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Russia presents plans for new Russian empire


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Oh wow, oh wow. I thought Russia was just trying to denazify Ukraine, but turns out that Russia's plans go way beyond. :eek: Interesting, ain't it?  Brought to you of course by your dearest russian national tv. 




Edited by ontherocks
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5 minutes ago, ProudLBS said:

girl give us a map or something

Basically this


Russian Empire | History, Facts, Flag, Expansion, & Map | Britannica


(the fuller map):

Territorial evolution of Russia - Wikipedia

Edited by Flomik
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This has always been their goal. Russia is a fascist state that wants to subjugate and ethnically cleanse its former colonies. The vile genocidal rhetoric toward Ukrainians has become mundane in their political discourse. It’s actually horrifying, and there’s tons of morons from the West who help them spread the most vile dehumanizing propaganda about Ukrainians. 

Russia must be crushed and denazified. I don’t want to live in a world where this vile country is allowed to subjugate half of Europe again. If Ukraine falls, they will start invading the Baltic countries (their top officials, generals and propagandists are openly stating this). I don’t think that NATO will be defending them since anti-NATO isolationist rhetoric is growing stronger in the U.S. MAGA fascists will be screaming about why they should send their soldiers to defend tiny countries like Latvia. 

Unfortunately, modern institutions like the UN are completely broken. Basically, you are going to get away with anything as long as you have nuclear weapons. Ukraine should have kept its nukes instead of caving to pressure from the U.S. Now, it either has to fight or be erased. A terrible predicament. I hope that the Ukrainians are enriching uranium right ******* now because they cannot rely on support from such “partners” as the U.S. considering that MAGA fascists keep gaining more power. 

Edited by playwithme
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Putin shot dead when?

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1 hour ago, Revolution said:

wbk which is why the baltic girls ran to join nato

And we never looked back at that shithole x



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The fact that they can’t even get through a part of Ukraine and they think they could pull this off. Poland ALONE would destroy them :ahh:

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Who seriously only thought that Putin’s ambitions were just Ukraine? :rip: This should be a shock to NO ONE.

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5 hours ago, ontherocks said:

Oh wow, oh wow. I thought Russia was just trying to denazify Ukraine, but turns out that Russia's plans go way beyond. :eek: Interesting, ain't it?  Brought to you of course by your dearest russian national tv. 




It was reported that Russia expecting a full takeover of Ukraine within several weeks and later in early 2022 an article leaked about "the New World Order" so they thought ... :lmao:

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5 hours ago, ontherocks said:

Oh wow, oh wow. I thought Russia was just trying to denazify Ukraine, but turns out that Russia's plans go way beyond. :eek: Interesting, ain't it?  Brought to you of course by your dearest russian national tv. 




who ever said that? :skull:

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They can’t even get Ukraine, a much smaller country, with a planned invasion and think they can pull this off???? :bibliahh:


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17 hours ago, AMIT said:

who ever said that? :skull:

A bunch of members on here claim that Russia is just fighting against the evil Nazis in Ukraine. They are never tired of bringing it up. Surprisingly, none of them entered this thread. I am shocked, tbh 

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19 minutes ago, ontherocks said:

A bunch of members on here claim that Russia is just fighting against the evil Nazis in Ukraine. They are never tired of bringing it up. Surprisingly, none of them entered this thread. I am shocked, tbh 

Not once has any poster on this forum ever given credence to the idea that Putin's claim of "de-Nazifying Ukraine" was a legitimate justification for his failed attempt at conquest and empire-building. If you're going to spread libel about other posters, at least try to make an intelligent claim that is even halfway grounded in reality for once. :dies: 




Russia thinking it can rebuild its imperial legacy beyond its current borders is laughable, though. The fact that they're facing resistance merely from NATO/the US supplying and bankrolling Ukraine's entire existence shows they're in over their skis. Pushing into actual NATO territory would be tantamount to a suicide pact. Putin's only hope would be for Trump to win a second term next year, and that's only ever going to be a 50/50 chance for better or worse.

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Sorry you feel that way or happy for you. Stopped reading after seeing who quoted me. 



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Sarah Palin will not be able to see Russia from her house anymore, she would live in it :clack: 

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2 hours ago, ClashAndBurn said:

Not once has any poster on this forum ever given credence to the idea that Putin's claim of "de-Nazifying Ukraine" was a legitimate justification for his failed attempt at conquest and empire-building. If you're going to spread libel about other posters, at least try to make an intelligent claim that is even halfway grounded in reality for once. :dies: 




Russia thinking it can rebuild its imperial legacy beyond its current borders is laughable, though. The fact that they're facing resistance merely from NATO/the US supplying and bankrolling Ukraine's entire existence shows they're in over their skis. Pushing into actual NATO territory would be tantamount to a suicide pact. Putin's only hope would be for Trump to win a second term next year, and that's only ever going to be a 50/50 chance for better or worse.

The fact that you felt the need to respond kind of says it all.

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5 hours ago, byzantium said:

The fact that you felt the need to respond kind of says it all.

I mean... not really. @ontherocks is a right-winger German who consistently makes bad faith arguments while ironically peddling race essentialist fear-mongering over "the West" and supports right-wing politicians in the Global South. Does someone who cheered for Bolsonaro over Lula because "anyone who listens to the West is best" deserve to be seen as having a valid, respectable opinion? Am I meant to be lectured on by someone to the right of like..... Angela Merkel? 


Now if they try to respond to this post trying to defend themselves, similarly I can say their need to respond says it all, no? :celestial5:


I think it's interesting that the actual quote in the OP shows that the characteristics of those in power in Russia are - as we know - inherently right-wing.


That there is no actual mourning of or missing amongst the far-right oligarchs for the time of the USSR and socialism. That they actually miss the Russian Empire and formations of power that came before the Soviet Union. Of course anyone would know this given leftists are suppressed in Putin's Russia (just like across Eastern Europe).


And yet constant language is used in the West is to suggest the Russian Federation and the USSR are still one, likely to conjure up Cold War sentiments despite it being incoherent to compare them when even those holding the keys of power in modern Russia hold little desire to go back to such, and have used all levers of power to essentially disenfranchise anyone remotely left-wing who supports the ideas of socialism. 


One has to wonder the intent behind the largely unnecessary (aid for foreign wars have been sold to the US public with 1/10th the media campaign) narrative that portrays the world's most powerful anti-communist as somehow a communist despite such a framework being nonsensical to the nationalist war he's pushing:


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I voted Green Party and Social Democrats in Germany and always have, but sure, I am a right winger :laugh:

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