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Russia presents plans for new Russian empire


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Not just any empire.


Their system of never willing to be productive and when they run out of stuff, just steal it, grab it,... in the most violent way from another territory is learned from the Huns. They are basically land pirates, when the slices of the pie run out, they start at least 1 war per decade to grab another pie they can cut into pieces.



An exception to the rule of nomad people became what they have conquered, the russians went the other way: the conquered became like the overlords. The Mongol Empire is an extractive institution, they just took the wealth/resources and those who didn't give in, were pillaged, slaughtered and burned down to the ground. And human remains were left out in the field for decades for everyone to see what would happen if you don't handover your stuff to the Huns.


What the russians want, is deleting all progress mankind has made in last 800 years. We are not talking about gay rights, but basic things like getting paid for the work you do, being locked/chained inside a plot of land like farm animals,... The russians have always moved in the other direction towards unlimited power.

  • When the Plague killed 1/3 of the population in Europe, there was a workers shortage and the landlords started bidding against each other by offering higher pay for the remaining peasants. In the past peasants worked for the protection of a lord and it changed to a wage based system. Serfdom started disappearing. In russia it was the opposite, about time to start installing the serfdom the rest of Europe was abolishing. Let's chain the people to the land like how farm animals are kept inside a plot of land. That's why russians have internal passports they have to show when they buy a train ticket.
  • The same with the rise of middle class, merchants, cities,... in Europa abolished the absolute monarchies. In russia they perfected absolute power by making sure that independent wealth/power is impossible by making people fall out of a window, drinking tea, drop a private jet,... The oligarchs, boyars,... are the managers handling the Tsar's money/wealth, but don't own it because the Tsar can always take it back.
  • Money/power is assigned in a hierarchy:
    • Dumb mobsters get the most power/wealth and the most easy to run oil and gas companies. Because they are too dumb to use their power to become a threat to the Tsar.
    • Metallurgy is more complicated and run by the old guys from before Putin.
    • Machine building is most complicated/competitive that requires smart people (who must be kept as poor/powerless as possible). The higher tiers bump up the commodity prices for their personal gain while making the machine builders impossible to make profit. And they offshored as much machine building/maintenance work to EU countries. Foreign companies making money isn't a problem, because foreign companies aren't spending the money on buying loyalty/influence/power in russia. So the russian ability to make weapons or anything else must be kept as weak as possible to prevent to smart people from getting wealth/power. Push as much industry/technology across the border as possible. Devolving towards a peasant economy is what they want.
  • A lot of corruption, stealing and other crime is allowed because the Tsar needs kompromat to blackmail someone into doing something and have the evidence ready to throw someone in prison. That's why russia has a large market share in cybercrime. As long the criminals are not standing in the way of the Tsar, they are protected against the foreign powers wanting to stop it. When the Tsar needs hackers, criminals,... to do something for him, there is a large pool of people who will do what the Tsar wants.
  • Human resources are for russia literal resources like oil, gas, coal, steel,... and can be used as cannon fodder. Their population is ageing and shrinking by a million people per year. The solution is kidnapping as much children from Ukraine as possible and move them deeply in russia towards Siberia. They try to convert Ukrainian children into the next generation of Orcs who must do to another country what the current generation of Orcs are doing to Ukraine.


Like in Lord of the Rings, Orcs weren't born that way:


"They were Elves once, taken by the dark powers, tortured and mutilated, a terrible, ruined form of life..."
Saruman in The Fellowship of the Ring film adaptation

They were taken/kidnapped and brainwashed, ruined,... into Orcs.



The war against russia isn't just against their military, Putin, his regime,... but we are talking about taking an entire system down. Because their system will breed new Stalins, Putins,... and their population thinks that "lesser cultures or ethnic groups" deserve to be wiped out, replaced,... Democracy is for them the word for chaos and disaster years. For the russian people there must be a strong Tsar to make life worth living.


Their system is so old, incompatible,... with the rest like the bubonic plague. There are certain things that better stays locked in the history books and should not be let out in today's world.



More on the differences between Ukrainian people and russian people. It is not just the leaders and politics, there are vast differences down to the individual level that is clearly visible when you drive through the country and see the rural towns too.



Whether our generations are too soft to be able to deal with evil that has to be crushed.

Edited by katykater
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37 minutes ago, katykater said:

Not just any empire.


Their system of never willing to be productive and when they run out of stuff, just steal it, grab it,... in the most violent way from another territory is learned from the Huns. They are basically land pirates, when the slices of the pie run out, they start at least 1 war per decade to grab another pie they can cut into pieces.



An exception to the rule of nomad people became what they have conquered, the russians went the other way: the conquered became like the overlords. The Mongol Empire is an extractive institution, they just took the wealth/resources and those who didn't give in, were pillaged, slaughtered and burned down to the ground. And human remains were left out in the field for decades for everyone to see what would happen if you don't handover your stuff to the Huns.


