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Why can't I create real human connections?


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1 minute ago, Bloo said:

ATRL, and forums in general, are usually not the best place to ask these intimately personal questions. 

I quite like to expose myself like that


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Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s. We do not know you personally so :rip:

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We’re gonna need more details than just four words in the OP. What is the context? What challenges are you facing? What have you tried? Etc. 

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I hate to be blunt, but are you trying?

Try connecting to like minded people. Make the first move. Be active in making friends. Don't wait for someone to reach out, you do it. 

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like when i try to make friends .. they just end up bullying me about something I love :skull:  people are awful you don't need connections :heart:

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thought this was a thread about that bjork song for a minute

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27 minutes ago, Bloo said:

ATRL, and forums in general, are usually not the best place to ask these intimately personal questions. 

“intimately personal questions” It’s 7 words

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7 minutes ago, ZeroPoint said:

“intimately personal questions” It’s 7 words

Don’t be terse. It’s 7 words that require a lot of intimate information about a person to answer. 

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You have to genuinely listen to people, be pleasant to be around and communicate (communication is about the other person. it is not about expressing how you are or about boring rambling.)

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You are probably looking for something instead of just being yourself

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Because you're thinking about album debut sales and music leaks you have in your Local Files on Spotify during conversations.

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Idk, you just live and are out there in the world and then you find people you vibe with and ask to go on a frienddate and it usually goes from there

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Building real connections with others can be a complex and multifaceted process, and there may be several reasons why you're finding it challenging. Here are a few common factors that can contribute to difficulties in building real connections:

1. Lack of self-awareness: Building genuine connections with others often starts with understanding and accepting yourself. If you're not fully aware of your own emotions, needs, and values, it can be challenging to form authentic connections with others.

2. Fear of vulnerability: Building real connections requires opening up and being vulnerable with others. However, many people fear rejection, judgment, or getting hurt, which can prevent them from fully engaging in relationships.

3. Communication barriers: Effective communication is crucial for building connections. If you struggle with expressing yourself, listening actively, or understanding others, it can hinder your ability to establish meaningful connections.

4. Limited social skills: Building connections involves social skills such as empathy, active listening, and understanding non-verbal cues. If you haven't developed these skills, it can be challenging to connect deeply with others.

5. Unrealistic expectations: Sometimes, people have unrealistic expectations of what a real connection should be like or expect instant deep connections. Building genuine relationships takes time, effort, and mutual understanding.

6. Lack of shared interests or values: It can be easier to connect with others who share similar interests, values, or life experiences. If you struggle to find common ground with people around you, it may be harder to build strong connections.

7. Limited opportunities for connection: If you don't have many opportunities to meet new people or engage in social activities, it can be more challenging to build connections. Consider exploring new hobbies, joining clubs or groups, or attending events where you can meet like-minded individuals.

Remember that building connections is a skill that can be developed with time and practice. It may be helpful to reflect on these factors and consider seeking support from a trusted friend, counselor, or therapist who can provide guidance and help you navigate the process of building real connections.

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It’s a matter of you putting in the effort. Like how many calls or text are you ignoring? Are you dismissing people based on your first impression? Are you making time for people in general? Is your focus on work and/or your down time? You could just be chronically depressed, but there’s not enough context in the OP to go by. 

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You're probably self-centered

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Some people just don't have the latent ability to create 'human' connections. Maybe you're a bit boring, maybe you're a bit obnoxious, maybe you're not self-aware, maybe you stink. Maybe you're just awkward instead.


Have you considered befriending AI?

Edited by KahnumDash
Duplicate word.
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2 hours ago, Mr_campbell said:

Building real connections with others can be a complex and multifaceted process, and there may be several reasons why you're finding it challenging. Here are a few common factors that can contribute to difficulties in building real connections:

1. Lack of self-awareness: Building genuine connections with others often starts with understanding and accepting yourself. If you're not fully aware of your own emotions, needs, and values, it can be challenging to form authentic connections with others.

2. Fear of vulnerability: Building real connections requires opening up and being vulnerable with others. However, many people fear rejection, judgment, or getting hurt, which can prevent them from fully engaging in relationships.

3. Communication barriers: Effective communication is crucial for building connections. If you struggle with expressing yourself, listening actively, or understanding others, it can hinder your ability to establish meaningful connections.

4. Limited social skills: Building connections involves social skills such as empathy, active listening, and understanding non-verbal cues. If you haven't developed these skills, it can be challenging to connect deeply with others.

5. Unrealistic expectations: Sometimes, people have unrealistic expectations of what a real connection should be like or expect instant deep connections. Building genuine relationships takes time, effort, and mutual understanding.

6. Lack of shared interests or values: It can be easier to connect with others who share similar interests, values, or life experiences. If you struggle to find common ground with people around you, it may be harder to build strong connections.

7. Limited opportunities for connection: If you don't have many opportunities to meet new people or engage in social activities, it can be more challenging to build connections. Consider exploring new hobbies, joining clubs or groups, or attending events where you can meet like-minded individuals.

Remember that building connections is a skill that can be developed with time and practice. It may be helpful to reflect on these factors and consider seeking support from a trusted friend, counselor, or therapist who can provide guidance and help you navigate the process of building real connections.

not the chat-gpt response




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