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How often do you change your sheets?


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Every Sunday. In my household Sundays we wash everything. Then we watch football.

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3 minutes ago, Illuminati said:

About as often as people make these shower/bedsheet threads :thing:

I take it you do it once a month? :thing:

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Every 2-3 weeks. Sooner if I want a different color

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Every other week usually, but if there's a reason to change them sooner, then I change them sooner :gaycat4:

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Usually once a week, sometimes every other, just depends what on if the amount of laundry I have is overwhelming or not. 

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OP not telling us their preference could go one of two very different directions...


EDIT: oh, and biweekly or sooner

Edited by ImpressMeMuch
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Once a month, more often in summer.


Pillowcases more often because my facial skin is very sensitive to dust and I get redness when they need changing.


Y’all probably have your parents washing them for you :fan:

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