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worse: bed bugs or COVID?



29 members have voted

  1. 1. z

    • id rather have bed bugs
    • id rather have COVID (delta variant)

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bed bugs can ****** ROT. and that is that on that

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covid by far, bed bugs can require a potentially very expensive fumigation in order to get rid of them.

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id rather potentially end my life due to covid than tp have to deal with bed bugs again

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I've had covid twice with no serious issues, thankfully. My brother had bed bugs once and it took forever to get rid of them and it was a big pain in the ass from what I remember. :deadbanana2:

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Covid is worse all the way.

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as a person employed by a hotel... I'd rather catch COVID again. 



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bed bugs can be incredibly hard to get rid of. covid on the other hand is gunna be gotten rid of one way or another :angelo:

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  • ATRL Moderator

Bed bugs are definitely worse

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At this point, I'd rather COVID

I'm blessed enough to not have experienced either, but the protocols of dealing with bed bugs just seem so ******* tedious and expensive

Like I'd rather just get sick for a few weeks than have to deal with all that

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Bed bugs are wayy worse :rip:my ex's brother infested their whole house with bed bugs after they hid in his luggage at an Airbnb in the forest, not even pest control could get rid of them and they had to dispose of all their furniture to eradicate them :deadbanana2: on the other hand Covid is a flu-like disease that goes away on its own in 7-15 days (if you're healthy)

Edited by WokeEqualist
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  • ATRL Moderator

I'm vaccinated. When I had COVID, I literally had 0 symptoms. I'd much rather have another bout with that and an excuse to WFH than having to fumigate my apartment and possibly replace furniture to deal with bed bugs.

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