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Netanyau says Muslims caused the Holocaust; Hitler didn't want to kill the Jews


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24 minutes ago, Johnny Jacobs said:

Can you read until the end? Such a clickbait thread. 

The end, where he ultimately attributes Hitler’s heinous actions & decision to exterminate millions of innocent people to someone else? :biblio:

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He always seems to be very happy in the company of far-right white supremacists.






So I'm not in the slightest bit surprised that he would blame the Holocaust on non white people who were thousands of km away at the time.

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Lmfaooooo, this is so dumb and transparent. He's the closest we got to Adolf nowadays and now he's playing the same game.

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Still impatiently waiting for the day this nasty creatures croaks. That day will be a very glorious day :heart2:

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twisting words/actions to fit his narrative, he's such a master manipulator.

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That quote is from 2015, not sure why it's thread worthy.


He's talking specifically of Amin al-Husseini, the Palestinian leader at the time. It's historical fact that he was a notorious antisemite who wanted to eradicate all Jews from the Arab world, and he fully supported the Nazis and the Shoah. While some believe that he played a part in the implementation of the Final Solution due to his anti-Jewish immigration campaign, most scholars agree that the plans were already in place and that he didn't have that much influence on Hitler to begin with. 


It's important to always remember the role other nations and leaders played in the Shoah, but it should never, even slightly, take the blame off the Nazis. 

Edited by Gui Blackout
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47 minutes ago, Gui Blackout said:

It's important to always remember the role other nations and leaders played in the Shoah, but it should never, even slightly, take the blame off the Nazis. 

Didn't you call for banning people who speak about Ukraine's role in the Holocaust and defended Ukraine as simply freedom fighters against (Judeo) Bolsheviks? How  do you reconcile such with this heel-turn? :celestial5:


Of course Netanyahu will find himself defending fascism. Zionism is itself a form of nationalism and fascistic thought. Zionism fits perfectly alongside the imagination of other supremacist ideologies. 


Under Zionism, being Israeli is no longer about the Jewish identity but about eliminating the Palestinian identity and thus the Palestinians and cultures that represent them must be made out to be The Singular Evil, to justify the Israeli identity being centered on eradicating Palestinians, which leads you to how people say dumb **** like "Hitler never wanted to kill Jewish people, he had to be convinced by (((((other forces)))))". :biblio:

Edited by Communion
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Anti-semitism and not just anti-zionism in islamic countries is so common and clear, and it’s so bad, but he’s reaching here. It was nazism that caused holocaust not muslims. He also doesn’t make things better and I believe, he would be one of the worst war crimes leaders in history.

Edited by A.R.L
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