorist state. They killed his parents and stole his family's land. How do you justify Israel's actions? Are you so brainwashed?

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36 minutes ago, Luckitty said:

Free Palestine from the river to the sea

oh the colonizers are mad at my comment :fan: 


we will kick out the zionist colonizers just like how we kicked out all the colonizers in the middle east & north africa before them

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Allegedly there's awful videos circulating of children, men, and women, getting their throats cut.


INDEFENSIBLE. Anybody bending over backwards in this thread to justify Palestine's terrorism needs to shut the **** up.

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I hope Israel defeats Hamas once and for all. That is the only way forward. The people who are currently attacking Israel are not victims, they're terrorists.


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3 minutes ago, Harrier said:

that happened today 

Logical fallacies like this dont work when the events you're trying to trick people into viewing as wholly separate happened as recently as *checks notes* yesterday.


"Today requires immediacy not the distant past of ..last week!"


That doesn't make sense. This argument is inherently childlike and emotionally immature. 

Edited by Communion
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1 hour ago, Embustera said:

I don't condone the actions of Hamas, but this is what oppression does to people. I will pray for all innocent people.

My feelings exactly. It sucks to see this. 

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