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ATRL's Drag Race S04 | ALL STARS 2018


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5 minutes ago, True Skarlet said:

Ah yes, when I reached out to you to see what was wrong during Episode 4. :'(


You have an iconic phrase though sis, as the girls would say: not everyone has that!

what phrase?

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Episode 12 - The Top Three

Final Critiques



Faye Shull



I’m incredibly proud of you and what you have accomplished. I knew from the beginning that you had something to prove, had passion and drive to take this competition again headfirst. You did just that and showed everyone why you’re amazing, leaving your mark in ADR history. All throughout the season we saw creative and great entries. I’m very happy for you as your friend that you made top three and I’m thankful to have been part of the process of judging you. 


I really like that you made this podcast, it’s another medium and I like that you wanted to tell us how you felt and why you deserved to win. I do think it was a bit too long and some of it was unnecessary. Could have been shortened but I understand you were going without a script. Part of quality entries is learning how to edit yourself and this could have benefited from it.


Your looks slayed me. The fungus and the prom king/queen in particular made me gag. So good. I think you could have gone without the hair one, it’s not awful just a bit much. The red piece is nice, maybe too dramatic and long but it works. The punk one is Adore Delano done right. And the wife one has an ugly dress that reminds me of Evita’s condom dress. Just looks like cheap material and the color is weird, however the makeup saves it because it’s so good.


Loved the little story you had for your lip-sync. I think you captured everyone so well and gave them all an even distribution to standout. They we’re all unique and seemed like characters from a real narrative. It was cute. I was amazed at your raps, they were fire. Loved the first one, thought the rest were weaker but still good nonetheless. 


Your final look is really cool. I like how it has all this symbolism for you and represents your journey. It also deserves praise for being done by hand, and the background is so nice. Very good job. Fashion wise, it’s not killer for me. I dislike the color palette on the dress and I think that there’s too much going on. I love your inspiration for it, and wish you could have adapted more to the culture and made it more luxurious and hindi god like. They are known for their over saturation, but I don’t feel like it has the essence. Just the 4 arms and the items they hold. It just looks too anime for my taste. By that I mean that the outfit looks like something an anime character would wear, not that the art style is wrong. 




Defend yourself in your podcast, queen! Thank you for this final entry, Faye. I think it represents the best of what you’ve brought this season. Your podcast was heartfelt, your lip sync was funny and your looks were great (burn most of the shoes, though). You’ve been so dedicated this entire season, and you’ve always tried your best even when you weren’t feeling it, which is always admirable.


I identify a lot with your journey. Doing two seasons is rough, and you had a target on your back from the first day. I think my favorite entry of yours was your dating video. It was clever and unique and you. And let’s not forget your PokéBall, whew. You came back to prove yourself, and I think it’s safe to say you exceeded everyone’s expectations for you. You’ve shown your creativity over and over, and you stuck it out when the going got rough. I know ADR is overwhelming, but you pushed yourself and, most importantly, you were happy with what you sent in. And I think you’re right; you don’t need a character to stand out. Congratulations, Faye, and thank you for all of your work this season.




As I said in the answer to your tic tac questions, I've always been a fan of yours, so seeing that you actually lived up to your potential and did so well was so wonderfully satisfying. You never really let the particulars about judging get to you, even if, at least to me, it seemed others weren't as appreciative of your efforts as they were of whatever the flavor of the week is (Not that FOTW changed regularly since it was always one person), but you were always consistently dedicated to creating a work of art with your entries, whether it be something hilarious or something beautiful; every entry of yours is a divine contribution to this forum and this game. Even when you reached boiling points of frustration or depressive episodes, you didn't modify yourself to fit an agenda so much as you channeled the resources that are your personal feelings into creating a charged entry regardless of how it may be perceived by the panel, and those entries also perhaps seemed to be your best ones. Hearing you be rather personal in your final lip sync, with the podcast, was an odd delight, because you're a naturally funny person and yet it was subdued to have a conversational and realistic demonstration of your thoughts on the matter that's consumed everyone's lives for months; a rather mature choice. And yet, you still included everything that anyone could want in this entry, including the fashion exposition (All solid TOOTS, by the way; your Best Drag was also bizarrely unique and yet confusing in that I wouldn't have expected this to be something I associate with Faye, yet it's still an ethereal display of beauty that truly does back up what you said that you want Faye to be able to do everything) and, of course, your hilarious short story. You've done nothing but deliver this season and it's only right that you landed yourself in this position.




