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Speaker of the House 🇺🇸 Megathread: Election Denier Mike Johnson is elected Speaker


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25 minutes ago, FameFatale said:

Here we go… 



I believe it - in some respects he’s worse than Jordan, but he’s not been as bombastic - it’s all about optics with these people…

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8 minutes ago, Espresso said:

I believe it - in some respects he’s worse than Jordan, but he’s not been as bombastic - it’s all about optics with these people…

I saw someone said "he's just Jordan in a coat" and the "same menu, different waiter."  :rip:  But yeah - I think he's worse. He has more of the law background and actively fought for the ADF. He's literally the definition of Christian nationalism and could have a possible chance to be 3rd in line to presidency. 

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Democrats taking a major L on this. A potential Speaker far worse than McCarthy in the vein of Jim Jordan, but with nowhere near the amount of name recognition is about the most dangerous combination you can have. He can do a lot of damage while skating under the radar and not being nearly as polarizing as Jordan for Democrats to rally votes around in 2024.

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20 minutes ago, ClashAndBurn said:

Democrats taking a major L on this. A potential Speaker far worse than McCarthy in the vein of Jim Jordan, but with nowhere near the amount of name recognition is about the most dangerous combination you can have. He can do a lot of damage while skating under the radar and not being nearly as polarizing as Jordan for Democrats to rally votes around in 2024.

This is literally a gift for Dems all the Dems need to do is run on abortion and the will be golden 



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5 minutes ago, GhostBox said:

This is literally a gift for Dems all the Dems need to do is run on abortion and the will be golden 



The GP has no f-ing clue who Mike Johnson is. Attacks on him aren't going to stick as well as they might have with Gym Jordan.


Abortion also isn't going to save them forever, especially with Genocide Joe dragging down the ticket.

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7 minutes ago, ClashAndBurn said:

The GP has no f-ing clue who Mike Johnson is. Attacks on him aren't going to stick as well as they might have with Gym Jordan.


Abortion also isn't going to save them forever, especially with Genocide Joe dragging down the ticket.

Keeping the election about abortion , his wanting to end gay marriage, and this 


that will do the trick 


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Seems like the moderates are all caving and voting for Johnson.


Congrats, Dems, you've played yourselves! :clap3: 

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People asking who is Mike Johnson when I only know him because of his whack-a-do beliefs and his occasional sound byte during congressional hearings. :rip: After Roe was overturned he put out a statement stating something along the lines of wanting anyone who performed abortions in Louisiana to do hard labor jail time and be fine 50k+. Just crazy stuff. 

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I mean, I agree with the argument about him being more insidious than Jordan. 


I’m on the fence about Biden’s actions on Palestine outweighing Dobbs with low-info voters that aren’t Arab, etc. mentioned earlier specifically through the lens of this speaker vote.


The issue by issue breakdown isn’t worth me revisiting right now as his handling on withholding not just funding regarding foreign conflict but government functioning is still unwritten.


Anonymity is a strength until it isn’t. Jordan wanted to be in front of every camera and Johnson will avoid them all until he can’t anymore.


You can’t attempt a Dick Cheney cloak and dagger strategy on MAGA nihilism because culturally the movement simply isn’t built that way, yet. The big exception to that is Stephen Miller’s future attempts to purge the feds re: Schedule F, which if they try it will likely be caught up in the courts anyways.



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4 minutes ago, Espresso said:

I’m on the fence about Biden’s actions on Palestine outweighing Dobbs with low-info voters that aren’t Arab

Collapsing in Dearborn is really all he needs to lose Michigan though. :skull: 

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5 minutes ago, ClashAndBurn said:

Collapsing in Dearborn is really all he needs to lose Michigan though. :skull: 

I don’t disagree fully, but Dobbs is still high engagement with state focus groups up to a month ago, even with inevitable swings following a Dem sweep.


Re: Dobbs and Dearborn, honestly it’s down to 50/50. Charitably, 60/40.

