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ATRL's Drag Race S04 | ALL STARS 2018


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Episode 12 - Top 3

Lunch with Lola Cabezas (@DripDrip)



Well, hi, there Lola! Come take a seat and let's chat. 


Chanel (when she's speaking it's bold you illiterates)

You perhaps came with the greatest hype of the season. Do you think this hype comes from being a previous judge, or is there something else in your history that we may be missing? Do you feel there was an added pressure to you in this?


A lot of my pre-season hype came from me doing random entries during one round on S2 (Good Morning ATRL) and then another on S3 (CiTRU Hollywood Mysterious) and well, they were good entries so there was this built up anticipation of “well what can she do on a full season?” I’ve been teasing myself wanting to join for awhile. Being also the last judge yet to compete (who hasn’t quit) also added a ton of “well does she really deserve to judge? She needs to prove herself.” comments of doubt on me. 


Honestly, being hyped up is probably the biggest hindrance a contestant can receive. If I could go back, honestly I wouldn’t have done those two teaser entries and just kept to myself. 


There was a tremendous amount of pressure on me. It felt like all eyes were on me waiting to see what I would do. And honestly, it kind of sucked because I had to go through each challenge feeling like I was being inspected under a microscope and any slight hair out of place on my entries, I’d get overly critiqued for it. At times it felt like no matter how well my presentation was or how polished the overall entry was, any slight thing wrong with it felt like it’d get blown up. 


Not to mention all season if there was this big “we want to root for the underdog!!” mantra going on between the viewers and judges, that at times it felt like I was doing something wrong by just being THAT contestant with the   Bob TDQ type of hype. 


So, it caused me to get into my head a lot and over think things, second guess myself and just not listen to my instinct. I heard a couple times during the season “Well when you did your Citru Hollywood Stories thing it was so good blah blah blah”…..it was like I was being held to that standard. Which didn’t feel fair because you’re comparing an entry I did without the fear of doing bad or the hope of doing well to something that has a determining factor in this game. It really tugged at my emotions a lot during the season. 


There's still this layer of doubt in the back of my head asking "did I live up to my hype" or did I just fool everyone into thinking I'd do great. It added a big negative towards my time playing this game. 


Your overall performance seemed to serve Scarlett LaPierre roller coaster teas. What happened? Do you think your turbulence is perhaps a strength, showing both vulnerability and fierce competitive skills at the same time (not to mention your gag-worthy lip syncs)?


I use to loom over those BTM 2 placements and just feel so defeated because it was just proof that all my fears were coming true, that I was letting everyone down, that the added pressure of being a hyped contestant, then I’m in the BTM not once but THREE times. It’s not really the best mood booster.  


However; now I honestly couldn't care. I remember hoping I could make it to the finale without lip syncing but that majorly failed. Honestly, being in the BTM 2, three times probably gave me a more interesting run then I would have had if I was always slaying or doing well. I feel like it added a layer of depth to my time in the competition and it allowed me to be vulnerable and it allowed me to show case where I shine the best, which is my creativity. I was given a platform to show off the only talent I know no one can come above me in and that's my insane creativity I have. 


Doing the lip syncs just gave me an open canvas where I was able to show what I can do and I think it made my journey to the finale much more interesting to watch. If you want to know what makes a winner, then it's not just how well you did score wise, it's the perseverance someone has to keep going despite all obstacles being against them. So this roller coaster of a run allowed me to realize that and it gave me some personal growth. 


I came into this competition thinking it was going to be a quick sail getting to the finale but I was quickly - greatly humbled. I was bested by the contestants so many times. They shined so much more above me in certain challenges, where I failed. It made me think a lot about my own placement in the competition and what I was doing. It made me realize that I just can’t give up no matter what. I made it this far for a reason and even if everything is still against me, I’m proud of my entire run. My WIN’s, my HIGH’s and my BTM 2’s. All of it made Lola. So **** anyone who tries to use it against me. I was in the bottom that many times and I’m still third overall in the competition? How ****ing impressive honestly. That’s something only I can do. 


So, Lola, any questions for me?


Be honest, did I meet the expectations you had for me pre-season?


What more could I have done in certain challenges, mainly the product and snatch game challenges that maybe could have gotten me a WIN for those challenges? 


