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Is it warmer than usual where you live?


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I live in NL and it's currently about 8C warmer than usual. It feels like a regular July night :rip:

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Yes. In the middle east it's like living in an oven.


You can't leave the AC. 


Absolutely terrible and it's growing with each summer. 


And idky but the summers are longer too. 


It's still hot until like December 

Edited by Johnny Jacobs
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Absolutely yes here in North Italy, first time that in October I'm still with open windows at night and ventilator on, no jackets yet, I'm still dressed like in the middle of the Summer, I don't recall an October being this warm before.

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Yes, and this is nothing. Get ready for next year. Don't go down the r/climate or r/collapse rabbit holes on Reddit...it's better to live in ignorance of what's about to come :)

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Yes, it was abnormally warm today for October (31°C) and we're having tropical nights (nights above 20°C) in times where temperatures used to hover around 5°C.

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11 minutes ago, .Odyssey. said:

Yes, and this is nothing. Get ready for next year. Don't go down the r/climate or r/collapse rabbit holes on Reddit...it's better to live in ignorance of what's about to come :)

Don't we all know about climate change?


And OT yes, I live in Vegas but just visited my mom in Michigan, it was reaching 90 in both places. 

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No, in fact it's cooler here than usual. Normally, it's still pretty warm in the East Bay until the end of October.

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i’m in Denver CO and yes it is… 


i’m ready for f*cking fall weather and 80°F and the coldest it’s forecasted to be during the day this week is f*cking 64 :biblionana:

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Nah. It keeps raining non-stop. Need some of the sun here

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In NYC and it’s gonna hit the 80’s tomorrow and Wednesday (which is unusual) but tbh we deserve after the  flooding and rainy weather from last week 

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Yes. There used to be some nights in the summer when I could sleep with just the fan, but this whole summer I had to turn on the AC for every single night. Also, summer is supposed to be our rain season, but we didn't get much of that :gaycat6:

Edited by BrokenMachine
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It's definitely the coldest start of spring I've ever felt in my life... things are getting worse 

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Yes, I'm expecting snow, not this ******* sun

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Yes. I am from Ottawa, Canada (aka the coldest capital in the ENTIRE world) and usually by October we get a bit of chilly nights here and there but it's been consistently over 20 degrees all day and today it hit a high of 26 degrees loool. It feels like an extended summer for sure

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52 minutes ago, Johnny Jacobs said:

Yes. In the middle east it's like living in an oven.


You can't leave the AC. 


Absolutely terrible and it's growing with each summer. 


And idky but the summers are longer too. 


It's still hot until like December 

Where in the Middle East are you because in the Levant region it's usually pleasant (Syria, Palestine, Lebanon and Israel) but if you are in the Arabian Peninsula like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Oman etc....good luck to you madam!

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Barcelona - kinda normal. I feel there's more windy beach days this year at this time. Last year we were going to the beach with no wind until early November

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