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Rightwing extremist views on the rise in Germany


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this is what happens when you fail to crush fascism once and for all when you get the chance


make no mistake, the ruling class has a likening for fascism and when push comes to shove they will not hesitate to make use of it


dark times are coming and things will continue to get worse, even more so because people that CAN still refuse to politically educate themselves

Edited by AMIT
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Germans were never as liberal as Scandinavians, Danes and maybe even Dutch. However, they do have a strict government that shuts down any Nazi organization, even content online.


Germans are more similar to the Brits when it comes to politics. 

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Having a comprehensive welfare system as inflation (corporate price gouging) increases guarantees an uptick in right wing ideologies and extremism. Throw in the recent pandemic and influx of refugees. 

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There's barely anyone alive anymore who remembers the second world war. And it seems as though people have forgotten what happens when you allow fascists to take control. You can point out the similarities between the current rise of the far right in Europe and the rise of Nazi Germany until you're blue in the face but a lot of people still can't see it (or they think you're being dramatic.


Unfortunately, I think it won't be until something very bad happens that people will finally wake up.

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Well when you have unaddressed globalization issues (Germany basically carrying the EU on its back) plus governments that do not prioritize the citizens of their respective countries and then mix in right-wing extremists exploiting that by blaming groups of people for all the problems instead of actual institutions, you get this. You can always count on people turning against each other instead of addressing the real issues. And I know given Germany's history this headline hold more weight, but isn't just a Germany issue either. This is happening all over the West. 



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honestly reunifaction was a failure

a united germany should not have been up for discussion ever after 45

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6 hours ago, Take Me Apart said:

The left has let everyone down across the globe... this is the tragic consequence 

Aren't multiple countries in the Global South thriving and experience a political renaissance thanks to a wave of leftist electoral wins, particularly in Latin America? :celestial5:

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On 9/22/2023 at 6:00 PM, Johnny Jacobs said:

Says you. 

3 different people on this page alone disagree. The German education system from Grade 5 up to 10, countless trips to concentration camps and the loads of anti-nazi movies /media we have to watch disagree. Our politics and the countless statements and apologies Germany offered the world disagree.


Germany is haunted by the Holocaust we do not deny this ever. Your statement was in fact a lie.


EDIT: Oh, I saw your posts in Palestine related threads. Explains everything. 

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36 minutes ago, Daddy said:

3 different people on this page alone disagree. The German education system from Grade 5 up to 10, countless trips to concentration camps and the loads of anti-nazi movies /media we have to watch disagree. Our politics and the countless statements and apologies Germany offered the world disagree.


Germany is haunted by the Holocaust we do not deny this ever. Your statement was in fact a lie.


EDIT: Oh, I saw your posts in Palestine related threads. Explains everything. 

No one said they denied it. Dont put words in my mouth. 


I know first hand the struggles the holocaust survivors faced to get recognition and the compensations they deserved! Decades! Many of them died without seeing a dime!!!! 


Dont you dare tell me what i know or experienced. 

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On 9/22/2023 at 4:16 PM, Johnny Jacobs said:

Quell surprise. 


Germany always tried to brush off their responsibility for their actions. Vile, absolutely vile

Germany deals better with its past and historical responsibility than almost all other nations. 







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It's easy to blame this on the refugee crisis but it's more than just that. There is also a rise of Anti-LGBT sentiments etc. I see so many homophobic comments these days even from people you wouldn't expect. We kinda have our own Maga crowd here in Germany too who also hate the governement and the popular parties. Scary times and I too think something bad is going to happen before people wake up. A party like the AfD shouldn't exist in a country like Germany. It's also clear that west and east Germany are more different than we thought. The majority of their voters are people who live in east Germany and they have a huge voting base there.


I hate Friedrich Merz because the truth is that the CDU is the key here but they too push right wing talking points not realizing that people will always vote for the original. If this continues the AfD could become the strongest party in Germany. I wish I could move to a nordic country.

Edited by Anthinos
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And the labor unions/civic institutions that were vanguards against fascism 100 years are much weaker now. Not impossible for a new, stronger left to emerge but it won’t be a smooth transition



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It’s almost like corporate liberalism is useless against fascism. 


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