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MSNBC: Taylor Swift can beat Trump in 2024, Fox News and Republicans panic

Carry My Heart

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Taylor Swift can beat Trump in 2024, so Fox pundits panic





From football to feminism, Taylor Swift continues to build on her reach. Facing that influence, some GOP pundits are trying to knock Swift and the excitement over her NFL appearance.


Amidst this interest, which is overwhelmingly positive, it turns out that also scares certain people [on the Right] ... who see this power, they see this movement, its civic reach, they see that she went for Biden, and they (Fox News) are trying to nitpick and find anything somehow wrong with an otherwise positive movement of American football unity.


This is what it looks like when you're afraid of someone but you have a platform, so you have to come up with misrepresentations to try to turn things upside down. This is what the meltdown looked like this week [on Fox] and other conservative outlets. So what is the beef? The beef is the fear of this power, on a station that talks so much about how they represent the only real America, when they look very out of touch right now. And because Taylor's getting people registered, they need to attack her no matter what.


Taylor Swift is the biggest celebrity in the world. She means a lot to a lot of people day to day, and has so for a long time. And getting into a fight with Taylor is an effective way for someone to draw attention to themselves. Gotta say, Fox News – not as popular as Taylor Swift.

Watch the full MSNBC newscast analyzing the right-wing outrage against Taylor Swift here

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Honestly if she can encourage young voters to go out and vote this can def go in the Democrats favor.


But I don't see it happening.

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2 minutes ago, Carry My Heart said:

She couldn't even if she wanted to. She'll be 34 once the election comes around, and the minimum age to run is 35.

I’m sure an exception would be made.

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2 minutes ago, Carry My Heart said:

She couldn't even if she wanted to. She'll be 34 once the election comes around, and all candidates must be at least 35 to run.

Incorrect, you have to be 35 by the time of inauguration, which she would be


not that this should happen :rip:

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This title is EXTREMELY misleading. When reading your excerpts they are anti-Fox and you’ve framed it in a way that makes comments like these appear


9 minutes ago, OreGuy said:

is Taylor finally representing the Republican party next year? 


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3 minutes ago, Carry My Heart said:

She couldn't even if she wanted to. She'll be 34 once the election comes around, and the minimum age to run is 35.

She would be eligible due to turning 35 before Inauguration Day.


She still shouldn’t do it, but she legally could.

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Just now, Price of Fame said:

Incorrect, you have to be 35 by the time of inauguration, which she would be

Right, that completely slipped my mind.

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3 minutes ago, PoisonedIvy said:

This title is EXTREMELY misleading. When reading your excerpts they are anti-Fox and you’ve framed it in a way that makes comments like these appear

It's their title, not mine. :rip: And how is it setting her up for drags? The context makes it evident that the Right detests her and that she's a Democrat. No one arguing in good faith would interpret it otherwise.

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10 minutes ago, Big Bad Wolf said:

She could beat anyone at this point. I say she run. This country needs something new and different again.

The US needs to keep celebrities OUT of the white house, not in :deadbanana4: not that it can get much worse for y'all :gaycat6:

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10 minutes ago, Stardom said:

The US needs to keep celebrities OUT of the white house, not in :deadbanana4: not that it can get much worse for y'all :gaycat6:

It's already over for us regardless. Let's go out with a bang :clap3:

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This level of fame is a bit concerning. Republicans are deranged people. I worry for her safety. 

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5 minutes ago, Revolution said:

amerikkkans inject politics into everything.

The fact that you just did so as well by spelling American that way :rip:

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22 minutes ago, Carry My Heart said:

It's their title, not mine. :rip: And how is it setting her up for drags? The context makes it evident that the Right detests her and that she's a Democrat. No one arguing in good faith would interpret it otherwise.

Suddenly I can’t read :gaycat6:

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If the 2024 election becomes as dire a possibility as Biden v Trump again (highly probable), I pray she sucks it up and endorses Biden because millions of her young adult fans have a what she says goes mentality with her and we desperately need them to show up and show out so Trump never happens, which means voting for Biden... not her, lol. If Republicans drag her because of it, why should she care, she doesn't need their money.

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2 minutes ago, Katy V.! said:

Ready for Selena to be the head of the CDC :clap3:

And when she allocates the entire military budget to research a cure for lupus, then what? 

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yes please #Taylor2024 


when she performs at super bowl as a president :jonny3:then she announces New Romantics as the new national anthem :jonny3:

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