Hi, baby. I didn't see you being in the Top 3 when casting was finished. Not because I didn't see you doing well, but because it's so difficult to do well in a game two seasons in a row. Boy, have I never been happier to be proven wrong. You came into this game with a completely different mindset than you did last season, and it certainly showed. From your slayage as Whitney Houston to your fashion forward blueberry milkshake beach ball, I've been excited to see what you do each and every week. Your Dating Game entry is, without a doubt, one of the absolute greatest challenge submissions that this game has ever seen. You took your rough patch and turned it into two back to back wins in the hardest section of the tournament, even suffering through a makeover pairing with the most awful member of the panel. I knew you long before this game, but the Faye I see today is not the same person I knew three or four years ago. You are confident, you are polished, and you approached every aspect of this game with unabashed creativity, drive, and passion. I know I've been harder on you than some of the other judges, but I hope you don't let that make you think I don't love you. As I mentioned earlier, you're not a specialist. You may not have a PhD in one field, but damn if you ain't got a Master's degree in every ****ing subject. Your talent and originality has shown through even your darker days, and today, the sun is shining, honey. Condragulations, Faye. Good luck!


Gladys Lux Maure



Gladys who would have thought in the beginning that you would make it this far. You were overlooked by your competitors and by the public this game had in the early stages. But I saw something in you in that application, that made me fall in love and just rooted for you to come through. And you did. It makes me so happy that you were acknowledged and that you blossomed. In the end you clocked the game and showed everyone why you deserved to be in the top 3. Very well done and I congratulate you for your hard work and always being optimistic. You are kindhearted and there’s just a light about you.


I enjoyed reading your write up. Once again since the beginning you showed your dominance with words. It’s a medium you’re strong at. I loved the vulnerability and it was quite beautiful. Your lip sync outfit was very cute, it made me smile. It’s very Beyoncé but with your twist. The ginger wig made me cackle but in a good way. The performance was very well written again, and I think you had great songs and transitions. You embodied what you wanted well and it was fun. 


I think your best drag is that, your best drag in this whole competition. I would have loved to seen more stuff like this from you, so creative and it exploits the drawing medium to a maximum. So proud of what you did tonight and the finale you gave this was so warm it made me smile. Thank you for being part of this competition, you’re a star baby never doubt it.




This entry was really sweet to read. You can tell every word came from the heart, and I admire how far you’ve come. All three of you have earned your spot here, but I think you’ve had the most dramatic evolution. You had our attention with your audition, and you built and built on that as you went along. Your style, drawing and drag all developed to what we see here. Burn the house down, queen.


My favorite entries of yours were your PokéBall and product entries. The product entry was such a slay and I think it’s where you really came into yourself as Gladys. And I think your PokéBall was the culmination of your journey here—colorful, creative, and you. You always kept a positive attitude, and you’ve shown us time and time again why you deserve to be here. I’ll miss reading your entries every week, sis. Congratulations, Gladys, and thank you for all of your work this season.




You were the biggest surprise of this entire season. I admit I was one who also wrote you off at times, not because I thought you were inferior or lacked talents or capabilities, so much as others seemed to grab attention (and the competition) with a feral ferocity that screamed at us to look at them (or got very passive-aggressive when we didn't), but you were never that. You were never so obnoxiously OTT that we couldn't help but stare at you, and yet, you still were consitently pushing out routinely well-developed and curated entries. While many were focused on what they thought they knew were going to happen, it seemed that the top 3 had been decided weeks before we had even got there (even if one member was too turbulent to be consistent; another was constantly overlooked; and the third was bound to implode), you didn't let being written off stop you from being adorably dedicated, and thus, you perservered. In retrospect, I don't think anything could've, should've, or would've happened that would result in you NOT being top 3, so I very much think you deserve to be here. You turned it out when you needed to, showing a great blend of unique characterization and design with an actual tangible talent. Speaking fo your drawing, I'm furious that you wore Aja's Princess Disastuh Part 2 for your best drag, but it's actually done a lot better than literally anything she's worn. I'm also very appreciative that you didn't draw those horrible Michelin man slippers for shoes this week, which shows your ear for direction; I appreciate that very much. Your entries have always been strikingly personal, adding a very-much-needed human touch to them, and you continued that with this final example of your talents and creative direction as a queen. You were a joy to have on this season, and I'm very much pleased to have had you here.




