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Elon Musk is considering charging everyone to use Twitter/X “to get rid of bots”

Kayseri Mantisi

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Honestly, I hope this happens so it becomes the last straw for the platform. He needs a reality check :biblio: Thoughts? :celestial5:




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I doubt it'll happen but yeah, I actually hope it does so this POS app finally comes crashing down for real. 

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Yes that’s totally why not bc he’s ruined their financials 

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I barely use it nowadays because of the blue ocean of [redacted]. Hope he goes through with this so I can finally say goodbye

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At least I can finally be free.

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Everyone saw this coming. It's still better than most for my news access and aggregating, but it is what is is. Good riddance.

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His reasoning is a bunch of bullshit. The real reason is because this idiotic cuntwad needs to make back the billions he lost after purchasing an already half dead platform for 4x it’s worth. Like a ***** he is. 


It didn’t help that he lost 50% of his ad revenue after purchasing twitter and making it 4ch@n either. That’s why he’s suing everyone, and saying he’s going to “charge” everyone and everything. To replenish what he LOST.


 I hope this muskrat ROTS and continues to decline 



Edited by fijitears
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I mean I only use it when I'm horny. I have a good porn collection on there. But I won't pay a dime for porn.

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I would stop using twitter if this comes into fruition. There’s no advantage to pay and I don’t like Elon to give him extra money. 

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just a simple look at popbase and popcrave's reply section is enough to see that twitter blue only made the bot thing worse :rip:

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