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So ghosting is simply a part of hookup culture. Understood. However...


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So this is a part 2 of my thread on ghosting/being ghosted.  


So a hottie who ghosted you for filth months ago, is under a new profile. It kills you but he's in your top 3 all-time best hookups :jonny:(UNDISPUTABLE & you shall DEAL). He taps first & you're looking like "Wait a damn minute. This profile pic looks familiar." Then before you can even grasp, you have 4 unread notifications followed by album recieved. You see the exact same face, exact same ass/D pics etc.  Yup it's this loser again :biblionny:


You're single. You're horny. Everyone else in your vicinity is NOT It (like it is 80% of the time, what's new :toofunny2:)? He's hosting @ a hotel 2km away. You can try to pull a reverse uno card after you're both done, but he most-likely wouldn't care.


What are you saying now? 



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Sure I'd go for it. He was just a hookup 

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well this is a blessing. you have the ability to control the situation and take it for what it is and not get your feelings hurt.

he's just a great hook up, not a husband. act accordingly and get your post n*t clarity and keep it moving. 

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if it bothers you that much just ignore him...


if you proceed with the hookup remember that it's a hookup and not that serious. he doesn't care, so neither should you. have good sex and move on 

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Not to be all preachy but, this whole scenario, hookup culture, dating apps etc is so unnatural. There's no telling what the long term effects on society this is having. I was a grindr thot once upon a time so I'm not judging, do you, but this is not healthy in any way shape or form.

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I'd sleep with him again, after all it's just a hookup and nothing serious, and if the sex is good then it's the only thing that matters.


Though I usually think it's sometimes a good idea to have some self respect and ignore those who once ghosted you, but I this case, I'd go for it.

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if i were you and seeing how hard it hit you being ghosted the first time i'd just jack off eat pizza and fall asleep watching a movie

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I would not go through with this hookup, and here's why: 


1. Even if the man is not your boyfriend, husband, or interested in dating you, clearly, you have some feelings towards him-- whether it's just infatuation, hormones, or legit feelings, and, clearly, this man cannot even communicate with you directly about having no-strings-attached sex. Clearly, his priorities lie elsewhere. And so do yours. 


2. If your goal is just to hook up, there are TONS of men who I'm sure would do an FWB thing with you (if that's what you want; it sounds like you want a consistent F-Buddy). Please don't give this man all your power. 


It's your life, but personally, I'd look elsewhere. Don't swallow your pride (no pun intended). You're better than that. 

Edited by zasderfght
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it’s kinda your decision bc he ghosted u the first time, u have the option to do the same and ignore him or just sleep with him knowing nothing will happen afterwards :mandown:

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If it was a good hookup I would do it again. Sucks that he ghosted u but at least now u know what to expect. Hope ur hole gets a nice glazing sis:heart:

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A past hookup who semi-ghosted me a while back saw me on the uni campus and waved at me. I showed him the finger. I felt so powerful. 


You should let it go. 



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You're telling yourself it's just a hook up but you made 2 whole threads about him already. :khaylan2:


I went through something similar. I went for it again and it was great when it was going down but it did make me feel even worse after, which for me was whatever I guess, not like I can take it back anyway, but eh I don't think it's worth it. :'(

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If you ghost me, you can stay as a ghost. You're not going to use me like that, ignore me and then expect me to come when called. :biblio: I have some sort of dignity, not giving people too many chances to play around with me like that.

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7 hours ago, Pendulum said:

A past hookup who semi-ghosted me a while back saw me on the uni campus and waved at me. I showed him the finger. I felt so powerful. 


You should let it go. 



you were so real for this king!


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5 hours ago, lef said:

you were so real for this king!


thank you for your input





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