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15yo girl stabbed to death for refusing a boy's flowers

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This is so terrible, RIP. Praying for a life sentence for the boy and lock his parents up too. He was 16. Andrew Tate generation smh

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The uprise of the new-wave misogyny and sexism towards women is disgusting to see.


Andrew Tate is influencing these boys and men to be overtly misogynistic.


Horrifying and disgusting. 

Edited by réveuse
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Im so scared of London but also, the stabbings are so frequent all over the country :chick3:

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This is one of the worst headlines I've read recently. Cut his balls, electric chair, jail him and his parents, friends. All of them.


I came across this exchange earlier this morning and I'm too stunned to speak. :skull: This man is a menace and we still havent even seen the worst part. He has an entire army of little kids, teenagers, and young adults worshipping him. Anyone thinking he has nothing to do with it and we're just using him as a scapegoat is really missing the point.



Edited by State of Grace.
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We really need to raise boys to handle rejection better as you see less extreme cases of this all the time. Where a man will approach a woman in a bar and she’ll reject his advances and he’ll reply with something like “you’re ugly anyway” - it’s just such a pathetic and fragile mindset. 

I can’t believe somebody had to lose their life over something as trivial as turning down flowers and the fact we have teenage boys walking around with machetes is nuts, I really hate this country more with each day. 

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Think it was revealed that the girl that was murdered was actually protect to save her friend from getting attacked by her ex boyfriend so so sad


What a brave girl hope she is at peace 


It's high time that the society actually gets involved in identifying and correcting the adverse impact of people like Andrew Tate on social media and the thousands of echo chambers that propagate this ideologies. Because this is no longer just about the 10% of men that are getting radicalised but the irreparable harm and generational trauma they are gonna cause where most often the victim is going to be a woman (if she isn't dead). 



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It’s been a crazy week news wise here in the U.K. form the sexist and misogynistic  comments made against Ava Evans to this fatal tragedy. It’s horrible the messages these situations are sending the youth.

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5 minutes ago, Hurem said:

Andrew Tate and all other misogynistic “influencers” need to be dealt with, they’re raising a new generation of women haters. 


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While I agree losers like Tate and co. are a cancer to the society y’all can’t blame them more than the actual parents. This is solely their fault and they should be prosecuted with the child. 

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I went past on my way to work yesterday about half an hour after it happened. Honestly so sad. A 15 year old dead and a 17 year old who's completely thrown his life away.


Knife crime is so tricky because literally everyone has access to knives. You can put an age limit on the purchase of them but that doesn't stop kids just taking them out of their parents' kitchen. 

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I see it around me how many guys/boys in my age and younger look up to Tate/Sneako etc. It's absolutely horrifying seeing younger generations being incredibly misogynistic/sexist and just overall hateful.  And I'm afraid It's gonna get just worse. 

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39 minutes ago, favorite crime said:

Praying for a life sentence for the boy and lock his parents up too

I don't think 17 year olds can get life in the UK. Pretty sure he'll be charged as a minor.

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You can't blame the parents 100% either. Parents can't control what videos their children watch or what they learn from other children/teenagers at school. The problem is the internet and how we as a society tolerate everything. It's a touchy topic but free speech needs limits. Hate speech needs to be defined and dealt with. These right wingers like Andrew Tate etc. are destroying our society. 

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36 minutes ago, réveuse said:

The uprise of the new=wave misogyny and sexism towards women is disgusting to see.


Andrew Tate is influencing these boys and men to be overtly misogynistic.


Horrifying and disgusting. 

This is inner city London, I doubt it has anything to do with Andrew Tate. The issue is a lot bigger then any online celeb. London has a massive issue with knife crime

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4 minutes ago, glitch said:


Knife crime is so tricky because literally everyone has access to knives. You can put an age limit on the purchase of them but that doesn't stop kids just taking them out of their parents' kitchen. 

A kitchen knife, yes. But "a machete or something", "like a sword"? That's next level. 


I'm just shocked by this level of brutality and inhumanity that is seemingly becoming more and more common. I honestly don't care how hard they have it at home or how much pressure is laying on their shoulders, f**king find a way to deal with it that doesn't involve killing others. Stabbing people isn't normal human behaviour. 

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The worst part about all of this is that the boy already had intention to kill her with machete in the first place


Guys like these with the mentality of "take no for an answer" is literally the worst type of human being ever exist


Rest in peace to this young girl :heart2:

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Rest in peace to the young girl.


I fully 100% blame people like Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson for stuff like this. The normalized disrespect of woman today is truly something that needs to be corrected ASAP.

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8 minutes ago, Otter said:

This is inner city London, I doubt it has anything to do with Andrew Tate. The issue is a lot bigger then any online celeb. London has a massive issue with knife crime

Yes, I know; However, Andrew Tate is like spread all across the world. I even saw a fellow Korean I know who was into Andrew Tate.

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15 minutes ago, Otter said:

This is inner city London, I doubt it has anything to do with Andrew Tate. The issue is a lot bigger then any online celeb. London has a massive issue with knife crime

Why would it being in London mean Andrew Tate can't have influenced this behaviour? Tate has a pretty sizeable following in the UK unfortunately.


I also wouldn't really call Croydon inner city but that's by the by

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