Gladys, I hope you know how much we love you. I am so, so impressed with what you have done in this game. People often don't understand how difficult it is to be given negative or middling critiques for several weeks in a row. It's demoralizing, it feels delegitimizing, and it makes you feel as if your presence isn't noted. But you took those critiques, that lack of attention, and you turned it into FIRE and PASSION. What you were able to do after being told, point blank "You won the lip sync, but the judges think the other girl is better" is nothing short of astounding. Once upon a time, everyone on that panel would have placed you out between 14 to 7, at best, but you told us to shove it and you ****ing slayed. And you didn't do it by being a bitch, going after anyone, or whatever. You did it by baring your soul and giving us strong, intimate entries that highlighted your best qualities and greatest personal talents. From your gorgeous drawings (your PokeBall looks is in my top 10 entries of all time list) to your impassioned, articulate, and emotional writing, you have proven to me and everyone else watching that YOU are a superstar and there is no doubt in my mind that you deserve to be where you are today. Thank you for pushing through, Gladys, and thank you for showing us who you are. Condragulations, Gladys. Good luck!


Lola Cabezas



Lola I think you had a great run on the show despite what anyone might think. I think you know that now though, and I’m glad you found yourself again, you should be proud of yourself. You went into the competition with a lot of unrealistic expectations. Just like anyone playing the game, you had your down moments but still brought something great to the table time after time. You made exceptional entries and you shouldn’t let anyone tell you otherwise. There were several times where wins could have gone to you that you didn’t get. I’m really proud of you as a friend and I think you showed us how versatile you are. Trying to keep things fresh every week, pulling talents you didn’t think you had. Passionate, driven and tenacious. The disney princess :hug:


Loved the magazine medium and how you made it into an interview. You really made this doll thing your trademark. I remember commenting on the fact that i didn’t feel like it represented you when you brought it to the table, but now it’s a part of your character. It was a fun read.


I absolutely adored the Hey Qween segment. So creative with what you wanted to show in this final entry. Its fun, you and something new. Love the doll jpgs. A slay.


Your lip sync made me gag. I ****ing love it. I was shouting while watching it. Not many entries on this game have made me laugh the way I did with it. So dramatic, very novela. 


Your look is so regal and I do think this is your best drag to be honest. It’s on brand, classy and elegant. Serve a bit Peruvian Queen. I don’t see this as lack of effort because you can’t really add much to the gown but what you did with the hair and the crown-like headpiece.




This entry is adorable. I don’t know HOW you’ve done it with these doll entries all season, but I’ve been thoroughly impressed each time. I know you’ve had it rough with your run this season, but I’ve always appreciated what you brought each week. It takes a lot of grit to persevere when things are looking down, and you always did, queen. This entry gives me dolls, Disney and Lola, and it's a great send-off for you.


My favorite entries of yours were your products and, no shade, your lip syncs. Your products hit every right note about Lola, and your autobiography was one of my favorite moments this season. And all of your lip syncs—every single one—have been stellar. That Sweet Coffee lip sync is a series highlight of ADR, whew. You’ve really had to fight for your spot in the top three, and you’ve more than earned it. You’ve shown tenacity, fun and wit, and I’m glad you made it here. Congratulations, Lola, and thank you for all of your work this season.




Girl, if this wasn't a roller coaster for YOU, I don't know who it would've been for. The ****ing BTM2-HIGH-BTM2-HIGH-BTM2 run has me SCREAMING. MoonChild at the end of S1 teas. But you never imploded! You never gave up! You never stopped! And that's the **** I'm here for! No matter how grim things got, you did the healthy thing (bitching on Skype for hours and then narrowly avoiding cutting yourself) then just went back to work. I admit that I'm mildly disappointed that you weren't able to channel the same energy that you put into your lip syncs (which all were top 10 presentations of the entire season; your final entry this week was a hilarious conglomeration of various skills and the way you take absolute nothing and turn it into an engaging experience) into your weekly entries, but I recognize the pressure put on those and your thought-process. Either way, you perservered, and continued to show us why you deserve renown. Unlike others, you've always had a very defined sense of who Lola Cabezas is; while the what she can and can't do haven't always been excellently displayed (I'd say fashion is perhaps the biggest truggle, but then again, you put Chel from the Road to El Dorado to SHAME with this gorgeous outfit tonight), it's been an enjoyable ride to have with you. You also had the biggest pressure on you, having been a judge previously now expected to demolish the competition, and while others may say you didn't live up to it, I still think you were a force to be reckoned with and showed that you have all the **** that it takes to kill this competition. Your position as a judge won't be questioned; you're still tasteful, you're still fantastic, you're still amazing. You were the one to beat this competition, and even with rocky spots, no one would ever forget that about you. You being here in the final three was a foregone conclusion, and a very much deserved one.




