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Israel infiltrated by militants, Rockets fired by Hamas


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Israel will retaliate. The whole gaza strip is going to be wiped out in a few days, isn’t it?


More deaths and suffering :katie:

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2 minutes ago, ZIVERT said:

The essays in here justifying terrorism and defending an internationally recognized terror group. This is horrifying, and will have untold ramifications for the conflict for years to come. The 50th year anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, the fact that this particular surprise attack was done on one of the happiest days of the Jewish calendar, all of the deaths and hostages… This is not the route to peace.

Occupation and apartheid are not the route to peace either.

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I feel bad for all the innocent civilians who are affected by the Israel-Palestine conflict.

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3 minutes ago, Space Cowboy said:

Israel will retaliate. The whole gaza strip is going to be wiped out in a few days, isn’t it?


More deaths and suffering :katie:

The deaths of Palestinians and Israelis are going to peak this year. Already 100 Israelis and +198 Palestinians. :dancehall2:



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7 minutes ago, Space Cowboy said:

Israel will retaliate. The whole gaza strip is going to be wiped out in a few days, isn’t it?


More deaths and suffering :katie:

and Hamas will use Palestinian civilians as human shield (including the ones we see on videos celebrating the death of Israelis). And Israel will get blamed for it like usual.

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1 minute ago, Sarkis said:

Unless they’re a recent convert, all Jews have genetic ties to Israel. For example, a Jewish person whose ancestors lived in Poland is more genetically related to a Jewish person whose ancestors lived in Morocco, Iraq or Syria than to an ethnic Pole.

A heartbreaking fact is that these Israelis have a lot of culture and customs in common with their Muslim neighbors. A lot of Jewish families lived and prospered in the Arab world before being driven away and prosecuted by them. I am also a descendant of them. 


Just now, ClashAndBurn said:

Occupation and apartheid are not the route to peace either.

My God, at least try to write something that makes sense and benefits this conversation.

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1 hour ago, State of Grace. said:

The fact that I'm actually reading posts anticipating Netanyahu/Israel's response to this is sick to say the least

You were literally kiki-ing about the exact same thing you're criticizing now only 3 pages ago:


3 hours ago, State of Grace. said:

The sheer AUDACITY of Netanyahu actually going on Twitter and saying "we are at war" :ahh: 

Please step off your moral highground cause you're not fooling anyone.


OT: I wish I hadn't seen those videos on Twitter. Very traumatising stuff. Death toll keeps increasing every minute too, this definitely won't end well for either side. 

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5 minutes ago, Sarkis said:

and Hamas will use Palestinian civilians as human shield (including the ones we see on videos celebrating the death of Israelis). And Israel will get blamed for it like usual.

You mean when they bombed AP office in 2021, accused them for allowing Hamas operating in there which turned out to be false to justify their war crime? :-*


Five post and most of them defending Israel? Zionist infiltrate ATRL again whats new :bibliahh:

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The amount of disgust that's oozing out of this thread is mindboggling. ATRL users once again proving they have are morally-bankrupt and lack basic human empathy. 



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3 minutes ago, Riverbank said:

You were literally kiki-ing about the exact same thing you're criticizing now only 3 pages ago

They are allowed to apparently 

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Abrahamic religions are low-key the bottom of the barrel among organized religions, aren't they? What is this mess, poor civilians on both sides:biblionny:

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I swear every single time we have new episodes of Israel-Palestine conflict there will be new accounts created on ATRL just to defend that Apartheid state :deadbanana2:

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6 minutes ago, Riverbank said:

You were literally kiki-ing about the exact same thing you're criticizing now only 3 pages ago:


Please step off your moral highground cause you're not fooling anyone.


I'm laughing at the war criminal Netanyahu's audacity to even say "we are at war" when Palestine hasn't known a day of peace since before 1948. That nasty creature is the last person I'd like to see talking about this.


You and your fellow squad of Zionists can miss me with your faux outrage and "I just want peace" takes. There are Israeli users here who are so deluded that they think the IDF has been "defending" them all of these years and now it's time to fight back. Please. 

Edited by State of Grace.
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IDF and Hamas are both terrorist groups. Apartheid and terrorism by the IDF against Palestine was always going to result in this. Innocent Israeli and Palestinian civilians needs to be protected at all costs. 

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I feel horrible for the innocent civilians caught in between this conflict. This cycle of violence seems to have no end.

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18 minutes ago, Aristotle said:

The deaths of Palestinians and Israelis are going to peak this year. Already 100 Israelis and +198 Palestinians. :dancehall2:



And it's not even 24 hours, we need ceasefire real quick for the sake of innocent citizens :monkey:

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1 minute ago, Cloröx said:

I swear every single time we have new episodes of Israel-Palestine conflict there will be new accounts created on ATRL just to defend that Apartheid state :deadbanana2:

Why are you more concerned about something as trivial as this instead of being concerned about the hundreds of Israeli civilians who were kidnapped, murdered, beheaded, dismembered and raped?

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I feel for the israeli families mourning the loss of their loved ones today, but part of the ongoing narrative here, reinforced by claims such as "something has shifted today" and "we haven't seen such barbaric actions in decades, this is a call for war!", seems to be purposely disattached from reality and movitated by not-so-ulterior motives.


Nearly 600 palestinian civilians have been killied this decade by israeli forces so far, palestinian lives are disproportionately lost every other day in Gaza and West Bank, so it's honestly sad, but very telling at same time, see zionists online go "after today, their constant tears and sorrow won't make anyone feel pity for them anymore!" after an attack that registered several israeli deaths happened. You can almost hear the not-so-silent "we got the narrative in western discouse back, fellas!" between the lines. Disgusted.


Families shouldn't be harmed and lives shouldn't be lost as a result of attacks directly connected to a conflict created by the brutal occupation of palestine territorries by Israel. That is exactly why Apartheid Israel and it's illigal annexations must be stopped.

Edited by Scars
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Hamas is allied with Iran, Russia, North Korea, Venezuela and many other regimes. Do we need any more proof of who the crazies are?

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3 minutes ago, Cloröx said:

we need ceasefire

After the terrorists ran out of ammo? No. 

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Just now, Sarkis said:

Why are you more concerned about something as trivial as this instead of being concerned about the hundreds of Israeli civilians who were kidnapped, murdered, beheaded, dismembered and raped?

I'm concerned about innocents from both sides unlike Zionist apologist who cares only Israelis and not a little a bit for Palestinians :giraffe:

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Just absolutely horrifying stuff and exactly what Israelis have been fearing and warning about for so long. It will only get worse unless they act and coordinate against Iran who is surely funding and helping organize this massive war effort. 

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1 minute ago, Johnny Jacobs said:

After the terrorists ran out of ammo? No. 

Zionist apologist on it again, I'm not surprise at all :-*

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Just now, Cloröx said:

Zionist apologist on it again, I'm not surprise at all :-*

Terrorists will pay. You can be certain about that. 

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