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Trump simulates orgasm during speech


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U just know he's the worst f*ck humanly imaginable



Edited by EnigmaticAndroid
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3 hours ago, NausAllien said:

Imagine how unpopular Biden must be that he's losing to Trump according to most polls...



Mind you, in 2020 Biden had a +7 LEAD and he barely won with 80K votes in three key states. There's no chance he's winning next years unless something drastically changes. Sorry to tell you Americans, but you'll have 4 more years of Trump if Biden doesn't step aside.



How come leftist doomers always say **** like this? :skull: National +7 lead means nothing because of EC and 80k in key states is pretty decent all things considered. I actually think Trump does have an edge but let’s be real, if he wins, it will be by close margins in key states and he’ll lose the popular votes. That’s how this works.

Edited by Domination
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I won't be listening to that, my mind is already too f***** up :swan:

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2 hours ago, NausAllien said:

How was losing the House a successful midterm? :biblio:


Because it was the first midterm since FDR in 1934 during the new deal, when an in party power GAINED chambers in state legislatures and senate seats :rip: it’s the first midterm since 1934 where no incumbent Democratic Senator lost. It’s the first midterm since Regan where the in party power gained in gubernatorial seats. 

It was literally one of the most successful midterms for an in party power, ever: https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/statistics/data/seats-congress-gainedlost-the-presidents-party-mid-term-elections

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I cannot believe we’re trapped in this Groundhog’s Day hell where he won’t go away


Worse than a ****ing drug resistant STD at this point, horrible

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4 hours ago, Yog said:

The media always underestimates Joe Biden. It never works. He won in 2020. He had the strongest midterm result for an incumbent president in 60 years. He’s achieved more than any modern president. Ignore the polls. Joe Biden WILL win in 2024 

No he will not. :rip: People are generally unhappy with him, especially older demographics. His time will rightfully come to an end. Plus, Joe Biden is 80 years old and has shown signs that raise health concerns, which doesn’t help him. Flop after presidency :clap3:

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4 hours ago, Yog said:

“Flopped in many ways” in what way? Never said it would be easy, but usually a successful midterm are most of the time an good indicator for things to come..

Dems did well in 2022 but anyone politically in-tuned is going to cringe at declarations like "BEST MIDTERM PERFORMANCE EVER!!!" because many of us knew since 2018 that the map for 2022 was *VERY* favorable to Dems (centrists literally argued it needed to be Biden in 2020 to take advantage of the map of 2022) and thus there was actually very little movement for Dems to potentially lose seats and some room for them to gain.


By virtue of polarization, Dems at most could have lost at most 3 Senate seats, and at most won about 3 Senate seats in 2022. They fell nicely in a "good but not amazing" territory of +1, but the losses were less about lack of support and political malpractice of the DNC moving money to doomed races in Florida and Ohio over Wisconsin & North Carolona.


My point being that, just like many of us politicos knew that the 2022 map looked great, we also know the 2024 map looks... well... 




Even in the possible scenario of Biden winning the presidency, Dems are on set to lose both the Senate and House.


A strong GOP showing could literally result in a shift of 51D-49R to 45D-55R. But this is a discussion suited for Civics.


OT: I see he's still out of his mind. :khaylan2:

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