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NaziGate reignites anger over Can. Deputy PM's defense of Nazi-collaborator grandpa


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Michael Chomiak, Freeland’s maternal grandfather whom she’s repeatedly cited as a political inspiration, edited a Nazi newspaper for Ukrainian exiles in occupied Krakow called Krakivski Visti, which was printed on a press seized from a Jewish owner.


Millions of Ukrainians fought valiantly against the Nazis during World War II with the Red Army, including Zelensky’s grandparents. But Chomiak, like Hunka, wasn’t one of them.


When the Galicia Division was founded in 1943, it received a boost from the Nazi-aligned Ukrainian press, including Krakivski Visti, which ran articles encouraging young Ukrainian men to join the Waffen-SS to fight Communism. 


At some point, Freeland decided it was politically useful to present the elder Chomiak as an avowed liberal democrat and the “most passionate” of Canadian patriots. 


In this regard, it’s difficult to regard Freeland’s revisionist family history as an isolated incident.


Rather, as I’ve argued since I began writing on this topic a few years ago, it’s part of a broader trend in the Ukrainian diasporic establishment of rehabilitating the image of Nazi sympathizers as anti-Communist freedom fighters, which is why monuments to the 14th Waffen exist in Oakville, Ontario, and Edmonton, Alberta, as well as in Detroit and Philadelphia.


It’s also why, in 2019, a $30,097 endowment fund for the University of Alberta’s Canadian Institute for Ukrainian Studies (CIUS) was established in Hunka’s name without controversy until now.


“He didn’t appear out of nowhere. Plenty in Canada must’ve known,” Twitter/X account @maoteddymao noted aptly.


Perhaps the Hunka affair will serve as a catalyst for a long-overdue reckoning with how Canadian officials, in the name of anti-Communism, turned a blind eye to Nazi sympathies among eastern European nationalist émigrés, including our Ukrainian allies.


Freeland could show incredible courage and moral fortitude by leading this discussion, but doing so would require acknowledging that an important piece of her personal mythology is a lie.


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Everything about N@z!gate is awful.

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When global elites are trying so hard to “own Putin and stand with Ukraine” that they end up giving a standing ovation to a literal Nazi :rip:


This is why support for Ukraine among the general public is falling hard.


Yes, Putin and Russia=bad. 

There is next to nothing in human history as bad as the Nazis. 

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Cameltoe Chariot

Cool and Pierre Poilievre shook hands with the freedom convoy leaders who were waving nazi flags :sistrens:


This was a dumb mistake on all parts, but the obsession over this and weird receipt pulling of grandparents' affiliations is reeking of Russian/Conservative propaganda

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12 minutes ago, Cameltoe Chariot said:

Cool and Pierre Poilievre 

Do you think leftists upset over Canada's ongoing decades of Nazi apologia are getting in line to vote for *checks notes* the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada?

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Cameltoe Chariot
22 minutes ago, Communion said:

Do you think leftists upset over Canada's ongoing decades of Nazi apologia are getting in line to vote for *checks notes* the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada?

Yes, I do. Clearly you know nothing about small town politics in Canada :sistrens:

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1 hour ago, Bears01 said:


There is next to nothing in human history as bad as the Nazis. 


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25 minutes ago, Communion said:

Do you think leftists upset over Canada's ongoing decades of Nazi apologia are getting in line to vote for *checks notes* the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada?


Unfortunately, even though he was seen palling around with literal white supremacists he will probably win in a general election because small town white ppl and myopic suburbanites

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1 hour ago, New Edition said:


Unfortunately, even though he was seen palling around with literal white supremacists he will probably win in a general election because small town white ppl and myopic suburbanites

I didn't ask if he could become the PM though; I'm sure he could, given the way even Canada's liberal parties are moving to the right and normalizing reactionary views like the UK has seen. But to try and defend Canada's long historical whitewashing of its Nazi-sympathizing diasporas (as the user I quoted did) by arguing such criticisms are just "people trying to help conservatives get elected" shows a kind of political immaturity and illiteracy. 


There's nothing stopping Trudeau from getting rid of Freeland, for example, and his refusal to then possibly benefiting a bigot like Poilievre falls more on his poor political calculus (let alone their parties not being the only two choices for Canadians) than on the shoulders of leftists, progressives and minorities concerned with the growing historical revisionism and Holocaust denialism growing in parts of Canada.

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What a vile thread. You have no issue with the atrocities that russian fascists are committing right now, but you are clutching your pearls over a 98-year-old grandpa who chose to fight Bolsheviks almost a century ago after those Bolsheviks ethnically cleansed millions of his people and permanently destroyed their demographics? The Galician division specifically didn’t fight British or French soldiers, and it wasn’t convicted of any war crimes. 


It’s funny how Kremlin/CCP bots are clutching their pearls over Hunka while shilling for AfD, a German Neo-Nazi party that is literally refusing to celebrate the defeat of Nazism while pushing Holocaust denialism, just because AfD wants to do business with russia and China. It’s like they don’t actually care about Nazi revisionism:coffee:The russians were actual Nazi collaborators who started WWII, so I guess it makes sense. 

Edited by playwithme
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15 minutes ago, playwithme said:

who chose to fight Bolsheviks  after those Bolsheviks ethnically cleansed millions of his people

Icon-less acount with only 64 posts literally already posting nazi conspiracy theories and Holocaust denialism ??? rjklfngfkjn LITERALLY ztp worthy :redface:

Edited by Communion
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13 minutes ago, playwithme said:

you are clutching your pearls over a 98-year-old grandpa who chose to fight Bolsheviks almost a century ago after those Bolsheviks ethnically cleansed millions of his people and permanently destroyed their demographics?

