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Is It Normal To Be Annoyed With People This Much?


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I feel like at work, in family situations, and socializing in general I am always annoyed at people. I just find myself enjoying being around others less and less. I also feel like for whatever reason my interests and topics of conversation have drifted from other people. I am normally pretty introverted but I find myself talking poorly about others when I do socialize and I feel like I’m turning into a person I don’t want to be. 

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not that abnormal tbh. being in a negative headspace for a long time can do this to you. and if you're already introverted well...


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This is how most, if not all, adult introverts feel.  People are really annoying and you'd rather spend time alone doing things you actually like than putting yourself in the middle of a human circus to appease everyone except yourself.  

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10 minutes ago, Breathe On Moi said:

It’s called aging babe

this. but in my case i feel bored not annoyed. unless they speak too much or loud

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this is not just because of aging...this literally has to do with your mindset.

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Instead of worrying about others maybe you should worry about yourself. I don't mean that in a bad way BTW. Are you treating yourself? Are you doing things you actually enjoy? 


You can't pour from an empty cup. If you're not doing things that bring you joy then even the person you love the most will end up annoying you. 

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32 minutes ago, Breathe On Moi said:

It’s called aging babe

lol true.


I mean, I find myself easily irritated. people are annoying af.

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You really put how I feel into words omg :rip: I don't wanna be like this anymore either, it's caused me to lose many friends because I just can't connect with people the same way any longer after the pandemic

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I feel the same. I wasn't this anti social before the pandemic. Now I'd rather do anything that doesn't require me to interact with anyone.

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Yeah im done with people, its why I dont go out much anymore.  Even on discord I've left a bunch of servers because people piss me off so much.


I feel this gen are just awful, horrible, spitful people. Man I was never this bullied even at school. And everyone just annoys me now.  I dont waste my time anymore. Even guys I used to crush on I tell them f off now 🤣

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I have noticed I feel the same way recently. I do go out and try to be social but honestly everyone is so annoying. I need to have a break once my social battery dies down. People suck. Everyone is so selfish, vulgar and entitled it seems. I guess it is an age thing. I am happy to hangout with my BF and our families and keep 2-3 close friends.

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Yes. It takes me about five seconds to identify something that annoys me about someone, or something I don't like about someone. Not even first time interactions either, it can be poeple I've known for years and each time I speak with them I can easily rack up a tally of the slightest things they do or say that irks me or I think is just simply dumb.




For me, I've learned to just pretend like I don't care or don't notice, and it actually works. I find myself not getting annoyed and move on. Unless it's something that's obviously annoying or offensive. But yeah, a lot of people can't fake being annoying or rude, because they don't even realize it in the first place--they are simply not self aware. So I just fake not being annoyed. Fake a personality that is not super jaded. It makes the other party in question seem super awkward.



Edited by Biggie
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I'm introverted, also, and I'm not annoyed by people by themselves alone, but by how ignorant they can be. I don't even want to be bothered by or around most people, more often than not. So many are always doing or saying something dumb, and don't even get me started on their carelessness.


I wouldn't say it has to do with aging as much as it has to do with simply maturing.

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When I was 29 and headed to 30 I became very bitchy i think it was leaving my 20s. Is that it?

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Yes a bit, I’m a very social person but I spent my whole entire life as a people-pleaser and I have a lot of resentment for some of the people I had in my life and how much I let people take advantage of me, I am shedding and can’t mask for others anymore. I’d rather have no friends then have to pretend and make myself miserable to appease others 

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There is nothing bad with that. Sometimes the people you are around are only meant to be around for a season not life even your family. It also means you are good at spotting red flags. 


You started your OP with work and family. To most gay people those are not friendly environments. Even when you are accepted at some points it's does not feel like it's unconditionally. At least I feel that way. It really puts us in a weird head space. 




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It’s because you’re not being your true self around those people. You feel that you cannot relate to them so you have to put on an act. Find real life people who stan your fave and you will suddenly feel like yourself around them

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21 minutes ago, Kayseri Mantisi said:

so relatable (but i'm just 20)

25 here, don't think it's much to do with aging all the time

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3 hours ago, Biggie said:

Yes. It takes me about five seconds to identify something that annoys me about someone, or something I don't like about someone. Not even first time interactions either, it can be poeple I've known for years and each time I speak with them I can easily rack up a tally of the slightest things they do or say that irks me or I think is just simply dumb.




For me, I've learned to just pretend like I don't care or don't notice, and it actually works. I find myself not getting annoyed and move on. Unless it's something that's obviously annoying or offensive. But yeah, a lot of people can't fake being annoying or rude, because they don't even realize it in the first place--they are simply not self aware. So I just fake not being annoyed. Fake a personality that is not super jaded. It makes the other party in question seem super awkward.



I hate being this way, but it's how my mind works. Everything adds up and then it turns you off of a person eventually.

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You just described me and I feel the same way. I don't wanna be that person but I am.

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