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Do you miss school?


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Somehow I was more depressed during my education years yet I had not that much to do?

And sometimes I think how amazing would it be to go back to high school or uni. 

They always warned us - you're gonna wish those days never ended...



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i dropped out due to bullying i received due to me being trans


things may not be going well now but id take today over that era of my life no questions asked

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I do. But that's largely because I'm working on a second degree and it's hard af doing that and working full time. :rip:

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Not to sound like one of those people who peaked in high school, but I constantly think about how easier and stabler life was then. :jonny: But I think I still prefer life as an adult.

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Not school itself. I miss the lack of responsibility in high school and I miss the convenience of things to do/people to meet in college, but ultimately I enjoy working a stable 9-5 and having my evenings and weekends free of homework, school commitments, etc. I also like having money.

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I honestly miss uni so much, hanging out with my friends all the time. No I only see them once a week due to work and living in a different city

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**** no. I have more freedom now and I still spend time with the people I was close with from back then anyways, so I don't miss it at all. 

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I definitely don't miss most of school from high school & earlier. There are parts of college that I miss (being in super close proximity to friends, everything being cheaper), but I still much prefer being graduated.

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No, I had no free time when I was in school. You'd come home and have to do homework. When I wasn't doing homework, I was worried I wasn't revising enough.


Now when I log off at the end of the day, my time is all my own and I don't have to think about work.


Also I get paid now which is good.

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I'm still in undergrad but I think I will miss it a lot, I enjoy the structure it provides to my life and it feels more low-stakes than working a real big boy job... I did my first internship and it was miserable, it made me appreciate school more. Like my life can really be miserable after I graduate I fear. I love saying I'm a student, I'm surprised at these replies!

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I feel that there were so many missed opportunities that I've had

also a lot of it was easier than what is going on with my life atm


It's not like I didn't know this would happen back then..I was really sad when I had to say goodbye to my classmates

it's really strange to me how so many students are so sick of school, when it's never going to come back...and it's such a special moment too..

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I miss some elements like:


1) a shared social space to make friends and meet new people.  I also miss how my friends all lived near each other


2) the ability to just learn.  I love learning and wish I could just spend more time doing that


3) I miss breaks from work. I miss things like spring and winter break when everyone had off and did not need to schedule vacation.  I don’t need an entire summer break, but a few days every now and then is nice.  (Note, I have a job where I technically never have any days off including weekend and holidays so this might be more top of mind for me) 

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Hell no. The first two years of high school were living hell I was barely there lol

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I don’t miss high school whatsoever, but a part of me wishes I could go back, be openly gay, befriend better people and take my education more seriously. I was not a good/well behaved student. 

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I'm not straight, so **** no! Whoever's missing school built a shitty life for themselves.

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yes very :chick3:


especially my college years


those years were so fun and i had so many friends who i don’t talk to anymore 

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