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How often do you try to do good deeds?


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Regularly. but I just do it because it's the right thing to do vs. doing it for getting something in return, getting recognition, attention. 

Every action has a direct/indirect consequence. 

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This is not really something I think about, I think / hope it comes naturally. I do donate blood about three times a year and I'm about to donate stem cells, so that's quite something, I think :giraffe:

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i guess everyday i try do something “nice” without thinking. i believe in karma and that being good to other people subconsciously allows you to receive blessings/good energy back

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I try Not to do them lately

since a lot of the times, I don't even get a simple gratitude - and I am not talking about something in return

I am talking, people knowing you are a person who would do something nice, so they just use you constantly (especially when u have a hard time saying no/are naive)



Even without that, I feel like I've been getting lots of down moments

and I really don't feel inspired to try to do something good anymore (except some normal stuff, which are literally the bare minimum for a person to do)

Edited by Rev8
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That should be natural, but sadly not in the real world


I do it daily tho

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Whenever faced with an opportunity to be able to do so, if I can or have the time. So, fairly regularly.

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I used to all the time but then people just got meaner and meaner and just expected from me so I do nothing nice anymore. Even get dirty looks.



Think me letting cars in while they trying to drive out during peak hour is my only good deed. 

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The only good deeds I'm doing are for my cat, purrrr

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