What the russians want, is deleting all progress mankind has made in last 800 years. We are not talking about gay rights, but basic things like getting paid for the work you do, being locked/chained inside a plot of land like farm animals,... The russians have always moved in the other direction towards unlimited power.

  • When the Plague killed 1/3 of the population in Europe, there was a workers shortage and the landlords started bidding against each other by offering higher pay for the remaining peasants. In the past peasants worked for the protection of a lord and it changed to a wage based system. Serfdom started disappearing. In russia it was the opposite, about time to start installing the serfdom the rest of Europe was abolishing. Let's chain the people to the land like how farm animals are kept inside a plot of land. That's why russians have internal passports they have to show when they buy a train ticket.
  • The same with the rise of middle class, merchants, cities,... in Europa abolished the absolute monarchies. In russia they perfected absolute power by making sure that independent wealth/power is impossible by making people fall out of a window, drinking tea, drop a private jet,... The oligarchs, boyars,... are the managers handling the Tsar's money/wealth, but don't own it because the Tsar can always take it back.
  • Money/power is assigned in a hierarchy:
    • Dumb mobsters get the most power/wealth and the most easy to run oil and gas companies. Because they are too dumb to use their power to become a threat to the Tsar.
    • Metallurgy is more complicated and run by the old guys from before Putin.
    • Machine building is most complicated/competitive that requires smart people (who must be kept as poor/powerless as possible). The higher tiers bump up the commodity prices for their personal gain while making the machine builders impossible to make profit. And they offshored as much machine building/maintenance work to EU countries. Foreign companies making money isn't a problem, because foreign companies aren't spending the money on buying loyalty/influence/power in russia. So the russian ability to make weapons or anything else must be kept as weak as possible to prevent to smart people from getting wealth/power. Push as much industry/technology across the border as possible.
  • A lot of corruption, stealing and other crime is allowed because the Tsar needs kompromat to blackmail someone into doing something and have the evidence ready to throw someone in prison. That's why russia has a large market share in cybercrime. As long the criminals are not standing in the way of the Tsar, they are protected against the foreign powers wanting to stop it. When the Tsar needs hackers, criminals,... to do something for him, there is a large pool of people who will do what the Tsar wants.
  • Human resources are for russia literal resources like oil, gas, coal, steel,... and can be used as cannon fodder. Their population is ageing and shrinking by a million people per year. The solution is kidnapping as much children from Ukraine as possible and move them deeply in russia towards Siberia. They try to convert Ukrainian children into the next generation of Orcs who must do to another country what the current generation of Orcs are doing to Ukraine.


Like in Lord of the Rings, Orcs weren't born that way:


They were taken/kidnapped and brainwashed, ruined,... into Orcs.



The war against russia isn't just against their military, Putin, his regime,... but we are talking about taking an entire system down. Because their system will breed new Stalins, Putins,... and their population thinks that "lesser cultures or ethnic groups" deserve to be wiped out, replaced,... Democracy is for them the word for chaos and disaster years. For the russian people there must be a strong Tsar to make life worth living.


Their system is so old, incompatible,... with the rest like the bubonic plague. There are certain things that better stays locked in the history books and should not be let out in today's world.



More on the differences between Ukrainian people and russian people. It is not just the leaders and politics, there are vast differences down to the individual level that is clearly visible when you drive through the country and see the rural towns too.



Whether our generations are too soft to be able to deal with evil that has to be crushed.

Sis, you usually have a breadth of knowledge in your interest in history that is admirable, even if I don't always agree, but specifically framing Russians as not European but descendents of Asians, that their "evilness" directly comes from being the ancestors of this Asiatic empire, and calling them "Orcs" of all things is..... 



Neither Ukranian nor Russia people need to be "destroyed". Such rhetoric is insane. 

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1 hour ago, ontherocks said:

I voted Green Party and Social Democrats in Germany and always have, but sure, I am a right winger :laugh:


7 hours ago, byzantium said:

The fact that you felt the need to respond kind of says it all.



If voting for centrist liberal political parties means you cant be a reactionary Western chauvinist, then @ClashAndBurn being a Democratic voter from the metro-circling suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia similarly means they can't be a Russia supporter. 

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7 minutes ago, ZIVERT said:

The essays of gaslighting in here :gaycat7:

Someone spending 9 paragraphs to argue "Russians are bad not because their current government is a hyper-nationalist, hyper-capitalist mafia state (that ironically seized power at the blessing of the US) that pushes ethnonationalism, but because they're ASIANS" is indeed a wild form of gaslighting to witness, yes.

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On 9/30/2023 at 8:22 AM, Navy4Life said:

The fact that they can’t even get through a part of Ukraine and they think they could pull this off. Poland ALONE would destroy them :ahh:

:ahh: Right? They can not even capture Ukraine with the little bit of help the US has been giving them. Imagine how they would fare with the entirety of NATO going after them.


They can not even handle their current "empire". Good luck to them.

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