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Rightwing extremist views on the rise in Germany


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Findings show 8% of population have extremist attitudes, while 16.5% accused Jewish people of wanting to ‘take advantage’ of Nazi past.


Commissioned by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, which is closely affiliated with the Social Democratic party, the study showed that 8% of the population had a distinctly rightwing extremist view of the world, a rise of between 5% and 6% on previous studies.



The findings also showed that an increase, to 6% of those questioned, advocated social Darwinist views, agreeing with the statement “there are worthy and unworthy lives”, up from 2% to 3% since 2014.


More people than in previous studies – 15.5% – considered themselves to be “right of centre”, while 55% saw themselves as “exactly in the centre”, compared with 60% or above in the previous decade.


More than a third believe that refugees came to Germany only in order to exploit its social welfare system, while 16.5% accused Jewish people of wanting to “take advantage” of the Nazi past.

Source: The Guardian



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While worrying. This is a symptom spreading across the Western World. I partially put the blame on the internet spreading extremist right wing views. It’s also really bad among kids. I fear the generation growing up now are being radicalized. 

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6 minutes ago, Tropez said:

While worrying. This is a symptom spreading across the Western World. I partially put the blame on the internet spreading extremist right wing views. It’s also really bad among kids. I fear the generation growing up now are being radicalized. 

Not just western world it's everywhere 

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The way on the Reddit thread there were a number of people saying “I’m from ______, and I would also say that Jewish people take advantage of the Holocaust” and then tried to justify it like that’s a normal opinion to have



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At this point I'm begging for the aliens to reveal themselves:ryan2: Humans need to be humbled :ahh:"Worthy and unworthy lives," shut the hell up. 

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Jup. The german GP has always been very racist as long as I remember BUT nowadays it's okay to say racist **** out loud and pass it as an opinion. 


One (kinda big) politician had a scandal where his right views from ~30 years ago we're leaked and he's about to have more positive feedback/votes than he had before the scandal.


So it's up to us to be VERY vocal that there is no place for nazis in our society.

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unfortunately rightwing extremism is on the rise everywhere because of rightwing propaganda but this is obviously very worrying 




every single nazi deserves a very painful, drawn out death btw




Edited by ChapelHooker
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Quell surprise. 


Germany always tried to brush off their responsibility for their actions. Vile, absolutely vile

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41 minutes ago, ChapelHooker said:

unfortunately rightwing extremism is on the rise everywhere because of rightwing propaganda but this is obviously very worrying 




every single nazi deserves a very painful, drawn out death btw




and dont forget the issue: men

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18 minutes ago, Johnny Jacobs said:

Quell surprise. 


Germany always tried to brush off their responsibility for their actions. Vile, absolutely vile

Now we are lying, sis. Unlike Japan Germany acknowledged his war crimes in ww2 and has a steady education about it.

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The left has let everyone down across the globe... this is the tragic consequence 

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20 minutes ago, Take Me Apart said:

The left has let everyone down across the globe... this is the tragic consequence 

This is a highly dramatic statement. You're ignoring outside factors that NO political affiliation could prevent from happening (COVID shutdown, inflation, etc...), left or right, due to global crisis. It's moreover the reactionary swing of politics because of these events and the blame of the party in power. 

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1 hour ago, Reginald said:

At this point I'm begging for the aliens to reveal themselves:ryan2: Humans need to be humbled :ahh:"Worthy and unworthy lives," shut the hell up. 



We need something QUICK to shake things up



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59 minutes ago, Johnny Jacobs said:

Germany always tried to brush off their responsibility for their actions. Vile, absolutely vile

This is an absolute LIE. 


OT: I'm so detached from German society that I'm always shocked how awful those radical views can get. I ******* hate Nazis so bad.

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There's a petition going around here to have the AfD controlled by the government to determine whether their rhetoric is anti-constitutional. One state (Bayern), I believe, is already surveilling them.

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1 hour ago, Johnny Jacobs said:

Quell surprise. 


Germany always tried to brush off their responsibility for their actions. Vile, absolutely vile

This is extraordinarily inaccurate.

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6 minutes ago, The7thStranger said:

There's a petition going around here to have the AfD controlled by the government to determine whether their rhetoric is anti-constitutional. One state (Bayern), I believe, is already surveilling them.

its genuinely bewildering that they are still allowed to operate

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Just now, ChapelHooker said:

its genuinely bewildering that they are still allowed to operate

Honestly, German society is so slow to make decisions, which can be to its benefit but also its detriment. With an infrastructure very much in danger (in particular, transportation, immigration, and the medical system) and an absent chancellor, Germany is playing with fire. I wish I had voting rights here beyond Landrat... if the Einbürgerungsgesetz changes as it is "supposed" to, I'll be the first in line to apply for citizenship.

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16 minutes ago, The7thStranger said:

This is extraordinarily inaccurate.

Says you. 

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It’s the result of a well-funded global campaign to spread misinformation through social media. Algorithms, bots, trolls, AI coordinated to promote hate speech, especially to young people. It’s also profitable to be a troll because the small brai hate filled right wingers will donate and muy mercy from the most vile people, especially if they are members of a targeted group but are parroting hate even if it’s against their own communities. 

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1 hour ago, Take Me Apart said:

The left has let everyone down across the globe... this is the tragic consequence 

The way you somehow blaming the left for fascism is... not suprising at all

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33 minutes ago, The7thStranger said:

Honestly, German society is so slow to make decisions, which can be to its benefit but also its detriment. With an infrastructure very much in danger (in particular, transportation, immigration, and the medical system) and an absent chancellor, Germany is playing with fire. I wish I had voting rights here beyond Landrat... if the Einbürgerungsgesetz changes as it is "supposed" to, I'll be the first in line to apply for citizenship.

Thanks for your thoughtful replies. I also hope Germany allows for dual citizenship in the future.

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1 hour ago, Johnny Jacobs said:

Says you. 

Says history.

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