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​Have you ever said "no" to your boss calling you to replace an absent worker ?


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As a manager I can tell you, I do not hold it against anyone for not being able to.

My employees' lives do not revolve around work nor do I expect them to. Luckily they love the extra hours and money so most of them figure out who's replacing them before even reaching out to me, I also always bring starbucks or a snack for the person covering someone on their off day because I appreciate it.

Once a month I buy them all lunch and I always approve any time off they need. I never understood managers who never make it work everything is do able if proactive. I make schedules 1 month in advance and if something comes up let me know and we make it work. I never had anyone quit on me, I've only let one person go which were beyond my control, and I MAKE SURE the company provides raises often because this economy is not a joke.

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I won’t even answer my phone or text to my bosses if I’m not on the clock. They get ignored

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If there is something planned on the day, I say no and explain the situation.


If there is nothing planned on the day because I requested holidays on all the days I don't have to work for a customer and would not show up in the office between now and the first week of next year. I'm flexible and kick more of my holidays to next year. It's their fault if 2 of 3 weeks of paid leaving is being bumped to next year and I could take 2 month long paid vacation next year or choose to not show up at the office for half a year.


In the past I have used overtime to get another month of compensation days (another form of paid leave) for tour leg chasing adventures.

Edited by katykater
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I’ve never had a job that required shifts, I’ve always been salaried. However, I have said no to managers asking me to do additional work. My last job scheduled me way more than the other associates at my level because I was known amongst higher ups for doing really good work, and I was able to look at the hours and see how much more I was being scheduled than other people with same level, same pay, no bonuses.


I have left this job since but the final couple of months I was being more brazen and calling them out like “you need to schedule this thing you’re asking me to do on top of everything else with someone else, I’m over capacity, bye!”  They didn’t always listen but I tried and I dragged them for it in my exit interview. 

It’s funny because boomers and gen x think younger people are lazier when I think a lot of them just realized they were being played by the system who wanted them to work more for no additional anything! I worked so many hours I shouldn’t have and for what? Nada. 

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i did it regularly before i got promoted. it’s not my obligation to pick up shifts. I have a life outside of work :michael: and as a manager now, I understand why people wouldn’t either.


the only one’s who make my ass itch are the ones who complain about not having hours but when you try to give it to them, they never wanna come in or will come in and keep trying to leave early :toofunny2:

Edited by Cult Leader 𐕣𐕣
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