It broke my heart each time you were Bottom Two and wanted to leave. Your passion and excitement for this game and this life has always inspired me (hence why you're one of the original people I asked to embark on this journey with me), and it killed me to see that fire dim when you weren't getting the best feedback. If there's one thing I know about you, though, it's that you don't give up. Whether it's in a stupid online forum game or punching someone because you're gay, you are a fighter. Getting to know you all those years ago and feeling like I've grown up alongside you has been a privilege and an honor, and I consider you a wonderful friend. Seeing you take the fun, bubbly, and hilarious Jer and transfer that into Lola Cabezas was such an enthralling experience for me as a judge, but, more importantly, as your friend. I'm so glad that you showed everyone why you were one of the OG judges and opinions on what makes a superstar - because you are and have always been one. Condragulations, Lola. Good Luck!

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The top 3 should've been Faye, Gladys & Colleen. Faye deserves to win, but I'm still #TeamGladys. 

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1 minute ago, Stan said:

The top 3 should've been Faye, Gladys & Colleen. Faye deserves to win, but I'm still #TeamGladys. 

Seeing the challenges that happened after I left, I don't think I would have been able to keep on top of everything lol but thank you xx

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The judges can go **** themselves because my make up is pretty on point today and I teared up reading all the kind words you all had to say about me and my time in this competition thank you so much. 



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Thanks to all the judges for their words. I really, REALLY, appreciate it. :heart2::jonny4::heart2:


Although I have one nitpick this line @Aciid said:

"Part of quality entries is learning how to edit yourself and this could have benefited from it."

I did the podcast unscripted because a podcast isn't scripted. So this criticism doesn't feel applicable. Everything I said I wanted to say so I would never cut any of it as well.




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Episode 12 - The Top Three

Third Place


Lola Cabezas, Faye Shull, and Gladys Lux Maure. You girls have done nothing short of amazing this season, and we've loved every second of your journeys. However, one of your journeys will be ending now.








In third place....




















































The second runner-up of ATRL's Drag Race Season 04...



























































Gladys Lux Maure


Final Score: 49


I know you're disappointed, but all I can feel towards you is pride at how much you have put into and gotten out of this game. Your final entry really illustrated the emotional evolution that you have had over the course of this tournament, and I consider it a privilege that we were able to get to know you. Your drawings are tight, but your talent and personality as an individual is even tighter. Watch out All Stars, Gladys on the scene. Fans line up around the block to enter her vajeen.


Now, Gladys Lux Mauretrus,








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I'm Team Lola, because I have her on my drag fantasy draft thing.

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@Rhisiart I know you're at work rn but I know damn well you'll read every post when you get back. Bitch, you slayed this season. Your ***** was on fire in the second half of this competition and it's been amazing to watch. Never EVER look back at this body of work you have made and feel shame, because all I see is something that emanates passion. So be proud girl. BE PROUD. :chick3:

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@Rhisiart you really had the most growth this SZN :clap3: you should be proud 

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@Rhisiart , what a queen you are and what a ****ing surprise you gave everyone by making it all the way to the top 3, congratulations, I admire you and your work. You are incredibly talented and blew me the **** away with everything you've done this season. You should be more then proud of yourself, because I know I sure am proud of you for making it this far. 



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Episode 12 - The Top Three

A New Superstar


Lola Cabezas. Faye Shull. You girls have clawed your way to the pinnacle of the most difficult season yet, and you've done it with an undeniable style. Only one of you, though, can be the winner.











In first place....








































































Winning a lifetime supply of @CHANEL™ branded essays on Scream Queens.....



















































































































A three month subscription to @Aciid Rosebud Magazine....





































































































































And a road trip to Gatlinburg, Tennessee with Citrus in his 1997 Pontiac......































































































































The winner of ATRL's Drag Race Season 04, ATRL's Next Drag Superstar....













































































































































Faye Shull


Final Score: 83


There are a thousand things that could be said right now, but the only one needed is this: You have won a million hearts, mine included, on your path to becoming ATRL's Next Drag Superstar. I've loved every moment you spent with us here, and I couldn't be happier for you to carry on ADR's tradition of excellence - I know you will wear the crown well. 


Now, prance, my queen!









Lola Cabezas


Final Score: 51


Lola, baby, I am so glad that you decided to play and keep playing when times got rough. As you heightened your already well defined drag aesthetic, we got to witness the rise and blooming of one of ADR's greatest queens. Everybody who watched this season knows that you deserved to be here, and you never once disappointed me, baby. I love you, girl. Congratulations on a stellar run, Lola.






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