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Looking forward it is hard to say exactly how much this will affect Republicans  in 2024. If he manages to stay under the radar this would definitely be worse for Democrats. But just because he isn't known today doesn't mean the media won't be happy to make him known based on his actions. If he starts doing crazy stuff he will quickly lose his anonymity in US households before 2024 and possibly actually cost Republicans more. Just because someone isn't known doesn't mean they won't become known. But for now as is, Democrats definitely now have worse than McCarthy it seems! It really isn't a big deal though with Democrats holding the Senate and Presidency as their capacity to get anything done is extremely limited. So just more time of Congress doing nothing basically 

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This is such abhorrently disgusting behavior from this party of dysfunctional assholes. Whoever Grandma is in the front row forgot to take her meds I think. 

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I think while most of us are focused on the near term, if this man tries to implement an extreme agenda that gets recognized longer term it could further punish Republicans like in 2022 where they didn't take the Senate, barely won the House after expecting a huge win, and have lost many special elections. The public hates extremist agendas (even if they are loud online). If they successfully vote in the House to ban abortion, cut social security/Medicare, and go after other widely popular things (even if they fail in the Senate/with Biden), that could cost them hugely. Long term unless they take the Senate and Presidency or a supermajority without the Presidency they can't really do a ton anyway. They could be shooting themselves further in the foot like with their other recent losses despite gaining a win here 

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2 minutes ago, G.U.Y. Gaga said:

Gaetz lowkey won tbh 

Did he through? How will a Johnson speakership be any different from a McCarthy speakership? Johnson is still going to have to make a deal with the dems to keep the government open or face a long term government shutdown. All republicans are the same

Being Speaker of the House with a republican majority has to be one of the worst jobs ever 

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31 minutes ago, Vroom Vroom said:

Did he through? How will a Johnson speakership be any different from a McCarthy speakership? Johnson is still going to have to make a deal with the dems to keep the government open or face a long term government shutdown. All republicans are the same

Being Speaker of the House with a republican majority has to be one of the worst jobs ever 

He kick out out a speaker and replaced them with someone more conservative that is more aligned with what he wants.


they don’t even care about the government shutdowns on the far right side as long as they push symbolic bills that have appease there base yet have no chance in senate 

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10 minutes ago, G.U.Y. Gaga said:

He kick out out a speaker and replaced them with someone more conservative that is more aligned with what he wants.


they don’t even care about the government shutdowns on the far right side as long as they push symbolic bills that have appease there base yet have no chance in senate 

McCarthy and Gaetz were already aligned on most issues. Gaetz just wanted attention. His name will be in a single sentence in history books. Congratulations to him

As Speaker, Johnson will have to care about the optics of a government shutdown. No one wants their legacy as speaker to be overseeing one of the most avoidable shutdowns of all time. He’ll probably have to make a deal to avoid the shutdown like McCarthy, and then we are back to step 1 

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I think this means next to nothing, but it probably is closer to being worse for Dems than better for Dems, if only because there was a chance to silence the crazy wing a little bit.


Between Israel, the Trump trials, and the election, nobody is going to be paying attention to who the Speaker is, and I doubt he’s going to be doing that much of a vanity project between now and then.  


Dems were going to run on Dobbs regardless of who the speaker was. 

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3 hours ago, Rotunda said:

I think this means next to nothing, but it probably is closer to being worse for Dems than better for Dems, if only because there was a chance to silence the crazy wing a little bit.


Between Israel, the Trump trials, and the election, nobody is going to be paying attention to who the Speaker is, and I doubt he’s going to be doing that much of a vanity project between now and then.  


Dems were going to run on Dobbs regardless of who the speaker was. 

True. But when the gop speaker is literally the poster child for anti abortion laws it only helps. Especially in those swing districts that went for Biden but have gop officials. I’m predicting  the Dems retake the house by 10-15 seats. Maybe me if redistricting goes well in NY and Wisconsin. 

i mean let’s hope this stuff is played far and wide. Is suspect it will 




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On 10/25/2023 at 2:40 PM, G.U.Y. Gaga said:

Gaetz lowkey won tbh 

And that’s the ultimate takeaway here. :coffee2:

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