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Is anyone else tired of ironic homophobic jokes from gay people?


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Every day I see gay people on Twitter posting things like "Maybe gays don't deserve rights" or "This is why God hates f******" with a picture of some guys wearing speedos in a beach or something like that:rip:Like can this trend die already...

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It can be funny if someone actually funny takes the punchline and manipulates it beyond the laziness of the examples you cite, but overall yeah it’s corny and played out. 

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I actually think it’s funny in real life, but online, when those tweets in LGBTQ+ friendly online spaces (gay Twitter, stan Twitter, etc) go viral, some people may not get the joke and it comes across as more anti-queer rhetoric. Which we do NOT need more of right now.


Then again, I’m always one to say that liberals (a group of which I am apart) should learn how to take a joke and stop being offended over everything, so I’m being hypocritical. A joke is a joke, period. 

In short, I see both sides of the argument. Not really sure where I stand on it. 

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Yes it’s annoying and dangerous. Whether they realize it or not, they are contributing to the normalization of homophobia and just enable bigots to voice their hatred out loud as well.

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In real life its very fun among gay friends, but the problem is online straight people see it and repeat it unironically, without really understanding the nuances of our humour with each other. How many homophobic 'joke' tweets have gone viral now where half the likes are from straight girls :skull: I agree with what @glitch said about the way straights use twink, for example, almost as a replacement for just saying ***

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More tired of hearing straight people (generally women) parrot these types of jokes or using the word twink derogatorily. Honestly it’s insane how much **** these people think they can get away with.

Edited by Domination
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I don’t mind gay jokes from other gay men like we are all gay. I do side eye gay jokes from str8’s 

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yes, they're f*cking stupid and just set us back and divide us as a community. lame as f*ck.

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The gay community is a mess, so I can't even be mad, I kind of hate all of you too

That said, stop using the app that used to be called Twitter, it's nothing but anger, misery, bitterness, and foolishness


I need social media apps to be phased out, we need something new like MySpace or whatever to reinvent how we use them. Just anything other than endless scrolling through people's shitty thoughts and worthless opinions and unhinged rants about how much they hate this, that or the third


Social media burnout is real, a lot of people are more vocal about how it's not fun anymore and they're turning away from it. 

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21 minutes ago, HeavyMetalAura said:

Then again, I’m always one to say that liberals (a group of which I am apart) should learn how to take a joke and stop being offended over everything, so I’m being hypocritical. A joke is a joke, period. 

A “joke” that is punching down from the majority at the expense of the minority is not funny. You are allowed to be offended by your oppressors taunting you. That is what the OP is speaking about, as most of the rhetoric is co-opted by straight people who quite literally are not involved when you are Kiki-ing with your friends.

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I think social media has become so openly hostile towards gay people that we should resist the temptation to add to it, even if it’s being ironic. 

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The last time I made a homophobic joke on here I got banned for 3 months so I'll keep my mouth shut this time :gaycat1:

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oh brother.


gay people have been persecuted for hundreds of years. let the homos deal with their trauma by reclaiming it with humor. and a lot of gay men are insufferable. we as gay people know this.


41 minutes ago, glitch said:

When it's amongst friends I think it's fun. Like let me and my oomfs call each other ***.


What you've described in the OP is annoying though. I think it's because it's not really a joke, they actually hate the people they're referring to. Also when you make jokes with your friends you know everyone hearing the joke is gay, but on twitter and stuff it's a bit weird when straight people join in and start kii kiing. They're not the intended audience, but you have no way of controlling who else sees, interacts with and repeats the joke elsewhere.


Maybe I'm being irrational but I think there's something a bit homophobic about the way straight people use the word "twink". It's always a bit aggressive, used in a disparaging way and they seem to think it's a synonym for gay. And they picked that up from gay jokes on the internet.

i do agree with this though. the straighties love to jump in on the joke like they can be part of it and i don't condone that.

Edited by yonsé
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I just would've never imagined 10 or 15 years ago the F slur would become a word that is common in the community.

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It really makes me wonder who they're trying to appeal to or impress. Homophobic people will still look at and despise them, while voting against their interests. They don't become the chosen few like they may think. :sadviolin:

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It's funny but the problem is a lot of gays have enabled straight people to be in on the joke :rip: 

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40 minutes ago, ICLDXU4HS said:


I cant believe people found this meme funny lol there's nothing clever about it

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Sometimes, but then there’s some people who absolutely deserve it. Like that gay couple with the Twitter post about getting ****** by a third party, the third party stealing their cell phone, and then their rooftop proposal at the end of the day. 


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Online, yes. It’s generally not a joke like they claim unless directed at a mutual 

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Gay people can be homophobic too, and a lot of these people clearly are, whether it's internalized homophobia or whatever else. And, like everyone else has already said, it becomes an even bigger issue when straight people feel confident enough to participate. 

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46 minutes ago, imabadkid said:

I just would've never imagined 10 or 15 years ago the F slur would become a word that is common in the community.

The Q word is even more common! 

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