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Ghostface spawned 12(!) different villains. Why?

Oktober Knight

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The Scream franchise managed to spawn 12 different villains to represent Ghostface. Meanwhile, all the other boring villains got tired and started to flop due to overexposure (except for The Blob who flopped from day 1 and never recovered). Why?





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The allure is the mystery behind who Ghostface is, and their reasons behind it. It's a great horror-based "whodunnit." Plus, the films are just solid—never needing to do course corrections—and the mask is iconic!

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How many of those stayed alive? just curious

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and only like 5 of them are icons so ..


Michael is 1 of 1 (part of why Halloween Ends is so abysmal and not canon)

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1 minute ago, Cheers said:

How many of those stayed alive? just curious

How many of the others died and unrealistically came back to life? Just curious 



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The fact that Ghostface is simply a costume and not even one solid Ghoulie is sad. Can’t even carry the franchise with the Ghoulie, having to rely on the final girl. Sad.

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1 minute ago, Oktober Knight said:

How many of the others died and unrealistically came back to life? Just curious 



Ghostfad being unable to resurrect is their problem. Always relying on features, rereleases, and remixes!

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47 minutes ago, Euterpe said:

The fact that Ghostface is simply a costume and not even one solid Ghoulie is sad. Can’t even carry the franchise with the Ghoulie, having to rely on the final girl. Sad.

Mother fcker PLEASE! As if your fav doesn't rely on the final girl too :bibliahh:


46 minutes ago, Cheers said:

Ghostfad being unable to resurrect is their problem. Always relying on features, rereleases, and remixes!

It's called reincarnation genius. And wtf are you going on about when your fav probably can't even fill a 10 track GH album. :rip:


24 minutes ago, truthteller said:

it's just a mask

Still better than the mask your bf makes you wear when he's pounding you. 



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Because he‘s that basic, so everyone and their mum finds something be InSpIrEd by him. :isudumblmao:

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It's kinda like a commentary on how desperate some people are to be recognized or seen to the point that they'd put on the Ghostface role... reminds me of a particular MPG...

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And the fact that none of them can stay alive for more than 1 movie, embarrassing. Worst horror villain of all time. :fan:

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2 hours ago, Euterpe said:

The fact that Ghostface is simply a costume and not even one solid Ghoulie is sad. Can’t even carry the franchise with the Ghoulie, having to rely on the final girl. Sad.

Let's not forget that Fadoween was going to become a straight to video franchise before Jamie Lee signed on for H20.

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1 hour ago, Sonny said:

And the fact that none of them can stay alive for more than 1 movie, embarrassing. Worst horror villain of all time. :fan:

Why would they stay alive. It kills the entire purpose of the franchise :coffee2:

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33 minutes ago, Dialamba said:

Why would they stay alive. It kills the entire purpose of the franchise :coffee2:

What is the point of the franchise? It's basically a parody of itself at this point.

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Because Ghostface CANNOT carry the franchise on their own, so they keep trying to find someone who sticks but they keep failing MISERABLY. People think of Sydney when they think of Scream. Other ghoulies carry their own movies. 

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funny how Ghostface has reinvented the horror genre TWICE and now everybody has the balls after Scream 2022 and VI slayed to do a new set of sequels lol...

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Ghostface stans having to brag about their mask being as cheap, disposable and ran-through as Stiffany on a Friday night... I can hear the scraping at the bottom of the barrel! 



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1 hour ago, stupidjock said:

lol they can't even cast one good gf to stay for more than 1 movie? pathetic imo

Does The Blob have a gf? Twinkies? 

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2 minutes ago, Oktober Knight said:

Does The Blob have a gf? Twinkies? 

the way my fave always stays on y'all minds :heart: some of you should make that blob base thread at this point

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