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why dont gays discuss men?


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As a woman I have no place in this conversation; but I do frequently see "Do you find xyzman attractive?" threads on here, so!

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A few thoughts:


Gay men on a pop culture forum are more likely to be interested in female pop stars. I'm sure there are plenty of gay men who like sports or w/e and they discuss men all day long. So for the sake of this discussion, I'm mainly talking about the more feminine gays.


I've found that lots of gay men are very similarly wired to straight women, in that they enjoy talking about anything and everything and are much more in touch with their emotions. That's why lots of gay men have lots of female friends. I've seen it described that women have face to face friendships and men have side by side friendships. For example, women might meet up and go for dinner together, and the catching up is the main event. But for men lots of them will go to watch a football game or play video games together, they're there for the activity itself rather than the act of socialising. A lot of gay men tend to prefer the face to face style of friendship, in my experience.


Gays have also spent a significant portion of their lives repressing a part of themselves and I think that causes a lot of gays to develop a fascination with confident, larger than life personalities. Women, through their clothes, their hair, makeup etc have so many more ways of outwardly expressing themselves than men do. Men's clothes are kinda boring and the main things men can do to change up their appearance is to shave or get a hair cut. So women are more interesting in that regard, especially celebrities.


The slightly darker side to this is because gay men aren't sexually attracted to women, some don't really know where the line is and think they can do or say anything and it's all just a joke. If you've ever been to an LGBT event with female friends, they will no doubt have been groped by a gay man who thought it was funny. There's also this cognitive dissonance with celebrities where people struggle to see them as real people. For gay men this can be quite nasty and devolve into really misogynistic jokes about women's appearances and their behaviour. Again this stems from a "it's fine, I'm gay, I can't be sexist" mentality.

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10 minutes ago, John Slayne said:

men are boring asf, what's there to talk about?

period. next.

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Most men in music are boring tbh

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Most gay men don’t conform to the traditional expectation of masculinity and feel outcast or uncomfortable around straight men who are traditionally masculine, so we often can’t relate to them or find too much common ground. Also throughout history it was mostly been straight masculine males who have been the most likely to persecute, ostracize and cause harm to the gay population

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Gay men in pop music and pop culture now are so corny. The quality in art is not particularly great either. 


Its been a downhill spiral since the days of Freddie Mercury, George Michael, Elton John and Luther Vandross. 

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Because most gay men are bullied or terrorized by straight males growing up, online or in real life. So, why would we want to establish a relationship with them after all the harm they have caused/are causing to us? 

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gay men are still MEN at the end of the day and like to use that as an excuse to sometimes be misogynistic like any other straight man :bam:

Edited by Dolce Vita
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I love how we are just the “gays” but the men are men 



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When it comes to pop music I find most male artists especially in the west boring though it has gotten a bit better and I found some male artists in the Kpop genre and Eurovision that I like. It's not just their music but even visually they're boring. I like how female music artists experiment, try new and bold things with their music and fashion. 


Outside of pop culture I do have some straight male friends and I feel like the relationship has gotten better and homophobia is in decline. Straight men are slowly becoming more tolerant and even supportive. But I still feel more comfortable talking to and being around women. 

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Because can a man do this? 



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I talk about male pop stars all the time the flashy clothes and chore isn't something I care about as a gay so I just like music no matter how bland some people think it is.


I'm referring about pop music in this regard 



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Because most men are incapable of showing any emotion or depth 

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The homophobia with "Y'all gave women up", as if we ever had the chance to choose.

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Oh honey they do obsess over p**** men in plenty but not music artists, somewhere  in those freaky sites and they stan them more than music artists. 


For pop artists more and more gay men are stanning gay pop artists, especially those living around a thriving gay community. 

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Probably because there aren’t really any exciting male performers out there putting out music like the MPG’s do. Also, why the **** are gay men constantly bashed for focusing on female performers? The answer is quite obvious to anyone out there with half a brain. The most exciting thing that any male performer has done recently was Bad Bunny posting a certain photo on his Twitter. Before that…… ……… crickets. 

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Men in pop culture/real life are lowkey boring but fictional men in anime, manhwa etc. now that's a different story :giraffe:

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