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Why can't I create real human connections?


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11 hours ago, RideOrDie said:

not the chat-gpt response




:ahh: girl i got my degree on chat GPT 

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Join a church love. Nothing fills my hole like attention from good Christian men. :heart:

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you're the problem obviously 

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On 10/7/2023 at 10:23 AM, Mr_campbell said:

Building real connections with others can be a complex and multifaceted process, and there may be several reasons why you're finding it challenging. Here are a few common factors that can contribute to difficulties in building real connections:

1. Lack of self-awareness: Building genuine connections with others often starts with understanding and accepting yourself. If you're not fully aware of your own emotions, needs, and values, it can be challenging to form authentic connections with others.

2. Fear of vulnerability: Building real connections requires opening up and being vulnerable with others. However, many people fear rejection, judgment, or getting hurt, which can prevent them from fully engaging in relationships.

3. Communication barriers: Effective communication is crucial for building connections. If you struggle with expressing yourself, listening actively, or understanding others, it can hinder your ability to establish meaningful connections.

4. Limited social skills: Building connections involves social skills such as empathy, active listening, and understanding non-verbal cues. If you haven't developed these skills, it can be challenging to connect deeply with others.

5. Unrealistic expectations: Sometimes, people have unrealistic expectations of what a real connection should be like or expect instant deep connections. Building genuine relationships takes time, effort, and mutual understanding.

6. Lack of shared interests or values: It can be easier to connect with others who share similar interests, values, or life experiences. If you struggle to find common ground with people around you, it may be harder to build strong connections.

7. Limited opportunities for connection: If you don't have many opportunities to meet new people or engage in social activities, it can be more challenging to build connections. Consider exploring new hobbies, joining clubs or groups, or attending events where you can meet like-minded individuals.

Remember that building connections is a skill that can be developed with time and practice. It may be helpful to reflect on these factors and consider seeking support from a trusted friend, counselor, or therapist who can provide guidance and help you navigate the process of building real connections.

What in the Chatgbt

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It's not just you. We're all in the same boat. Honestly it's because of social media and the birth of electronics. We just want what we see in photos and prefer the quick fixes our electronics give us and when we can't find that in a relationship we move on quick which is why ghosting is so popular right now. You just have to find someone like minded like you are and hope for the best but in the end we as a species lost real human connection. The internet really devolved us.

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Why are people responding or trying to answer the Op’s question before asking how he arrived to that thought? :deadbanana4:  We were given no detail at all.


@Joyride If you’re serious, can you explain why you feel that way?

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On 10/9/2023 at 3:16 PM, Buffy said:

Why are people responding or trying to answer the Op’s question before asking how he arrived to that thought? :deadbanana4:  We were given no detail at all.


@Joyride If you’re serious, can you explain why you feel that way?

The lack of response  :deadbanana4: I think we figured out why he can’t make connections nnn /endthread

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Because we are increasingly getting more alienated from each other because our socioeconomic system is predicated on doing that. 


We have commodified virtually everything at this point and now that includes even ourselves. We are culturally indocrinated to see each other as not humans, but as things to either profit of or get rid of. This is why dating in general sucks and even friendships seem harder to build up and/or maintain. The general loss of ''third places'' as well only worsens this even further. That's also one of the major reasons why most people are ''chronically online''. 


The inherit power imbalances the system is built upon also plays a big role in this. People, especially men, are told not to show any kind of emotional vulnerability because it's seen as a sign of weakness. This leads to men not being able to handle their feelings and emotions and that in turn makes it so closer relationships are harder to navigate generally, both friendships and romantic ones. 


Of course there can be some behaviors particular to you that aggravates the issue further, but without looking at the big picture I am skeptical of assigning blame solely on individual traits.

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