So the Nazis were the lesser evil? Is that your thesis here? Just making sure I'm interpreting your words correctly.

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28 minutes ago, playwithme said:

over a 98-year-old grandpa who chose to fight Bolsheviks 

Also there are so many nazi grandfathers that you can't even keep them straight, given that Freeland's grandfather didn't fight anyone, but was the editor-in-chief for a Ukrainian paper that worked with the nazi party and literally published articles about how Jewish people were who killed Jesus and literally celebrated Ukraine getting to see the extermination of the "Jewish Bolsheviks"?? :redface: :redface: :redface:


some of you are just openly fascist?? :redface:

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49 minutes ago, playwithme said:

What a vile thread. You have no issue with the atrocities that russian fascists are committing right now, but you are clutching your pearls over a 98-year-old grandpa who chose to fight Bolsheviks almost a century ago after those Bolsheviks ethnically cleansed millions of his people and permanently destroyed their demographics? The Galician division specifically didn’t fight British or French soldiers, and it wasn’t convicted of any war crimes. 


It’s funny how Kremlin/CCP bots are clutching their pearls over Hunka while shilling for AfD, a German Neo-Nazi party that is literally refusing to celebrate the defeat of Nazism while pushing Holocaust denialism, just because AfD wants to do business with russia and China. It’s like they don’t actually care about Nazi revisionism:coffee:The russians were actual Nazi collaborators who started WWII, so I guess it makes sense. 

This entire incident is just allowing all kinds of folks come out of the woodworks with their Nazi apologia all in the name of “Russia/Soviets bad.” It’s concerning, this post is concerning. 

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Do people forget that Russians consider 1941 to be the beginning of WW2? They don't even call it WW2 but the Great Patriotic War.


I wonder what the Soviets did in 1939 and 1940 :redface:

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Not people in here defending glorification of actual Nazi's :deadbanana2::deadbanana2:I mean you can support Ukraine without being brainless. For the people screaming Russian propaganda: things like this don't really make it that hard for Putin to justify his theories, don't they? We as the west need to back Ukraine obviously but we cannot blindly glorify anyone and everything because it can bite you in the a** real quick

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10 hours ago, New Edition said:


Unfortunately, even though he was seen palling around with literal white supremacists he will probably win in a general election because small town white ppl and myopic suburbanites

Yeah, it's pretty scary how many POC suburbanites have been brainwashed by social media propaganda into thinking Poilievre has their interests at heart.


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Oh, now I understand why you care so much about this. While everyone else has moved on, I see all the Tankies on Twitter using this to push their idea that the Holodomor wasn’t a genocide, and actually the Soviets were the victims of the evil Ukrainians sabotage. More genocide denial from ATRL user Communism.

And don’t bother quoting with a tweet from Russian-American journalist Yasha Levine in an attempt to pretend you care about Jewish people.

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1 hour ago, ZIVERT said:

And don’t bother quoting with a tweet from Russian-American journalist Yasha Levine in an attempt to pretend you care about Jewish people.

Really not batting 100 at beating the "Judeo-Bolshevism!!!!" allegations when doubling down on the "Jewish Russians don't get to be considered Jewish, only evil Russians!!!" thing. :rip:


Freeland's grandfather was a Nazi collaborator who literally oversaw the publication and dissemination of articles that literally blamed Jewish speculators for the suffering of Ukrainians as a people.


These were the political cartoons published in his paper:



Jewish Russians were cited as acting on behalf of the antichrist and Hitler's actions as one of God against a Jewish evil residing in Moscow.


There is no defending this. Freeland's personal mythology because she couldn't cope with the realities of what her grandfather did is not an excuse and it is brazenly hypocritical for those who may rightfully criticize the Soviet Union - for over-emphasizing their own suffering when reflecting on massacres like Babi Yar - to then turn around and literally do what is objectively Holocaust denialism to ever suggest anything the Soviets did could have justified what actions were taken at the request of the Nazi regime. 


The Soviet Union did not make the illustrator of that cartoon draw Jews as hooked-nose money-grabbers. The Soviet Union did not make those journalists call Jews actors of the antichrist and praise Hitler as hopefully bringing about their end. The Soviet Union did not make sections of Western Ukraine pick up axes and pitchforks and rip their Jewish neighbors from their home. Stop it. 


There is never any reason within the political imagination to ever suggest that the Soviet Union were *why* the Holocaust happened except for the explicit intent to free Nazis from the responsibilities of their crimes against the world's Jewish population. 


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Don't care, didn't read, no legitimizing a genocide denier's POV.


OT: Why does Russia have memorials to modern day, self-proclaimed Nazis? Why are Russians in today's world leaving flowers at said Nazi's memorial? A Nazi that led Russian government funded paramilitary group Wagner.


B-b-but Ukraine...

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On 10/2/2023 at 2:19 AM, Communion said:

Also there are so many nazi grandfathers that you can't even keep them straight, given that Freeland's grandfather didn't fight anyone, but was the editor-in-chief for a Ukrainian paper that worked with the nazi party and literally published articles about how Jewish people were who killed Jesus and literally celebrated Ukraine getting to see the extermination of the "Jewish Bolsheviks"?? :redface: :redface: :redface:


some of you are just openly fascist?? :redface:

Ooh my

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