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Is your body a mess and are you insecure about it?


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Some peoplle have nice muscular bodies they worked hard for and I respect that.


Some people have some weight on them but it suits their body.


I am 'slim' but my body to me just looks messy/weirdly proportioned like its just so awkward and is something that I want to change.

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I finally embraced my bear bod years ago and stopped trying to look thinner for everyone. I'm more confident now than I've ever been AND I get laid more often :marshmallow:

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The best thing I ever did was get a personal trainer to show me what to do and what to eat. It’s also got a lot to do with what you eat and put into your body. So if that’s something you want to explore I highly recommend it. Good luck on your journey 

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I was skinny my whole life with flat boobs and I hated it but then my medication made me gain so much weight then I felt so fat.


But im finally at a figure im sorta happy with since im in between those weights now. But I feel am a little insecure bc I don't have the flat supermodel tummy anymore :gaycat6:

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I have actually never been happier with my body. Still not where I want it to be but definitely getting there after 3 years of working out regularly. The biggest issue to me now is getting my nutrition in order but I’m gonna work on that more. 

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Yes, I'm skinny fat and I hate it. I recently went above 140 and I feel so disgusting. Usually I'm around 135 but I got into a depressive episode and ended up eating a lot of junk food :rip:. I'm still depressed but have been better with my diet so hopefully I'll drop back down to 135. My goal would be to be under 130 tho. 

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I gained 25 pounds since the pandemic and it sucks to look and feel like I'm past my peak. Slowly working my way back to my precovid bod tho.

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I’m insecure about my body right now I gained a lot of weight. However, I am taking the steps right now to improve my health and fitness routine. 

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I gained weight over the pandemic and I never really lost it because honestly? I love it. I enjoy having a beefier build.

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Lately I am insecure with my toes, cos I am considering to sell pictures of my feet, if it's good enough for that purpose :lakitu:

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I was super confident in myself and my body (it’s not that I was muscular, but I was just a nice slim build) from 2017-2020, but around 2021-2022 I gained a lot of weight. I was really insecure and depressed but this year I’ve been working out and even though I’m not some muscle god (which isn’t my goal anyway) I’ve trimmed my body back down to a build I can feel confident in again, and I get a lot more compliments now too so it validates the ego lol. Overall though I’m much happier with myself and my body now than I was the last 2 years, but my body peak was probably 2019. Currently on the road to surpass that, wish me luck :sistrens:


Also for what it’s worth, ANY body type can look good (well… morbidly obese people have got -some- work to do) to someone else, so all ya gotta do is be confident in what you’ve got, and if you don’t like something about yourself just know you CAN change it naturally through simple exercise or diet changes, not even anything intense or critical. For me all I started with was jumping rope outside 10 minutes a day, 5 days a week. It’s a great foundation.

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yes kinda but i’m at the gym rn and i’ve been very diligent about being on a schedule for most of this year so like


my biceps/triceps look pretty amazing




my legs and abs and chest def need more attention looool

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I'm happy with mine currently. There's still a little work I wanna do, but overall I'm okay right now.


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I worked out a lot in my teen years so I have a nice physique even if I don't work out regularly, eventually I'd like to bulk up a bit more, but currently I'm living my best life eating what I want and not caring too much about it

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im pretty skinny but dont love the way it looks. my weight fluctuates a lot tho like between 55 and 65kgs. idk why
i dont care enough to change anything tho :celestial:

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I've learned to appreciate my body. It has been through two multiple surgeries, it has been poked and prodded with medical instruments, and other things I wouldn't go into details about. 


I eat very healthy foods. I am active, and I go to the gym (or at least aim) to go to the gym 3 times a week. On my non-gym classes, I at least walk/hike. And at my job it requires I move around a lot. 


It's just the medication I'm on causes weight gain, but it's helped with the pain, so I don't care that I'm a bit heavier. 

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My diet is not the best but I work out pretty frequently so I have abs (not a cut body builder 6 pack tho) and am toned/muscular. It’s mostly torse and arms. Need to work on legs more especially calves.  

Im actually near my ideal body. I don’t like super muscular. I just want to be a little bigger in muscle mass (I’m currently 6’3 ant 200 lbs annd want to be ant 225 lbs) and I’ll just try to maintain it there.


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Skinny up top but bottom heavy my whole life and was awkward about it because i'm a guy until more recently when I noticed it can get me laid LOL 

BUT in order for me to get to that mindset I legit had to embrace what I thought was bad and turn it into a positive. It takes some self love and compassion and then eventually you just get there! 


That siad, theres also nothing wrong with wanting to improve yourself so if you feel like there are things you can do to make you look better than go for it! hit the gym, diet, eat more or less etc...it's up to you as long as you do it safely 

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