Since you were gone for most of the game, I want to know what your thoughts were on my WIN’s, LOW’s and HIGH’s? 



Citrus: (When it's bold I'm speaking, you illiterates)


You said multiple times that you didn't deserve some (or all?) of your Bottom Two placements. Which weeks do you think those were, and who should have been Bottom Two in your place?


The Holigays one for sure, like my look wasn't the strongest of the bunch but my card was still well done, especially on the theme of Fourth Of July. I mean I know now why I lip synced and it's been discussed already and exposed so I'm not gonna indulge into further detail. 


Now, for the make over I get that if I was the lowest rated that week then I should be in the bottom. I personally just feel like my entry was picked apart so much. I understand the issues with the performance of my entry being offensive but honestly, deal with it, it's ****ing drag. Don't let Sasha take that away from us. The judges paired me up with a drag queen named Tangerine who is half black. They had no problem allowing Subomie  to portray that fantasy all Season Three. Perhaps the fried chicken and Africa joke was a bit grating and cheap to use but I don't think the rest of the entry should have been punished because of the few mistakes in the comedy. Performance aside, I had done the best make over out of all the girls, because I'm the only contestant that's ever been told "these looks are very Lola" because I created an aesthetic that was easily seen in the looks, the presentation was on point, the looks served a theme while being different, it was a well done make over. Punish me for the offensive humor in the performance, sure but I don't think I deserved to lip sync for using the opportunity to push buttons and stereotypes, especially when I aced the main part of the challenge. Did Tangerine/Negrita not become my family? At least I had a style the judges could identify with, unlike a reach of an explanation some other contestants used. It's not my fault one judge succumbed to ha own vanity and loved an entry because they were made over into a more extreme version of themselves already. Like that in itself was a complete mess. I should have honestly just been LOW for the messy performance but lip syncing? Nope. 


Also what a dumb comment to say "the dresses are palette swaps of each other" when there was a literal palette swapped look in another entry. The nitpicking on my whole entry felt kind of unnecessary. That’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it. 


Poke Ball was an obvious bottom two. I saw that one coming a mile away.  


This season, you particularly struggled with fashion, be it the Holigay episode or the recent PokeBall. Is the look not that important in California, as Honey said? As a drag queen, what are the most important aspects of your character to you? What is the essence of Lola?


California, the land of marijuana and mermaids. Apparently also the land of bad fashion now! 


It's not that I don't want my looks to be important it's just that, my talents don't rely on me pulling out stunning pieces together or working the runway. That's just not who Lola is. From the start I said Lola is a girl who sells you a fairytale story with her performances and I think I've accomplished that. I don't think my looks were exactly THAT bad either. I had my moments. It was refreshing hearing the judges comment on how I had a lot of "very Lola looks" , and to me that means that I did a good job in creating an aesthetic and fully realized drag character who has her own brand. That's what sells the tickets honey! 


Honestly, the best example is the Holigay's challenge where the look was the last thing on my mind ( I honestly didn’t realize it was a fashion challenge) and I went straight into thinking how I could make the card interesting and how can I twist it to make it more exciting. I'd rather impress someone with my creativity and ability to execute the challenges into something different and unique and not rely on a stunning look to keep me around. I'm not saying either is better then the other, but my mind doesn't work in that way. I think if you don't have the Charisma , the uniqueness, or the nerve, then yeah you can use your great ability to pull out stunning pieces together to get by. 


Jinkx Monsoon had sold out show after sold out show, while Violet Chochoo failed to even get her tour off the ground due to lack of interest. Now let me ask you, which drag queen was known for not having great looks on the runway? 


So, I guess honestly for Lola, her look isn’t always the first thing on her mind nor do I think that’s what is needed to make a great drag queen. I think if you have so many other things to rely on, then your look doesn’t need to be the main focus of everything you are. 


Okay Lola, please stop sucking your finger. Any questions for me?


Be honest, did I meet the expectations you had for me pre-season?


Obviously expectations were sky high because of your past experience and the entries you turned out just for fun in prior seasons. I expected you to be Top 3, so, in that regard, you met my expectations. I didn't see all of the lip syncs coming, but, honestly, I enjoyed them because some of this game's best entries came in your lip syncs, and it was so enjoyable to see the talent you could spin out of only a 24 hour time period.


