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UK home secretary says anti-gay/female discrimination not qualification for asylum

Kitty Kat

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Article 31 of The Refugee Convention makes clear that it is intended to apply to individuals coming directly from a territory where their life was threatened.

so if people are seeking asylum because they will be killed for being who they are, wouldn't that.....:ace: 


send the rapture already. 

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Well unfortunately thats probably because most people will lie they are gay

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Living in the UK seems like just as cruel a punishment as living in a homophobic or misogynistic country



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Using the EU as the bufferzone to keep the immigrants out. Like why can't they stay in France, Italy, Greece,...?





It is not like the UK is economically that attractive.



Poland will be wealthier than Britain by 2030 – it’s time we took notice

Country has shaken off Communism’s shackles to stand up to Putin as Germany and France dither

After the fall of the Iron Curtain, the Poles were the first former Soviet country to restore democracy, free markets and the rule of law. Yet they still had a mountain to climb. In 1989, Polish workers had a GDP per capita that was just a tenth of their German counterparts.


Three decades of steady growth has wrought a miracle. The economic disparities have narrowed dramatically. Adjusted for purchasing parity, GDP per head in Poland is now £28,200 compared with £35,000 in the UK, £34,200 in France and £39,800 in Germany. At its current trajectory rate, Poland will overtake the UK by 2030.


Since the millennium, Poland’s real GDP per capita has more than doubled; by contrast, GDP per capita in Britain, France and Germany grew between 15pc and 24pc over the same period.


Germany is richer than the UK and France is comparable.



Several parts of UK is already poorer than Poland.



For the first 20 years of that Polish miracle, the UK was also doing well. It enjoyed a long period of growth. Trouble arrived in the form of the 2008 financial crisis, from which it has never really recovered. The near collapse of the banking system and financial services on which the UK economy is dependent, seems to have permanently weakened the country’s ability to sustain high rates of growth. The lack of growth and resilience meant it suffered more from Covid than other countries, and the UK economy has not even recovered to its pre-Covid size.


Instead it has been bouncing along the bottom for almost 15 years now. Productivity last grew this slowly during the 18th century, wages have failed to keep up with inflation, swathes of government are no longer up to the task, business investment has plateaued and shows few signs of recovering, and then on top of that we had Brexit. Brexit will cost at least 4% of the UK’s future growth, or to put it another way, it brings the date when Poland will overtake the UK at least one year closer. In fact, several parts of the UK are already poorer than Poland.



How the future looks like:



In part, the UK’s chagrin at the success of Poland and the imminent prospect of its overtaking the UK is down to a patronising attitude towards our formerly poor neighbours. Aren’t these the people who flooded into the UK after the creation of free movement in order to do the low-paid jobs we didn’t want to do? Aren’t they the fruit pickers and cleaning ladies? Isn’t eastern Europe a byword for backward, inefficient, economically weak regions? Well yes, they used to be, but not for much longer.


We should be delighted that eastern Europe is booming. We all benefit from a wealthier Europe, not least because it creates wealthy markets for our exports. Those cheap labourers and cleaners are going back with money in their pockets to a rapidly expanding and prosperous society at the heart of the EU. Getting upset because your cleaner is wealthier than you are is not a very noble sentiment. You might instead want to think about how they have done so well, and we have done so badly in comparison.


Oh, and if things get really bad, there will soon be plenty of cleaning and fruit-picking jobs available.


In Poland.

Poland is going to need foreigners for cleaning and fruit-picking jobs.



What does the UK have, the Continent doesn't?


No ID cards and no domicile. In the UK you have to prove where you live by showing recent electricity, water,... bills with your name on it. It is not the government's job to find you to collect debt. People could live under the radar and do not officially exist.


On the Continent the government must know where you actually live and spend the majority of the nights. The local police officers assigned to a neighborhood will check your bed on whether you are realistically using it or you are just renting a fake address to hide your real location. So no one will ask about utility bills and a copy of your ID card is enough. And when they are collecting debt from dead people, they get a list of the heirs and send letters to all the heirs.

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I mean, this is why people have issues with normalizing "tighten the borders! deport all foreigners!" rhetoric popularized by reactionaries when other issues occur like conflict between newer generations of conservative Muslims. 


Because once you've normalized the idea of the nation state as rooted in ethnicity and everyone foreign is an invader who needs to be kept out, it's actually pretty easy for these kinds of things to unfold. "Keep out foreigners!" doesn't translate "..except the gay ones fleeing for safety!!". It as a right-wing idea in fact includes "..INCLUDING the LGBT ones!". 



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On 9/26/2023 at 7:16 PM, LittleStarmen said:

Well unfortunately thats probably because most people will lie they are gay

I guess there’s no way of proving that without, you know. 

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