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Existential Dread?


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I feel like a mix of covid, depression, family issues, and just life in general has left me feeling super depressed and filled with dread. It feels like so many years of my life that were supposed to be filled with romance, excitement, milestones, and memories are rather dull and not filled with much at all. Although I have made progress in some areas, it just feels like life is not shaping up to be what I had hoped or what I imagined. I also now feel as though the best years are behind me.

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Honestly, same

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1 minute ago, Bloodflowers. said:

Honestly, same

Let me read The Gift of Change by Marianne Williamson and maybe it'll help.

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Just now, May said:

welcome to life

Why are we still allowing people to procreate when life is this awful?



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18 minutes ago, GraceRandolph said:

Why are we still allowing people to procreate when life is this awful?



i think ppl have a twisted idea engrained in their head that their life wont be as miserable if they create a smaller more annoying version of themselves who can keep them company in the misery :thing: 

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Are you willing to change though? Sounds like you’re stuck. Maybe make some goals for yourself, plan some trips? 

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3 minutes ago, Shelter said:

Are you willing to change though? Sounds like you’re stuck. Maybe make some goals for yourself, plan some trips? 

What will setting a goal change about me or the world at large itself though fundamentally?

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finally someone said it. I've been feeling so miserable and despairy lately. Everyone is easily agitated. I genuinely think i have ptsd from everything that has happened in the past 3 years. It's impossible to keep putting bandaids over these issues. The delusional bubble has finally popped. It doesn't help when its impossible as a recent grad to get a job, buy a house etc or even get decent groceries at this point


like what now 

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2 minutes ago, Lyrica said:

Read this book it has honesty helped me so much to realize many things when i felt lost

thanks i'll look into this

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I feel disconnected and nothing excites me. I’ve been this way since Feb 2020. I’ve been landing massive clients with my business and even managing some of our pop girls socials, yet I don’t feel accomplished or content. I feel numb. 


Im suspicious that tiktok has fried my brain tbh 

Edited by Mr_campbell
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I feel you 100%, you’re not alone :heart:

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You mentioned COVID, remember when Marie Kondo was popular a little bit before COVID? Does it bring joy? If not get rid of it! That's life! It's up to you if you wanna let life get rid of you. Pick yourself up and find what makes you happy without the past now. And if you ever need a new friend I'm here! :hughard:

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Same .. 1 year of no romance, anything exciting heck even don't hang out with people anymore 


I feel everyone's life flipped after covid

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I feel the same way. We live in a weird and depressing time right now. I'm still optimistic about the future tho. Better times are coming but for now we have to stay strong and fight through the darkness.

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I feel the same way. Every day feels more and more meaningless, and especially knowing that it could all come to an end whenever. I just find myself always feeling so dismal about it. I want to be happy, but I don’t know how. I want excitement, but I don’t know where to look.

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2 hours ago, GraceRandolph said:

I feel like a mix of covid, depression, family issues, and just life in general has left me feeling super depressed and filled with dread. It feels like so many years of my life that were supposed to be filled with romance, excitement, milestones, and memories are rather dull and not filled with much at all. Although I have made progress in some areas, it just feels like life is not shaping up to be what I had hoped or what I imagined. I also now feel as though the best years are behind me.

You seem to truly be struggling, considering your recent posts in this thread. 


Is there a professional you can speak to about this? Reaching out for support is never a bad thing, but a professional who treats depression and works on unresolved trauma (you mention family issues) and/or relationships is going to help a lot more than any of us can. 


When I'm feeling depressed, this helps me (but, everyone is different-- these might not work for you): 


1. What is something I could be doing right now? I will either deep-clean an area of my apartment (such as the kitchen or my guest room) or I'll do a load of laundry. 


Distraction is a very powerful tool, and sometimes it's enough to even snap me out of a funk! 


2. If I don't have a desire to clean, what else can I do? 


I'll either take a walk in my neighborhood, drive to get ice cream or a snack (or maybe even takeout or the grocery store, for a meal to cook!). Maybe I could even cook at home, if I don't want to leave the house. 


3. If I am feeling like I need to talk to somebody, who can I message? 


Ideally, you want to message a close friend, partner, or family member. These people know you, you have a close relationship with these people, and they can help guide you or offer support during this time. 


If all of these are genuinely not working, maybe try hitting the gym. When I go to the gym, I feel so much better after. You're releasing endorphins and you are exercising muscles that might be dormant because if you are depressed, you're more likely to be sedentary and not move your body around as much. 


If holistic approaches don't work (I know some people who have used St. John's Wort, which is over-the-counter, to treat depression; 5-HTP is another supplement for depression), I'd be open to medication. If it wasn't for my Cymbalta, I'd have crippling anxiety and depression every day. It's also non-addictive and one of the safest medications you can take. 


The biggest takeaway is that depression involves you changing your mindset/perspective, working towards short-term and long-term goals that YOU personally want for yourself, and understanding it is not a SPRINT but a MARATHON. 


Celebrate those small wins! If you cleaned your bathroom, buy some chocolate or wine! If you worked that one day at work, even though you were not in the mood at all to work, maybe see a movie after! 


Also, social interaction! The more I hang out with friends, I feel a lot better. 


If you have additional questions, feel free to reach out. I have tried a lot of different therapies, medications, treatments, and I've seen different providers who have various specializations in anxiety-induced conditions, so, I feel like I can point you to the direction you need to go in :)




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There’s like this collective depression right now, and yeah it started around the pandemic.


Existential crisis and mixed with the current state of the world with absolutely zero opportunities for young people


The way people are just collectively saying no to pro-creating it’s incredible 


We’re all just floating in a rock through space without any direction.


But tbh I have found some comfort in spirituality and other forms of ideologies( no abrahamic relgions tho, those are going to make everything worse)


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meditate and get a pumpkin spice latte on your morning commute 

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You kind of just have to keep going, and find things to look forward to - or to distract yourself, honestly. 

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4 hours ago, GraceRandolph said:

I feel like a mix of covid, depression, family issues, and just life in general has left me feeling super depressed and filled with dread. It feels like so many years of my life that were supposed to be filled with romance, excitement, milestones, and memories are rather dull and not filled with much at all. Although I have made progress in some areas, it just feels like life is not shaping up to be what I had hoped or what I imagined. I also now feel as though the best years are behind me.

Yes. Your best years are behind you. Just be the best version of what you are now

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I feel like it just means that you haven't done enough in life that truly awakens and ignites your spirit. Find the zest in life again. Go out and meet new people, plan a vacation to a new city, get lost in a different culture and/or region, join a bowling league, take a karate class, explore all that life has to offer, etc. Sitting and wallowing in self-pity will not make you feel better; it'll just make it worse, when that feeling doesn't need to be there at all. You need to start living for yourself, finding out what brings you joy and happiness.

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