What more could I have done in certain challenges, mainly the product and snatch game challenges that maybe could have gotten me a WIN for those challenges? 


Snatch game I think resulted from a poorer character choice. Noah's ASMR was also pretty niche, but ASMR itself is known. You pigeonholed yourself by only giving yourself one video to reference and pull from, which made it hard for judges who didn't know it to relate. The product challenge was honestly a great time for you, and I think the only thing I could see improved would be something more out of left field. Noah and Gladys both had some products that were relatively unexpected but still fit, and perhaps that element of surprise helped them.


Was there ever a moment where you had doubts that I would make it this far? 


There were definitely moments where I thought you would be eliminated, but it was never because I didn't think you were good enough. Each time I wondered if you'd make it to the end, it was because I wasn't sure you wanted to, or whether or not you could push through your disappointment in yourself. That's why I always waited a full 24 hours for your lip syncs (even if you said you wanted to quit), because I was hoping you'd pull through. And every single time, you did.  


Is there anything I could have improved on, through out my entire run, that could have possibly changed my overall performance? 


Really, just having a better look for Holigays (and the card wasn't that well received, either) and perhaps some more wildness. What i mean by that is, your lip syncs are undeniably the best of anyone who has ever competed. Yet, it seems like you had trouble carrying that passion and creative spark over into your entries. Maybe it's because you had a set theme and you work best without limits, but channeling the energy and wild originality of your lip syncs would be my only recommendation. 



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Gladys serving, in Russia contestant ask you tic tac questions 



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12 minutes ago, Citrus said:

next up are final critiques, then third place announcement

who's in the running for 3rd



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1 minute ago, lightstheyblindme said:

who's in the running for 3rd



In a shock twist, its Faye



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Ready for the finaleeeee



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2 minutes ago, True Skarlet said:

We're all eliminated and Mystique gets brought back to win.



Citrus is like "Noah Fence...................................................can you please bring me my enema" 

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We look good here @True Skarlet and @Rhisiart , whatever happens it has been a great competition and I'm glad we all made it here this far and got to know each other so much better. 

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Sad that this is coming to an end. Y'all all deserve to win in my eyes <3


good luck season 4 sisters!

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Sad that this is coming to an end. Y'all all deserve to win in my eyes <3


good luck season 4 sisters!

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Just now, DripDrip said:



We look good here @True Skarlet and @Rhisiart , whatever happens it has been a great competition and I'm glad we all made it here this far and got to know each other so much better. 

I've loved competing with you girls so much. We're sisters forever. :'(


Gladys as Courtney is praise yet shade at the same time though. Her MAN arms in that pic.



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2 minutes ago, Kylie Jenner said:

Sad that this is coming to an end. Y'all all deserve to win in my eyes <3


good luck season 4 sisters!

I'm ready for you on All Stars bitch. Thanks for the support and love.



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2 minutes ago, True Skarlet said:

I've loved competing with you girls so much. We're sisters forever. :'(


Gladys as Courtney is praise yet shade at the same time though. Her MAN arms in that pic.



@Buddy! as Darienne Lake in the background looking us down

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39 minutes ago, Citrus said:

In comparison to the past 3 seasons, what are your honest opinions of this Top 3 overall?


Hands down the best Top 3, 4, 5, etc. Not a contest. If any of you had competed in prior seasons, I've no doubt you'd each be Top 3 again.

Yes, you better drag Chanel's terrible judging. :foxaylove2: 

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1 minute ago, Whis said:






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1 minute ago, Whis said:

I remember @True Skarlet as one of the only nice queens this season. She should win.

Ah yes, when I reached out to you to see what was wrong during Episode 4. :'(


You have an iconic phrase though sis, as the girls would say: not everyone has that!

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1 minute ago, DripDrip said:


Hate you 

hope you lose

you were the one bitch who was the leader of the sabotaging mission against me.

Absolutely disgraceful and you should have been disqualified.


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2 minutes ago, Whis said:

Hate you 

hope you lose

you were the one bitch who was the leader of the sabotaging mission against me.

Absolutely disgraceful and you should have been disqualified.



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